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How We Can Hold The South Caucasus?

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  • How We Can Hold The South Caucasus?


    - May 12, 2012

    Arevagal: The following article by the former Russian ambassador to
    Armenia was written just before Moscow liberated South Ossetia and
    Abkhazia from Georgian/Western aggression. The commentary by the
    ambassador is a little insight into how Moscow views Armenia and its
    role in the Caucasus. The article clearly suggests that Moscow was
    feeling the urge to make a grande stand in the Caucasus. It also
    reveals that it views Armenia as a natural ally that needs to be
    preserved in the volatile region. Nevertheless, contrast the sound
    geopolitical reasoning of what you will be reading below with what
    high level American officials (not the ones that are tasked with
    giving our naive people lip service) have been saying about Armenia...

    While these unrecognized states, namely Abkhazia and Nagorno Karabakh,
    are in danger of existence, there is wide disbelief that Russia has no
    effective measures left to restrain the advance of the USA and its
    allies on the post-Soviet terrain, which hurts Russia's national and
    state interests. So far, Russian has been carrying on with the
    `mini-empires', agreeing with their ridiculous proofs of `rights' on
    the lands of neighboring peoples. These lands, which, in reality,
    until recently did not belong to them. I am confident that public and
    policy statements on the highest levels defending the sovereign rights
    of the smaller nations could spearhead negotiations between some
    former Soviet republics and their former autonomies on the structure
    of their new relations in a reasonable framework. But Moscow still
    refuses to do that. Nevertheless it is about time to learn to
    distinguish among the `real, true allies', simply partner and those,
    who look at the other side. We should not be afraid to offer support
    to those whose interests coincide with ours.

    It is significantly important to recognize that we are constantly
    being provoked to argue and undermine our relationship with our
    strategic allies. The Pro Azeri lobby in Moscow has been especially
    active in these attempts, doing all they can to drive Russia away from
    Armenia. These groups present the Turkish-oriented Azerbaijan as `the
    Russian basis in the Caucasus.' At the same time we are being
    threatened with NATO military bases on Apsheron and a new war against
    NKR, if the latter refuses to dissolve itself as an independent state
    and accept sham autonomy within Azerbaijan. Pro Azeri lobbyists use
    lies and scare tactics, hoping that our memories are short. Suddenly,
    the infamous Mutalibov has remembered the `tragedy of Khodjali, when
    in February of 1992 hundreds of civilians were slaughtered in Nagorno
    Karabakh as a result of a joint operation of the Armenian military
    groups and 366th motor-division of the Russian Army.' But back in
    1992, Mutalibov himself had admitted that `the tragedy of Khodjali'
    was, in essence, a provocation carried out not by Armenians but by
    Elchibei's bandits against his presidency (see his interview for NG
    April 2, 92). Why would Mutalibov remember the old lies of Elchibei
    propaganda now? The answer is clear: to destroy Russian-Armenian
    relations. Those feeding from the Azeri lobby push Moscow to help
    Azerbaijan to fulfill their plans of annexing NKR territory.

    The protanganists throw an oft-used theory of alleged `Pro Western'
    orientation of the present Armenian government into the controversy.
    Yet, the official Yerevan line simply tries to diversify its foreign
    ties, which is a reasonable and most rational way of survival for
    Armenia. In the current circumstances, Armenia needs neither `pro
    Western' nor `pro Russian' orientation. But it needs a `pro Armenian'
    one. Russia should understand these nuances, in which it is not able
    to assist Armenia fully. For example, would Russia be capable of
    sustaining and providing regular humanitarian aid, that amounts to
    hundreds of millions of dollars, and which Armenia has been receiving
    from the USA for the past ten years now? An honest appraisal will
    ensure Russia's stance in the South Caucasus. However, Russia still
    has other measures to strengthen its positions in the Transcaucasus.
    One of those is a military cooperation, including air defense and
    border patrol. In that region, we have such presence only in Armenia.
    Another lever is to own industrial and scientific property of
    strategic economic and social importance in a country. Again Armenia
    reappears, as we are currently conducting negotiations on these issues
    with the state government. A third way is to effectively use the
    patronage offered by Russia to the Armenians, in the Karabakh
    question. This should be done without any fear of confrontation with
    Turkish-Azeri pressure, conflicting with our interests, for it is
    strongly connected with the far-fetched plans of pan-Turkism.

    The words of the Russian President, uttered in Yerevan in September
    2001, hold a special importance in light of these circumstances, i.e.:
    `the whole policy of Russia in the region will be directed to provide
    a reliable defense for Armenia;' and that the solution of the Karabakh
    problem should be coming out of the present status quo, by which
    `Russia, should not disturb the established balance between Armenia
    and Azerbaijan.' I believe that to be the position conforming to the
    Russian strategic interests. We should rid ourselves of the bad habit
    of taking on trust everything that Azerbaijan says. Here, we do
    business with a partner, who promises undying friendship to Moscow and
    acts as a complete vassal of Turkey in Ankara and conductor of
    pan-Turkism at home. Once we attempt to meet their interests and give
    up Karabakh to them, they will not need us, for the pan Turkism
    orientation of Baku is rooted deeply in its body.

    All of this is not a call to stop having any business with Azerbaijan
    and impose any sanctions on the country. There are about three million
    citizens of Azerbaijan, who live and work in Russia. Some of them have
    become Russian citizens. Moreover, Azerbaijan is our neighbor. A
    neighbor should be treated in a friendly, neighborly way, despite the
    fact that it behaves otherwise. It is important to promote trade,
    cultural exchange and cooperation in possible and profitable areas.
    Nonetheless, we should not close our eyes and ignore its true goals,
    especially if they contradict the Russian interests. Armenia has been
    our strategic ally from the beginning and until the present day.
    Therefore we should act towards it in an appropriate fashion. We
    should be considerate of Armenia's interests and Karabakh's interests,
    for without Karabakh there is no independent and friendly Armenia.
    Furthermore, without the Armenians, Russia would not have any
    positions in Transcaucasus. My idea of Karabakh's protectorate evolves
    exactly from that logic: we simply ought to protect Karabakh, assist
    in all possible ways to strengthen its security on its historical
    territory; that had its borders distorted by the Russian Bolsheviks,
    demanding restoration now. The entirety of NKR, deserves no lesser
    respect than entirety of territories of any other state.

    In my view, the true settling of the Karabakh conflict suggests
    complete rejection by Azerbaijan of the primal Armenian lands. It is
    possible to resolve the problem of the refugees by providing them with
    opportunities in places where they live now. How come in almost every
    discussion on Karabakh the only refugees that are being consistently
    mentioned are the Azeri refugees? Why can't the Armenians return to
    Baku, Gyandja, Sumgait, Artsvashen, Getashen, etc.? It seems to me
    that the most optimal resolution of the Karabakh problem is to
    legitimize the status quo within the borders on the confrontation
    lines, set by the truce of 1994. Aside from the war anything else is
    simply unrealistic. Azerbaijan pretty much hopes for a war. However, a
    war is not going to deliver anything good neither to the Armenians,
    nor to the Azeri people.
