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Azerbaijan And Israel Work Against Iran

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  • Azerbaijan And Israel Work Against Iran


    May 10 2012

    Mass media continues to debate on the topic of the rapprochement of
    Israel and Azerbaijan. The scandalous publication in the US-based
    Foreign Policy about the alleged transfer of an Azeri military
    airfield to the disposal of the Israeli military has caused quite a
    controversy. In late April, officials of the two states were quick
    to refute the rumors about the possible use of the country for an
    attack on Iran.

    Baku denied the transfer of the abandoned military base to third
    countries. Tel Aviv flatly denied the rumors as well. Israeli Foreign
    Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that the rumors about the use of IDF
    airbase "Sitalchay" are spread by people with rich imagination. "The
    press publishes a lot of speculation," quoted the Foreign

    Nonetheless, Lieberman immediately after the completion of his April
    visit to Baku acknowledged that the "Iranian issue" was discussed at a
    meeting with President Ilham Aliyev. The Minister did not disclose the
    details of the talks. This "diplomatic game" is beneficial for both
    Israel and Azerbaijan. Both parties prefer not to disclose to their
    likely opponents the details of the mutually beneficial cooperation
    (including the military sphere). Many Israeli experts talk openly
    about the importance of a strategic partnership with Azerbaijan.

    However, Baku continues to count on the understanding and support from
    Tel Aviv in resolving regional disputes. The Armenian-Azeri conflict
    over Nagorno-Karabakh is far from final resolution. Statements by
    Israeli officials to support the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
    suggest that Tel Aviv shares the position of Baku on the Karabakh

    Of great interest to the Azeri armed forces is Israeli military
    equipment. In conditions of rapid economic growth, the rearmament
    of the country that gained independence only two decades ago has
    been given more attention. Having exhausted the possibilities of the
    European arms markets, Azerbaijan appealed to Israel.

    The scale of military-technical cooperation between Tel Aviv and Baku
    was revealed in secret documents published on the website Wikileaks.

    "Thanks to close ties with Israel, Azerbaijan has access to a new
    level of arms for the development of their own army. This equipment
    cannot be obtained either from the U.S. or Europe due to various legal
    restrictions, or from the ex-Soviet suppliers from Belarus and Ukraine.

    Where the rest of the West is afraid to sell the land combat systems
    to Azerbaijan out of fear to cause a fresh outbreak of the war for the
    possession of the lands of Nagorno-Karabakh, Israel is free to contract
    for a substantial supply of arms and benefit from a rich client.

    In September of 2008, Azerbaijan has quietly signed with the Israeli
    Ministry of Defense a large agreement that allows local companies to
    supply three mortars, ammunition, rocket launchers and communications
    equipment. The company "Soltam" was awarded a contract for the supply
    of mortars and ammunition, "Tadiran Communications" will provide
    communication devices, and the "Israeli Military Industries" will
    provide the rockets.

    It offers a wide range of rocket artillery, methods of upgrading
    the old Soviet 122-mm systems "Grad" (BM-21), guidance systems for
    122-300-millimeter rockets and launch vehicles for the 300-millimeter
    rockets, analytical agency "Novosti Armenia" reported. Even then,
    military contracts have been signed for hundreds of millions of
    dollars. In 2011, local media reported the beginning of production
    of Israeli drones on the territory of Azerbaijan.

    New data on arms transfers from Israel have been recently published
    in several media outlets. In February of 2012 Azerbaijan has agreed
    to pay the state company "Israel Aerospace Industries" $1.6 billion
    for a wide range of military products, including unmanned aircraft and
    antiaircraft and antimissile defense system - according to the portal
    "The Armenian News" referring to the Northwest Arkansas Times.

    However, the head of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Avigor
    Lieberman during his visit to Baku in late April said that the
    information about the development of close military cooperation between
    the countries does not correspond to reality. At an official meeting
    with the Azeri colleagues the bilateral cooperation in education,
    medicine and agriculture was discussed. In addition, Azerbaijan is
    the largest supplier of oil to Israel. Bilateral trade reached a
    record four billion dollars.

    Rapprochement of Tel Aviv and Baku causes unconcealed irritation
    in Tehran. The relations between Azerbaijan and Iran deteriorated
    continuously, and in early 2012 the Iranian authorities summoned the
    Azeri ambassador to Tehran Foreign Ministry in connection with the
    reports that the Azeri government allows Israeli Mossad agents to
    gather information along the Azeri-Iranian border, Northwest Arkansas
    Times reported.

    Nevertheless, the Islamic Republic is trying to keep good relations
    with Azerbaijan the majority of whose population is of Muslim faith.

    Ironically, the current balance of power can still maintain a "poor
    peace" in the region. For Armenia it would not be beneficial to wage
    a war in Karabakh, as in this case the Armenian armed forces would
    have to deal with the Azeri army that has received military assistance
    from the Israelis.

    At the same time, the Azeri "hawks" understand that in a case of war
    for the return of the lost territories, Armenia may receive strong
    support from Russia and Iran. It is important to remember that
    Azerbaijan is perhaps the only reliable regional partner of Israel
    surrounded by hostile Arab states. Therefore, Tel Aviv will continue
    to further strengthen the strategic partnership with Azerbaijan.

    Yuri Sosinsky-Semikhat

