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Pious Turks Push For Labor Justice

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  • Pious Turks Push For Labor Justice


    The International Herald Tribune
    May 10, 2012 Thursday

    Young people protest government's promotion of a pro-capitalist stance

    Young Muslims have been congregating to critique the reign of the
    mildly Islamist government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan as
    "capitalism with ablutions."

    FULL TEXT For the Turkish youths who set out to change the world last
    week, May Day began with prayers.

    Prostrating themselves outside the mosque in Istanbul's pious
    neighborhood of Fatih, hundreds of young men and women prayed for
    the souls of the workers killed in Turkey's all too common industrial
    accidents. Then they picked up their placards and marched across town
    to join the leftists and labor unions at their rally in Taksim square.

    A roar of surprise and delight went up from the red-flagged masses in
    Taksim when the column marched into the square under a black banner
    bearing the slogan "God - Bread - Freedom."

    "It was an emotional moment," Mem Aslan, 29, one of the organizers of
    the Anti-Capitalist Muslim Youth march, said last week, recounting
    how an aged Communist had embraced him with tears streaming down
    his face. "It proved that we can overcome the division of the people
    into left and right, created by our common enemy, the ruling class,
    to pit us against each other and enslave us all."

    It was the first public appearance of a movement that has been brewing
    at universities and in social media, where young Muslims have been
    critiquing the reign of the mildly Islamist government of Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan as "capitalism with ablutions."

    After almost 10 years in power, Mr. Erdogan's ruling Justice and
    Development Party, or A.K.P., is coming under pressure from a new
    generation of Muslims calling for more social justice and democracy,
    in a trend that could change Turkey and offer new perspectives to
    societies in the Middle East searching for ways to combine Islamic
    values with a modern pluralist state, analysts said.

    "We organized the whole thing within 10 days," Mr. Aslan said about
    the prayer and march, which drew more than 1,000 participants and
    made headlines on every news program that night. "That is because
    its time has come."

    The march heralds a generational conflict within the Islamist movement,
    said Murat Somer, a political scientist and expert on political Islam
    at Koc University in Istanbul. "The A.K.P. was born of the marriage
    between moderate Islam and global capitalism," he said in a telephone
    interview this week. "The younger generation of some Islamists has
    a different take on social justice. They focus more on economics and
    a class-based understanding."

    "There is a basis for this movement. It did not come out of nowhere,"
    he said.

    The angry youths matter to the A.K.P. because they come from the
    party's electoral grass roots, he added, noting that the A.K.P.

    "cannot disregard it."

    In Fatih, Mr. Aslan and Murad Icoz, 26, a university student and
    co-organizer of the march, detailed their criticism of the A.K.P. and
    the rapidly rising Muslim middle class it represents.

    "We have a government that calls itself Muslim, but since they came to
    power, the number of banks in this street has risen from 10 to 25,"
    Mr. Aslan said. "Some people have become rich, while others struggle
    to survive. We are talking about people who are sucking our blood."

    Since vaulting to power 10 years ago on religiously inspired demands
    for social justice, the A.K.P. has lifted millions out of poverty,
    more than doubling the gross domestic product from (EURO)244 billion to
    (EURO)551 billion in 2010, according to European Union figures. Per
    capita income in purchasing power standards rose from (EURO)7,400 per
    annum to (EURO)11,800 during that period, according to those figures,
    bringing it from 36 percent to 48 percent of the E.U. average.

    The economic boom created by a generation of pious Muslim
    entrepreneurs, nicknamed the "Islamic Calvinists" for their religiously
    inspired capitalist work ethic, has brought forth a Muslim middle
    class that today includes almost 60 percent of the Turkish population
    by the definition of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
    Development of having $10 to spend per person per day, according to
    a study by the KMG polling firm published this week.

    But the minimum wage for workers remains at 700 Turkish lira, or $395,
    per month, with a six-day work week, and many workers labor 70 hours
    a week for even less pay in the gray market that accounts for a third
    of the Turkish economy, according to the Finance Ministry.

