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Will Those Dissatisfied Take To Streets?

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  • Will Those Dissatisfied Take To Streets?

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 14:06:07 - 10/05/2012

    During the election the Republican Party teased the other parties
    and continues teasing people. Samvel Nikoyan says were the elections
    rigged, people would have taken to the streets. It is true that he
    admitted there had been cases of electoral bribes but he promised to
    think about a new technology for the next election.

    The next election will be held in 7-8 months. Armenia will elect a
    president. Will new technologies be used in the presidential election?

    Since the parties appear likely to take up the mandates, and nobody
    takes to the street, the technology was successful.

    When the parties expressed concern about the violations and did
    not lay down the mandates and did not urge people to boycott the
    election results, they signed their verdict to death. In fact, they
    proved that they can tease us and announce at the end that they are
    satisfied because those dissatisfied would have taken to the streets.

    The chairman of the CEC Tigran Mukuchyan says the breaches did not
    affect the results. The parties disagree.

    The coordinator of the ANC Levon Zurabyan pointed two groups of
    breaches, the ink which disappeared soon after stamping the passport,
    enabling multiple voting, and electoral bribes and coercion. He thinks
    thus 600,000 additional votes were ensured, including 500,000 for
    the Republican Party.

    Heritage Party stated that the use of the administrative resource
    created unequal opportunities for the parties. The Heritage Party
    states that residents of the regions were temporarily registered in
    Yerevan and could vote to majority candidates. As a result, the votes
    for majority candidates affected the result of the election. The
    passport departments of the police thus enabled multiple voting.

    The ARF announced that the elections did not reflect the will of
    people and the real arrangement of forces. The ARF stated that
    total electoral bribes were planned and implemented outside polling
    stations. The members of the coalition government had high results
    by way of total use of unprecedented amount of money for bribes and
    the administrative resource. The bribes had a crucial influence on
    the result of voting, the ARF stated.

    Vartan Oskanian of PA shares this opinion. "Turnout was about 1,500,000
    which is up by 160,000 compared with 2007, while so many people have
    emigrated from Armenia since 2007. It means the number of voters is
    exaggerated by several hundreds of thousands and it is clear where
    these votes go to," Oskanian said.

    All these statements sound pharisaic while all the parties will
    attend the first meeting of parliament with pleasure and recognize
    the results of teasing people and them.

    From: Baghdasarian