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Armenian Elections 2012: Political Hypocrisy

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  • Armenian Elections 2012: Political Hypocrisy

    Hayk Khalatyan

    May 10, 2012

    Since the very start of its election campaign Prosperous Armenia
    showed obvious signs of political amnesia.

    Parliamentary elections were held in Armenia on May 6, and people are
    now assessing their outcomes, pondering over expectations from the new
    "elects"; meanwhile, the political forces are summing up the results
    and considering their future moves and potential alliances.

    So, I decided to avail of the current political lull and sum up my
    own voting outcomes, sharing my views on each of the race participants.

    Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) . RPA is the ruling party in the
    country, and that's all; by saying 'authorities' we assume the RPA. It
    is the major power responsible for the situation in the country and
    solution of the current problems.

    Considerable part of the Armenian population, neglecting their civil
    duties and not bothering to think about the country's future, are
    ready to sell their future for several thousand of Armenian drams to
    those who pay more.

    As some reasonable voices of the society state, given such attitude to
    elections, people in some 20 years might as well favor the referendum
    on surrendering Zangezur to Azerbaijan, with no remorse whatsoever.

    Authorities must realize that if currently they benefit from such
    public attitude towards civil duties, these "citizens" will hardly
    be of any use for the state in case of jeopardy.

    As to namely the elections, RPA has again dragged some notorious
    tycoons through the next parliament, together with several political
    bankrupts from other parties. All in all, they will again enjoy
    unshakable majority in the parliament.

    Also, ordinary people are left now with the RPA's electoral slogan
    "Believe to make a change". They will definitely need belief, since
    after previous RPA slogans saying "All for you, Armenia" and "Go,
    Armenia" people saw no significant progress in their living standards,
    to say the least.

    Prosperous Armenia . Since the very start of its election campaign
    Prosperous Armenia showed obvious signs of political amnesia. It
    perhaps forgot being a member of the ruling coalition, and strived
    to shift off the total responsibility for the hard social-economic
    situation towards its major partner, RPA. Some top members of
    Prosperous Armenia, in particular, ex-minister of foreign affairs
    Vartan Oskanian outdid radical opposition figures in slamming the
    authorities and the government.

    In addition to political amnesia, the party appeared to have some
    eyesight problems: by unmasking the electoral bribery and use of
    administrative resources by RPA, it for some reason failed to see
    the same actions by its own representatives.

    The incident with "Vertu phone" belonging to party leader Gagik
    Tsarukyan, or rather the comments it brought forward, is worth special
    mentioning. Oskanian was the only person brave enough to admit the
    truth, saying Tsarukyan did in fact carry a gun and not a "phone"
    allegedly stated by others.

    However, Prosperous Armenia deserves some positive remarks as well,
    for its care for the development of the national agriculture; indeed,
    distribution of tractors ahead of elections had nothing to do with
    the voting. This was mere "charity", of course, and not hidden PR and
    electoral bribe, as a dispassionate observer, unaware of the subtleties
    of Armenian political "charity" might have inadvertently thought.

    Regrettably, the urge for charity and benefaction, also manifested in
    the neighborhood road renovation, is awakened in Armenian oligarchs
    only a couple of months prior to elections, to vanish shortly

    Still, this does not refer to Gagik Tsarukyan who, unlike many,
    proceeds with his charity activities after elections as well.

    To sum up the Prosperous Armenia topic, I'd mention here the odd
    interpretation of the Armenian legislation by Gagik Tsarukyan. When
    Prosperous Armenia's proxies were assaulted at a polling station during
    the voting day, Tsarukyan declared that those behind the incident
    "will be called to account before the law and him".

    Orinats Yerkir. The party took a thorny path to enter the National
    Assembly of the 5th convocation. Orinats Yerkir spared no effort
    to develop Armenia's food industry during its election campaign
    (fortunately, agriculture minister shares same party membership),
    distributing national production jams to its supporters and ordinary

    Import was not ignored either, with mobile phones brought to
    support the party in the voting. Leader of Orinats Yerkir, perfect
    political speaker and secretary of the National Security Council
    Artur Baghdasaryan again distinguished himself in duping the voters.