    Occupational safety is abysmal, with lax laws and even more lax
    controls. Seventy-five workers died in industrial accidents in
    April alone, according to the Workers' Health and Safety Council,
    a nongovernmental organization that tracks such deaths, bringing the
    total of workers drowned, crushed or burned to death in the first
    four months of this year to 239.

    Labor laws remain almost as repressive as they have been since the
    military smashed the labor unions after the 1980 coup d'etat, requiring
    workers to register their wish to join a union with a notary public,
    with a resulting rate of unionization that remains well below 10
    percent and workers left at the mercies of their employers.

    The economic upswing and social realignment have caused a new chasm to
    open within the pious masses that carried the A.K.P. to power against
    the secularist elites in the military, bureaucracy and judiciary a
    decade ago.

    "Now that there are many rich Muslims, they have begun to regard
    themselves as a separate class," Mr. Icoz said. "They live in their
    new suburbs, far away from the poor, to comply with the admonition of
    the Prophet against 'sleeping sated while one's neighbor goes hungry.'
    That's how low they have dragged Islam.

    "They think it is enough to perform the rituals of Islam, like praying,
    fasting, the Hajj," he added. "They exploit the workers and then go to
    prayers. They give no thought to the spiritual, moral side of Islam."

    Mr. Aslan said it was the quest for a just society under those moral
    imperatives that triggered the anti-capitalist Muslim movement.

    "We want to take the Prophet as a role model for our time and ask
    the questions he would ask," he said. "Why do workers in this society
    work such long hours, why are they oppressed, why are they scorned?

    Why are the Kurds treated as they are, why are the Alevi treated this
    way? These are questions the Prophet would ask, because this society
    is very far from the ideal society of the Koran."

    The movement does not strive for an Islamic state, both men stressed,
    but for social justice in a secular state.

    In their march, the youths brandished placards demanding an end to
    nuclear energy, a right to conscientious objection, a lifting of the
    head scarf ban and more rights for Kurds and Armenians.

    "All Property Belongs to God," proclaimed one sign; "All Oppressed
    Are Equal," said another. A large banner read "Freedom From Slavery"
    in Kurdish, Armenian and Arabic as well as in Turkish.Some of the
    female marchers wore head scarves, while others went bareheaded. An
    impromptu manifesto read out at the rally included quotations from
    the Bible and the Torah as well as the Koran.

    "They are very open and inclusive," Ihsan Eliacik, a theologian whose
    writings have influenced the students, said in a telephone interview
    last week.

    "They are also very courageous," he added, alluding to the fate of
    former Turkish youth activists such as the iconic Deniz Gezmis, who
    was hanged at the age of 25 exactly 40 years ago this week, or Erdal
    Eren, executed at age 16 along with other young activists after the
    1980 coup.

    Mr. Eliacik, who provided the youths with a basement from which
    to organize the march, but insists he plays no leading role in
    the movement, advocates a liberal and humanist, if not socialist,
    interpretation of Islam comparable to Christian liberation theology.

    "Capitalism is teetering, and people are searching for alternatives,"
    he said. "Communism tried to provide an alternative without religion,
    but that didn't work. Now people are looking for faith-based
    alternatives to capitalism. Islam has the capacity to offer that

    The emergence of the anti-capitalist Muslim movement has galvanized
    observers on both sides of Turkey's political scene.

    The left-wing columnist Oral Calislar wrote in the Radikal daily,
    "Since most workers are pious, this new movement could open new doors
    to the organization of the workers."

    In The Star daily, the columnist Fehmi Koru, a staunch supporter of
    the A.K.P., warned the government to heed the movement's message.

    "The nature of power, with its daily decisions and constraints, can
    drag politicians far from their original positions," he wrote. The
    appearance of the Muslim anti-capitalists should serve the A.K.P. as
    a reminder of its roots and as a warning to adjust its policies,
    he added.

    Mr. Eliacik, the theologian, believes that will not be enough. "This
    movement will grow, in Turkey as well across the region," he said,
    pointing out that young protesters in Egypt or Syria had rallied under
    similar slogans. "God, Bread and Freedom - those demands express the
    soul of this region and its societies," he said.
