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Vote 2012: Parties Evaluate Elections From "Fairest Ever" To "Heinou

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  • Vote 2012: Parties Evaluate Elections From "Fairest Ever" To "Heinou

    By Naira Hayrumyan

    10.05.12 | 12:40


    Armenian Parliament Speaker representing the ruling Republican Party
    Samvel Nikoyan said the other day that the Armenian people have not
    seen such fair elections as the May 6 parliamentary elections.

    "Remember how it used to be in the past? Sometimes they would steel
    the ballot box or the lights would go out. Now normal elections have
    been held, and if the society felt that their voice did not reach
    the goal, they would have come out to the street," said Nikoyan.

    Indeed, no one took to the street after the parliamentary elections on
    May 6. Perhaps because all of the main political forces have entered
    the parliament as a result of the vote.

    However, for several days after the elections the parties chose
    not to express their opinion on the conduct of the election. Then,
    one after another they began to issue statements which, as a rule,
    point out violations, but none has stated it would give up seats in
    the future parliament.

    Speaking at a rally on May 8, the leader of the Armenian National
    Congress (ANC) Levon Ter-Petrosyan said that everyone will soon become
    witness to true parliamentarianism represented by the future factions
    of the opposition bloc in the National Assembly. At the same time,
    ANC coordinator Levon Zurabyan said that the May 6 election can be
    considered fraudulent.

    "We estimate that up to 600,000 votes have been stuffed," said
    Zurabyan. "Moreover, 500,000 in favor of the Republican Party. From
    now on we will start to gather under the Congress banner honest,
    principled, incorruptible people to declare war against that power. We
    must fight on all fronts, and on the streets and in parliament."

    The "street" opposition, ANC, has got seven seats in the National
    Assembly as it narrowly cleared the seven-percent hurdle put in place
    by law for election blocs. The opposition Heritage party got five
    seats, which is two less than in the 2007-2011 Assembly.

    In its statement Heritage said the scale of vote buying and
    pseudo-charity reached monstrous proportions, and they had an
    unprecedented impact on the outcome of the election. However, the
    party would not give up its seats as a protest.

    The use of administrative resources by the power created unequal
    conditions for the parties, people residing in provinces were
    temporarily registered in Yerevan en masse, there are suspicions that
    by means of manipulation at police visa departments these people were
    given an opportunity to vote several times, for which ink evaporating
    sooner than expected was used, said Heritage in the statement.

    The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) Executive
    Council of Armenia issued a statement saying that the elections did not
    reflect the will of the people and the real correlation of political
    forces. It said that members of the ruling coalition registered high
    results first of all by means of pervasive administrative tools
    and unprecedented financial means resulting in bribery. "Poverty
    and the de-politicization of the people secured the reproduction
    of the authorities, which acted by means of bribery and pressure,"
    the party said in its statement.

    The ARF, by the way, is the biggest loser in the May 6 vote, coming
    out of it with only a six-member faction, losing a total of 10 seats.

    Artur Baghdasaryan, the leader of the coalition member party,
    Orinats Yerkir, stated that for the first time elections in Armenia
    took place without ballot-box stuffing, fights, and the counting
    of votes was conducted transparently, under the supervision of the
    participating parties. At the same time, the party of Baghdasaryan,
    who used to boast of more than 170,000 members in Orinats Yerkir,
    received only 82,690 votes or 5.49 percent.

    As for the other coalition party, Prosperous Armenia, the number of its
    MPs has increased from 25 to 36. It happened, perhaps, due to the fact
    that a month before the election the party began to position itself
    as an opposition, or rather an "alternative" to the current main
    ruling party. However, after the elections, its billionaire leader
    Gagik Tsarukyan in his message did not say a single word typical of
    an oppositionist, while only thanking those who voted for the party.

    And U.S. State Department spokesman Robert Hilton, as quoted by
    the Voice of America, said: "We support the OSCE/ODIHR observers'
    mission's conclusion, whereby the elections were "competitive, lively,
    and largely peaceful." At the same time we share the OSCE/ODIHR
    apprehensions with respect to an "unlevel playing field" during the
    pre-election season and on election day, and in regards to buying
    votes and applying improper pressure against the constituents."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress