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Singing In Azerbaijan - But Not For Democracy

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  • Singing In Azerbaijan - But Not For Democracy

    Saturday 12 May 2012

    The country is in a fervour as it prepares to host Eurovision - but
    activists say the party is just a smokescreen for human rights abuses

    Shaun Walker Baku

    Azerbaijan's Ell and Nikki, who won Eurovision last yearGetty Images It
    does not take long to notice that Azerbaijan is hosting the Eurovision
    Song Contest.

    Baku Airport is emblazoned with advertisements for the competition,
    which will take place a fortnight from now, as is almost every taxi
    and bus in the city, along with many of its buildings. The gleaming,
    25,000-seat concert hall, built especially for the contest, has been
    completed on time and was opened by the President himself last week,
    and hardly a day goes by without breathless items on the evening news
    extolling the upcoming event.

    Not for Azerbaijan the flippant attitude that Eurovision is a carnival
    of kitsch that should be taken as a bit of a joke. Here, it is deadly
    serious business, and a chance for the country's rulers to show the
    progress that this small, oil-rich nation has made in the two decades
    since it won independence from the Soviet Union.

    But rights activists say that the government, led by the authoritarian
    president Ilham Aliyev, is using the contest to deflect criticism
    from the country's appalling human rights record, and are calling
    on the singers and delegations who will descend on Baku later this
    month to speak out publicly.

    Khadija Ismayilova knows all about what happens if you get on the wrong
    side of President Aliyev. A campaigning reporter for Radio Liberty,
    she has uncovered several corruption scandals linked to Mr Aliyev's
    family, including a report released this week providing evidence that
    the first family has benefited financially from the construction
    of the Eurovision stadium, using a number of shell companies and
    opaque schemes. Last month, as she was researching the story, she
    received a letter with stills from an intimate video in which she
    was an unwitting participant - someone had broken into her house and
    installed a hidden camera in the bedroom.

    "It warned me that if I didn't stop my investigations, they would
    publicise the video," she says. "They were calculating on me
    being ashamed and going quiet. But they miscalculated." Instead of
    acquiescing to the blackmail, she went public with it, and vowed
    to continue uncovering corruption. The video was published online,
    and government-backed newspapers wrote stories attacking her and her
    "loose morals", dangerous in conservative Azerbaijan.

    Ms Ismayilova is not the only one to suffer in the cause of
    Eurovision. For many of the residents of the area around the site
    of Crystal Hall, the Eurovision venue, the contest has ruined their
    lives. According to Zohrab Ismayil, who has authored a report on
    forced evictions in Baku, 281 families have been kicked out of their
    homes to make way for construction directly linked to Eurovision. The
    government paid them compensation at several times below market rate,
    he says. "They managed to spend more than $700 million on construction
    for the event, but couldn't find the money to pay proper compensation
    to people who were kicked out of their homes onto the street."

    The forced evictions are not just related to Eurovision, with an
    estimated 4000 houses demolished in Baku alone over the past three
    years as some of the money from Azerbaijan's huge oil reserves is
    spent on new construction. Award-winning journalist Idrak Abbasov
    has attempted to publicise demolitions in his village of Sulutepe,
    just outside Baku. Last month, he was given a savage beating by
    security officers from the state oil company when he attempted to
    video them knocking down houses in the suburb of Sulutepe where he
    lives. He is now out of hospital, but his broken ribs mean he is
    still unable to walk, and he spends his days reclining on a maroon
    sofa in his parent's small house. He has also lost sight in one eye
    after the attack. Strewn over a chair is a fluorescent yellow jacket,
    emblazoned with the word "Press" and caked in dried blood - he was
    wearing it when he was attacked.

    "They are not giving people any compensation at all, simply telling
    them they have built houses illegally on land belonging to the state
    oil company," says Mr Abbasov. "They were attacking houses with
    bulldozers that still had people's belongings in them. People were
    screaming and shouting, and I was filming it."

    Security guards attacked him and continued to beat him for 15 minutes
    while he was unconscious, say witnesses. "It is pretty clear that their
    goal was to kill me." Previously, Mr Abbasov's father was assaulted
    and put in hospital, stones have been thrown at his house and car, and
    his six-year-old son was run over in suspicious circumstances. Nobody
    has been charged with any of the attacks.

    "The government is spending huge sums of money to show Europe that
    people in Azerbaijan are happy," says Rasul Cafarov, a pro-democracy
    activist who runs Sing for Democracy, a campaign set up to ensure
    that the performers who fly in for Eurovision will know exactly what
    kind of country they have landed in. "Our message is clear: please
    don't close your eyes to the negatives. Try to meet with the family
    members of political prisoners, opposition members, and people who
    have been forcibly evicted from their homes."

    Some of the contestants have promised support, says Mr Cafarov, who
    hopes that the government will be given a "nasty surprise" from the
    stage. "It is an event to unite countries and communities and bring
    understanding," said a spokesperson for Eurovision, which is likely
    to strongly discourage contestants from speaking out. "We believe
    strongly that Eurovision is not political."

    But activists say that the government was the first to politicise the
    contest, by making Mehriban Aliyeva, Mr Aliyev's wife, the head of the
    Preparation Committee. She is an MP with the ruling party and one of
    the most powerful people in the country. "Accusing us of politicising
    it when the First Lady is constantly appearing on TV promoting it
    and they are using it for propaganda goals is just ridiculous," says
    Mr Cafarov. Ms Aliyeva's role is not the only link between the ruling
    family and the contest - the President's son-in-law, a budding pop star
    who has little trouble getting plenty of airtime on state-controlled
    radio, will be singing at the contest's Opening Ceremony.

    Numerous investigations have linked Azerbaijan's top officials to
    allegations of huge corruption, including £30m of property in Dubai
    apparently purchased by Mr Aliyev's 11-year-old son. Officials from
    the Presidential Administration have either denied or refused to
    comment on all the allegations against them.

    There is no danger that the properties of Baku's ruling class will
    be bulldozed, like the homes of so many of their citizens have been.

    However, says Mr Abbasov, the attacked journalist, a fear of losing
    their own property abroad could be a catalyst for the government to
    be fairer with ordinary people. "If there was real pressure from the
    West at events like Eurovision, then of course the ruling clan would
    get scared," says Mr Abbasov. "If there was a threat that all their
    millions and all their villas and properties in Europe could be taken
    away from them, they would think again."

    "It's a joke to have Eurovision in a country with a rights record like
    Azerbaijan's," says Ms Ismayilova. "It would be really great to hear
    some kind of message from the stage from some of the contestants,
    to remind the regime here that Europe is a set of values, not just
    a song contest."
