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Georgian Democracy Needs The EU's Help

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  • Georgian Democracy Needs The EU's Help

    David Usupashvili

    With President Mikheil Saakashvili's commitment to democracy
    increasingly in question, the EU must act.

    In less than six months, parliamentary elections will be held in
    Georgia. As well as being a political test for the parties involved,
    these polls represent an important test of the democratic credentials
    of the government of President Mikheil Saakashvili and the impact of
    the EU's calls for political pluralism.

    On 15 May, the European Commission will present its action plan for
    Georgia. We expect a strong signal that the EU is closely monitoring
    Georgia's young democracy and will follow through on the call made in
    February by EU foreign ministers for a genuine multi-party system. But
    the signs are not good. The Georgian government has ignored repeated
    recommendations from the Council of Europe and other international
    organisations to improve the state of democracy.

    In December 2011, the government introduced legislation on
    political-party funding that places huge burdens on opposition parties
    and civil society. The UN special rapporteur on freedom of assembly
    said that these provisions "appear to largely violate international
    human-rights law". Hundreds of opposition activists were interrogated
    in March, a systematic and blatant process of intimidation condemned
    by the country's ombudsman.

    After the EU and Western governments also called for "free and fair
    elections", government-led interrogations stopped, but only briefly:
    as the spotlight has moved away, the interrogations have resumed.

    Opposition supporters and their families are being dismissed from
    government jobs. The 'teacher of the year' was fired - for supporting
    the opposition - a few days after gaining her award.

    Most of the broadcast media remains under government control. There
    are worrying reports of volunteer militias being recruited to defend
    Georgia against undefined "enemies of the country".

    Last October, Bidzina Ivanishvili, who leads Georgian Dream,
    a coalition that includes the Republican Party, was stripped of
    his citizenship by presidential decree days after he announced his
    political aspirations. His efforts to regain his citizenship have
    been thwarted by spurious government rulings.

    My party was part of the coalition that brought Saakashvili to power
    in 2003, but the hope of the Rose Revolution soon faded. We left the
    ruling coalition in early 2004, when it became clear that he wished
    to concentrate power in his own hands, to impose total political
    control over the judiciary, media and business. After cracking down
    brutally on the opposition in 2007, this authoritarian and unbalanced
    ruler made a disastrous mistake for the country in 2008, when he led
    Georgia into war with Russia.

    As he nears the end of his final term as president, he has pushed
    through constitutional amendments to transfer power from the president
    to the next prime minister, who will take office after the presidential
    elections in October 2013. It is not impossible that he will emulate
    Russia's Vladimir Putin and choose himself for that role.

    The Georgian Dream coalition offers a different approach. We want a
    country that keeps the government accountable and not a "strong ruler"
    who makes arbitrary decisions. We would engage seriously in EU-led
    negotiations on the future of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, reflecting
    our desire to join NATO and the EU and to normalise relations with
    Russia. But we are not asking the EU or any other outsiders for
    favouritism - only fairness.

    The EU must strengthen its calls for free and fair elections, and
    demand that the government adhere to its commitments and international
    obligations. The EU initiated a media monitoring programme in late
    April, but there needs now to be urgent international attention paid
    to the entire electoral process. Voter lists are a particular concern.

    To reduce the potential for manipulation, all the major opposition
    political parties last year requested biometric voter registration.

    The government refused the request. Allowing pre-registration of
    voters before the election - as many countries do - would prevent
    fraud. The government is, though, still refusing this option.

    The EU must help deter further attempts at manipulation and
    intimidation. By speaking loudly and clearly now, the EU would show
    Saakashvili that it will judge the sincerity of Georgia's European
    aspirations not by his rhetoric, but by his ability to deliver European
    standards of political behaviour.

    David Usupashvili is the chairman of the Republican Party of Georgia,
    one of the members of the Georgian Dream coalition.

    2012 European Voice. All rights reserved.
