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BAKU: Azerbaijan's Entry In Non-Aligned Movement Was Far-Sighted Pol

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan's Entry In Non-Aligned Movement Was Far-Sighted Pol


    May 11 2012

    Trend Agency commentator Elmira Tariverdiyeva

    It is possible to speak a lot about the success of Azerbaijan reached
    in the diplomatic arena in recent years. One of the last was the final
    document adopted by the meeting of foreign ministers of countries
    who are members of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

    In this document, the Non-Aligned Movement which Azerbaijan has been
    a member since May last year advocated a peaceful settlement of the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh in compliance
    with the inviolability of internationally recognised borders.

    The fact that the largest international organisation after the UN
    adopted a document on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and in fact
    recognised the occupation of Azerbaijani territories by Armenia,
    stating the importance of resolving the conflict on the basis of a
    return to the pre-war status quo, is the result of the efforts of
    Azerbaijani diplomacy.

    Many observers were surprised when Azerbaijan announced its decision
    to join the Non-Aligned Movement a year ago, but in reality it was
    the right and far-sighted political move.

    NAM was established in 1955 as an 'anti-domination' of world powers
    and manifestations of colonialism. The five main principles of the
    movement are: mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty
    of each other, non-aggression against each other and non-interference
    in internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and a life in peace.

    Azerbaijan, Belarus, and Uzbekistan are the only former Soviet
    republics who have joined this organisation. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
    Tajikistan, Ukraine and Armenia are observers to NAM.

    Participation in the Non-Aligned Movement of course played a role
    in the election of Azerbaijan as non-permanent member of UN Security
    Council. The candidacy of Azerbaijan was supported by many countries
    of NAM.

    Azerbaijani participation in the Non-Aligned Movement proves to the
    world that the position of our country is one of friendly neutrality
    and an unwillingness to enter into any blocks. Azerbaijan does not
    want or intends to "make friends against someone".

    Azerbaijan, which appears at the intersection of geopolitical interests
    of world and regional powers, has been building a multi-vectored policy
    for many years, while maintaining a balance in foreign policy. It is
    the only country which was able to take the position of a strategic
    partner of both the United States and Russia after coming out of the
    Soviet Union, maintaining at the same time excellent relations with
    Iran and Israel, the European Union and Turkey. The proximity to Iran
    makes Baku a desirable ally for the West and Islamic roots are the
    reason of the friendship and alliance with Turkey and Iran.

    However, Baku preferred a different scheme. The country has
    built balanced and smooth friendly relations with all countries,
    including Russia, the Asian region and Europe throughout its years
    of independence. Of course, there are the most warm and fraternal
    relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey today. However, it does not
    affect the foreign policy of the country and an example of this is
    a constructive partnership between Azerbaijan and Israel.

    At the same time participation in the Non-Aligned Movement does
    not limit the efforts of the country to integrate into European and
    Euro-Atlantic structures which are still the objective of the country.

    However currently, Azerbaijan does not set goals to join NATO or
    any other military alliance because the integration does not mean

    Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said in an interview
    with a special issue of the journal The Business Year, dedicated to
    Azerbaijan that Baku is considering participation in the Non-Aligned
    Movement and the relationship with NATO taken separately.

    The minister said that participation in the Non-Aligned Movement
    gives Azerbaijan an opportunity to cooperate with member countries of
    the organisation in various fields and promote the constructive role
    of NAM in international relations in order to achieve a more just,
    equitable and respectful law of world order.

    "As to our cooperation with NATO, it should be noted that the
    integration into European and Euro-Atlantic structures remains a
    strategic goal for Azerbaijan" Mammadyarov said.

    Azerbaijan was one of the first countries to join the NATO programme
    Partnership for Peace in May 1994 and to the Action Plan Individual
    Partnership (IPAP) after 10 years.

    "IPAP was an effective mechanism to facilitate a real political
    dialogue and intensive practical reforms," Mammadyarov said.

    However, unlike a number of post-Soviet countries which connect their
    future with the West's foreign policy, Azerbaijan has always tried
    to balance its interests between NATO, Russia, Turkey and Iran.

    Baku has repeatedly proved its reliability as a partner of the West
    in the fight against terrorism and as a strategic ally required to
    ensure the security of the supply of Caspian energy resources.

    In addition, Azerbaijan is the main player in the Caspian region in
    the energy market due to large natural gas reserves and can help in
    ensuring Europe's energy security.

    Thus, the accession of Azerbaijan to the Non-Aligned Movement was
    the right decision indeed which secured the country's image of the
    state and conducting a balanced multi-vectored policy.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress