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My mother told me to eat all my dinner & the global food market

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  • My mother told me to eat all my dinner & the global food market

    States News Service
    May 11, 2012 Friday



    The following information was released by the Union of Concerned
    Scientists (UCS):

    When I was young, my mother used to tell me to eat all my dinner and
    would remind me that there were hungry children who would be happy to
    have what I was leaving on my plate. I'm sure lots of you heard the
    same thing. And if you were like me, it may have been the first time
    you actually doubted your parents' wisdom, since it was obvious that
    whether I cleaned my plate or not, there was no way that the food
    would go to those hungry children. It would end up in the garbage, or
    at best in a plastic container for me to eat the next day. But it
    certainly wouldn't feed the hungry.

    You probably had a similar experience, although exactly where those
    hungry children were supposed to live likely has changed over the
    decades. For me in the fifties I think they were in India; my
    grandfather used to talk about "the starving Armenians"; my own
    children remember hearing about famine in Ethiopia in the 1980s, and
    for my parents' generation, brought up in Europe in the Depression,
    they could have been just about anywhere. And I suspect that children
    have reacted with the same skepticism for a long, long time, knowing
    that their eating all their dinner would do nothing to prevent

    But actually, the idea underlying that perennial parental message has
    gotten stronger in recent years. It's not that there have been amazing
    technological advances in food teleportation, but the global food
    system has changed in a way that does link the plates of children
    around the world a bit more closely. The kids are still all right, but
    maybe the parents are right too.

    Here's why. The share of food production that is traded
    internationally has become a larger and larger share of total food
    production, particularly for meat, feed grains and oilseeds. Many of
    our basic foodstuffs - corn from the U.S., soy from the Amazon and
    palm oil from southeast Asia - are shipped around the world in
    increasingly large quantities. This has created a global world food
    market, in which consumption in one country affects prices in all the

    Thus, when 30% of the U.S. corn crop goes into ethanol, it pushes
    prices upward and makes tortillas more expensive in Mexico. And when
    Americans eat 225 pounds of meat annually, it creates demand for corn,
    soy and other feeds, pulling up their prices as well as those of meat
    all around the world.

    This isn't anything complicated; it's what economists have been
    explaining about supply and demand for centuries. It's just that now,
    what matters is global supply and demand.

    In this way, children's dinner plates all around the planet are
    connected by the global food market. What we eat is part of the total
    demand for food that makes it cheaper or more expensive for other
    parents in other countries to give their kids three square meals a

    Now, I don't see this as reason to feel guilty, and as I've said in a
    previous post, I don't think guilt is a very useful motivation for
    deciding what to eat. Anyhow, my mother's message wasn't that I should
    feel guilty about starving children elsewhere. It was that I was
    fortunate to be well-fed and shouldn't be wasteful, about food or
    anything else. A valuable lesson to remember as we consider our
    country's food policies. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

    Posted in: Biofuel, Food and Agriculture Tags: agriculture

    About the author: Doug Boucher is an expert in preserving tropical
    forests to curtail global warming emissions. He has been participating
    in United Nations international climate negotiations since 2007 and
    his expertise has helped shape some of the U.N. policies. He holds a
    Ph.D. in ecology and evolutionary biology from the University of

    Support from UCS members make work like this possible. Will you join
    us? Help UCS advance independent science for a healthy environment and
    a safer world.
