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Post Election Intrigue: Coalition Or No Coalition?

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  • Post Election Intrigue: Coalition Or No Coalition?

    By Siranuysh Gevorgyan

    10.05.12 | 14:08


    With elections settled, the most discussed issue in the political life
    of Armenia is the formation of possible coalitions at the National
    Assembly, and it appears the period of deal making has emerged.

    The most predictable is the collation formed by Republican Party of
    Armenia (RPA) and Orinats Yerkir (Rule of Law) Party. Prosperous
    Armenia Party (PAP) is left to decide whether to again join RPA,
    which won in the parliamentary elections and form a coalition with it,
    or to be alone at the National Assembly and become an opposition.

    According to preliminary data of this year's election results, PAP
    will have ten more lawmakers in the parliament as compared to previous
    ones - 36 instead of 26 MPs. Meanwhile, RPA with its 69 lawmakers
    will enjoy overwhelming majority in the parliament and will not
    need to form any coalition. Nevertheless, Prime Minister of Armenia
    Tigran Sargsyan (RPA member) when having a dinner with World War II
    veterans in Haghtanak (Victory) Park in Yerevan on Wednesday, ceding
    to journalists' persistent questions, stated that "RPA is inclined to
    establish a coalition." The premier said that negotiations are held
    in this respect; however, he avoided clarifying whether PAP will be
    invited to enter the new collation. Other RPA members, such as RPA
    Deputy Chairman Galust Sahakyan in an interview with RFE/RL's Armenian
    service said he believes that "it is not expedient for PAP to become
    an opposition" and that "experience is needed for being an opposition."

    While PAP leader Gagik Tsarukyan significantly keeps silence, former
    Foreign Minister of Armenia Vartan Oskanian who was the second on the
    PAP proportional list, in an interview with Civilnet stated that he
    "categorically opposes" formation of a collation with RPA.

    "I have often said that if a political force has an absolute majority
    alone then forming a coalition with it does not solve any problem,
    and it does not create any counterbalance in the parliament,"
    Oskanian said.

    A similar statement was made by PAP member Naira Zohrabyan, however,
    she emphasized that it was her personal viewpoint.

    Meanwhile Heritage Party, Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF,
    Dashnaktsutyun) and Armenian National Congress (ANC) have excluded
    their collaboration with RPA.