    Armenian National Congress (ANC) . The ANC had to pay a high price for
    its itch to play on alleged disagreements within the ruling coalition
    and spark a conflict between Prosperous Armenia and RPA.

    ANC supporters have hardly swallowed the process of the political
    dialogue with the authorities, and now they faced the need to take
    black for white, i.e. perceive Prosperous Armenia as no longer a part
    of the government.

    ANC was also selectively struck blind with regard to violation of
    electoral legislation, believing that only RPA and its appendix
    Orinats Yerkir could break the law, unlike the Prosperous Armenia
    that suddenly became dear to the opposition bloc.

    Opposition leader Levon Ter-Petrossian blaming current authorities
    for election fraud was also rather touching; the present leadership
    just follows the path paved in 1990 by pioneer first president and
    his Armenian National Movement team, improving their methods to hit
    new heights.

    Voters were perhaps puzzled by this complicated logical trick, and did
    not provide the support ANC expected to get: Ter-Petrossian and his
    team definitely expected to garner far more than just 106000 of votes.

    Therefore, the ANC leadership had to claim at its May 8 rally
    its intention to appeal against the voting result in Armenia's
    Constitutional Court (being totally aware of vainness of such move).

    The heap of charges addressed to "Kocharian-Sargsyan regime" aimed
    to merely conceal a simple and obvious thing, that is, ANC is heading
    for the next parliament, thus recognizing the voting results and its
    defeat in the recent vote.

    ARF Dashnaktsutyun . During these elections Dashnaktsutyun compiled
    an original "political cocktail" in the inter-party anti-forgery
    headquarters with ANC (implying the Armenian National Movement)
    and Prosperous Armenia party, a combination which appeared quite
    perplexing for an ordinary voter.

    Unlike Dashnaktsutyun leadership, the opposition voters did not
    understand that politics has no eternal enemies or friends, while
    goals sometimes justify methods and allies.

    In this regard, an interesting picture emerged on May 6, with
    Dashnaktsutyun top member Vahan Hovhannisyan sharing a table with
    ex-president of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrossian, who once jailed
    Hovhannisyan naming his a "terrorist".

    As a result of such cooperation, Dashnaktsutyun had to overlook
    violations of the electoral legislation by inter-party headquarters
    member Prosperous Armenia, and issued a belated May 8 statement saying
    that all members of the ruling coalition, including the Prosperous
    Armenia party, are to blame for electoral fraud, particularly the
    forged number of votes they "received".

    Heritage. In case of Heritage, its alliance with Free Democrats was
    the most interesting thing perhaps, liberal views being the only thing
    these two had in common. Heritage leader had way too romantic views
    with regard to political struggle in Armenia, while their allies,
    once prominent members of the Armenian National Movement and ANC,
    were too pragmatic.

    The party's supporters were somewhat confused to see "newcomers"
    rank on electoral list instead of those who served Heritage hand and
    foot and were quite active in their parliamentary activities.

    However, Heritage has been much illogical over the past years, with
    its contradicting statements and moves.

    Last but not least . Participation and role of the Democratic Party
    of Armenia (DPA), Communist Party of Armenia and United Armenians
    party in the recent voting is similar to roles of actors whose names
    are listed at the bottom of the Cast section. All the three got less
    than 2% in total, running by "Participation is more important than
    victory" slogan.

    I would also like to mention TV debates between majority system
    candidates running in constituency 2, RPA's Samvel Farmanyan and ANC's
    Vladimir Karapetyan. Both are educated people, even intellectuals,
    I'd say, which they however failed to demonstrate during the debates.

    Both candidates were absolutely unable to listen to their opponent
    and follow the rules of a civilized discussion.

    Following these debates, people just wondered: if this was the
    battle between the most calm and educated members of these political
    forces, what would debates between other notorious and passionate
    representatives be like? Just imagine debates between, say, RPA's
    Ruben Hayrapetyan and ANC's Nikol Pashinyan!

    From: A. Papazian