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Aliyev aide: Armenia established in historical territory of Azerbaij

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  • Aliyev aide: Armenia established in historical territory of Azerbaij

    Interfax, Russia
    May 11 2012

    Armenia established in historical territory of Azerbaijan - Aliyev aide

    BAKU. May 11

    A member of the administration of Azeri President Ilham Aliyev,
    political analyst Fuad Ahundov claims that Armenians are not
    indigenous inhabitants of the South Caucasus.

    "Despite the attempts of Armenian scholars to prove that Armenians are
    an autochthonous people in the South Caucasus, all historical facts
    indicate that they came from elsewhere and formed their state in the
    historical lands of Azerbaijan," section head of the political
    department of the administration Ahundov said.

    "So-called Armenian history is based not on historical facts but on
    falsifications," he said at the Interfax press center in Baku at the
    presentation of the first volume of his book 'Destroyers of
    Falsifications' in Russian and the video 'A Country that did not
    exist... Armenia in the Caucasus?'

    He said that the massive migration of Armenians to the South Caucasus
    began in 1828 from Iran's Maragheh.

    Ahundov said that with the purpose of seizing the lands where the
    Republic of Armenia is now located in the middle of the 20th century
    Armenians destroyed the historical center of Yerevan which used to be
    the capital of the medieval Erivan Khanate. "One day Azeris gave
    Armenians lands of the Erivan Khanate and several others for the
    establishment of their state. And instead of being grateful for that
    they are now claiming Nagorno Karabakh and other Azeri lands. However,
    today Azerbaijan is a powerful state, the strongest in the South
    Caucasus and it will not permit anyone to take away a single patch of
    its land," the presidential aide said.

    Ahundov recalled the announcement of the Chairman of the State
    Committee for the Real Estate Cadastre of Armenia Manuk Vardanian
    about the continuation of the change of names of towns and villages
    having Turkish roots. "In his report he noted that in 2006 alone 57
    towns and villages with Azeri names were changed to Armenian and in
    2007 - 21 towns and villages.

    Meanwhile, after the collapse of the USSR Azerbaijan simply returned
    the ancient name of Ganja to the city of Kirovabad," the official

    He noted that in his book all conclusions of Armenian historians are
    refuted only by foreign scholars, politicians, writers and public

    Ahundov said that he is now working on the second volume of his book.
    ml jv
