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Golden Apricot 9th Yerevan International Film Festival Promises Rich

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  • Golden Apricot 9th Yerevan International Film Festival Promises Rich


    On May 11 a joint press conference was held at the Ministry of Culture
    of RA which announced this year's Golden Apricot Yerevan International
    Film Festival, website reports.

    The speakers of the press conference were the Minister of Culture of
    RA -Hasmik Poghosyan,VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian,
    the Director of the Golden Apricot Yerevan International Film
    Festival Harutyun Khachatryan, the Festival Program Director Mikayel
    Stamboltsyan, and the Festival Artistic Director Susanna Harutyunyan.

    Golden Apricot 9th Yerevan International Film Festival will be
    held from July 8th till 15th, 2012. This year again the festival is
    supported by the general sponsor and devoted partner VivaCell-MTS
    and the Ministry of Culture of Armenia.

    Overall, 1,020 applications (last year- around 700 submissions) from
    around 70 countries were submitted for participation in the festival
    this year, which is the evidence of the festival's yearly growing
    popularity. Another proof of this is the participation of renowned
    cinematographers, which has grown into just another tradition at
    the festival. This year the jury of the festival will be presided by
    Spanish director Victor Erice, jury member of the Cannes Film Festival
    in 2010. With Yerevan announced the World Book Capital in 2012,
    the Golden Apricot will present a new program Book and Cinema. The
    program will reflect on the screen versions of the Armenian and world
    classic literature.

    The competitions in 2012 again will include International Feature,
    International Documentary, Armenian Panorama, and Apricot Stone
    programs. The latter was launched in 2011 and is particularly
    aimed for short films by young cinematographers. The screenings are
    promising in Yerevan Perspectives, Retrospect Screenings and Tribute
    programs, which promise a number of surprises by the world masters
    of cinematography. In particular, film screenings dedicated to the
    90th anniversary of Yuri Yerznkyan (Yuri Yerznkyan and his students)
    and the 85th anniversary of Frunze Dovlatyan will be organized within
    the Tribute program. The 80th anniversary of Andrey Tarkovski will
    be celebrated with special remark.

    In the frames of the festival Directors Across Borders co-production
    forum will be implemented with the EU support. This year the 6th
    edition of the forum will be held already in the frames of the European
    Union Eastern Partnership. More information on the program are to be
    presented at a press conference to come.

    "Cinema Journalism Across Borders" training is planned to be held
    before the start of the festival and is to be attended by highly
    qualified international experts and cinema researchers and critics
    arriving from the Eastern Partnership countries. The guests will
    participate in the publication of the Golden Apricot Daily throughout
    the festival days.

    From: A. Papazian