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Nerves Are Open

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  • Nerves Are Open

    Siranuysh Papyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 17:19:44 - 10/05/2012

    Interview with Nvard Manasyan, political scientist, education expert

    Nvard, the parliamentary elections are in the past, most people think
    this situation will last till 2018. What ways out do you see?

    We have a small example of materialization of values, positive poles
    with small percentage emerged which will face to still unrevealed,
    even negatively assessed majority, and the confrontation in crisis
    opens up a big horizon, and in this sense we have an opportunity for
    a good progress both in the country and in the region. By an oriental
    approach, we are strong with our weakness and we are the weakest by
    the consciousness of strength. Consequently, we are both weak and
    strong. We are weak with a strong majority in parliament, we are
    weak and our weakness will be used, we are strong by this weakness
    and this weakness will resolve things which cannot be solved in a
    stage of strong identity.

    No opposition is left in the street, everyone was shifted to the
    National Assembly. Will the civic activity which had a victory in
    the fight for saving Trchkan waterfall and Mashtots Park form a new
    force which will be able to retrieve the country from crisis?

    Victories will continue and these are not only result-based victories,
    they are victories of progress and values. This is the case when we
    are weak in our strength and the strong majority with its strength will
    make more frequent mistakes and cannot avoid this. Any identity which
    is aware of one's own strength always stumbles more often than if it
    were weak, those weak are more cautious. Now this big, non-cautious,
    selfish majority will constantly foster the emergence of different
    civil hotbeds, such as in universities. The confidence with which
    the minister of education and culture dismissed the president of the
    university opened up new opportunities for appreciating independence
    and self-determination because freedom without self-determination
    is very dangerous, the framework of populism is freedom which has
    no self-determination, in other words, there is no civil position
    and values, there are no approaches for freedom, there is no
    responsibility. They will be many, and look, the elections still in
    progress, the rumors that the building of the Armenian Organization
    of Cultural Cooperation may be dismantled spread at a high speed,
    while if I am not mistaken the reaction to the house of the Afrikyan
    family was not so fast. The buildings are equal in value but now the
    nerve is open, and more people react and understand that this is not
    just a thematic issue.

    The people who have been active towards the establishment of a civil
    society say that these are, unfortunately, fragments of success,
    no systemic success has been achieved yet. Why?

    Fragmental beginning will make systemic success possible, and this
    is the signal of qualification of the species and the beginning of
    progress. New qualities emerge in different small groups, that is
    the ability to express one's own identity, and it will show that
    these separate qualified groups will start shelling with qualities
    the silent majority which has no coloring and position. They will
    definitely change our reality and make possible systemic changes. It is
    not strange that two or three days after the elections people are not
    angry, you will not see angry, disappointed people. In other words,
    though the political forces say that they offered systemic solutions
    and the plans are complete, the understanding is the vision of a small
    group and thus the majority does not have ownership. The vision will
    mature by way of civil movements and resistance.

    Resistance is the ability to say no consciously.

    Nvard, do you agree that there was no alternative to electoral bribes
    so they accepted? Why was the field so ideologically void?

    The political forces offer correct abstract solutions but abstraction
    must be visible to each of us. When we are told about planting trees,
    they must go to Mashtots Park in person and be visible by their
    struggle and solution, they must be visible in Trchkan, then Teghut,
    the statements on non-partisan education system must be resolved
    by way of struggle of the Linguistic University. The rights must
    be promoted by way of struggle and tactical approaches to it. Then
    we will understand that we need to fight for our labor rights, by
    bringing into being real trade unions which are mere formality today.

    In your opinion, was the conduct of this election progress?

    In form, yes. If you are not asked out of the polling station
    or they do not stuff the ballot box, the progress is a formality
    but it is meaningless. One can insist with great confidence that
    what we survived was a 100% formal election which had no content,
    while a content-free election is not an election. People with civic
    self-determination have not come to the polling stations. They did
    not understand that they voted for the idea so there was no free
    expression of will of citizen. Having to choose between money and
    meaningless and non-understandable idea, a hungry man will choose
    money, and this man should not be reproached for his choice.
