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Israel's Reluctant Friend

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  • Israel's Reluctant Friend

    The Diplomat
    May 12 2012

    Israel's Reluctant Friend
    May 12, 2012

    Talk of allowing its airstrips to be used in a military strike against
    Iran thrust Azerbaijan into the spotlight. It doesn't want to be

    A new and perhaps surprising country took center stage recently in the
    ongoing row over Iran's nuclear program - Azerbaijan. Citing anonymous
    `high-level sources' from U.S. diplomatic and intelligence circles, a
    controversial article in Foreign Policy at the end of March suggested
    the possibility that Israel might have been proffered the use of
    Azerbaijani airstrips for any strikes against Iran's nuclear

    The article attracted impassioned rebuttals from officials and
    observers alike. But the question remains: how did Azerbaijan get
    sucked into the controversy over Tehran's nuclear plans in the first

    Azerbaijan's relations with Israel developed in earnest 20 years ago,
    and have grown significantly in depth and scope ever since. With
    bilateral trade currently hovering around $4 billion, Azerbaijan is
    Israel's top trading partner among Muslim states, and the second
    largest source of Israel's oil after Russia.

    Conversely, Israel represents Azerbaijan's second largest oil
    customer, and via the Ashkelon-Eilat Trans-Israel Pipeline, a crucial
    transit point for Azeri oil flowing to Asia's growing markets. Israeli
    companies have also made no secret of their stake in the country's
    other key, non-energy sectors, including agriculture and
    communications. However, it's the military-defense aspect of bilateral
    cooperation that has kept Iran on its toes of late.

    Israel began modernizing Azerbaijan's ragtag army after its six year,
    undeclared war with Armenia led to the loss of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    enclave and seven neighboring districts. On February 26 of this year,
    Baku and Tel Aviv inked the latest in a series of arms deals, this
    time to the tune of $1.6 billion, on the basis of which Israel
    Aerospace Industries would supply Heron and Searcher drones,
    anti-aircraft and missile defense systems over the coming months and
    perhaps years.

    This closeness represents everything that relations between Iran and
    Azerbaijan ought to have been right from the start, given both
    nations' deep historical ties. Azerbaijan was a Persian satrapy under
    the Achaemenid, the Parthian and the Sassanian empires, and the Shiite
    Safavids credited for laying the foundations of modern Iran were
    mainly ethnic Azeris, a sub-branch of the Turkic peoples. Only after
    Iran was twice defeated by the Russians in the 19th century was it
    obliged to renounce the half of the Azeri homeland located north of
    the river Araxes.

    This disjuncture largely stems from the overwhelming secularism
    brought on by 71 years of Soviet rule (1920-1991) and Azerbaijan's
    palpably pro-West, pan-Turkic and anti-Iranian outlook, especially
    under former President Abulfaz Elçibey and his Popular Front Party of
    Azerbaijan, a factor that prompted Iran to support Christian Armenia
    during the Nagorno-Karabakh war.

    South of the Araxes, Tehran remains acutely sensitive to potential
    Azeri irredentism stoked by the existence of independent Azerbaijan,
    despite the fact that its own Azeris - a fifth to a quarter of all
    Iranians including Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei (who is half-Azeri) -
    are generally well integrated.

    Baku has for its part accused Iran of supporting radical Shiite
    elements, including the now outlawed Islamic Party of Azerbaijan, as
    well as the Talysh ethnic minority inhabiting the border areas.
    Nationalist rhetoric has also sharpened with calls for the country to
    be rechristened `North Azerbaijan' as opposed to what some view as the
    `occupied' South.

    Both Israel and Iran have repeatedly accused each other of using Azeri
    territory as a base for covert operations, and the Azeri authorities
    haven't held back from publicly linking a number of locally arrested
    individuals with Iranian intelligence.

    All this suggests that an Israeli `staging ground' may not be that
    farfetched, despite a 2005 Baku-Tehran non-aggression pact and
    official insistence - most recently by President Ilham Aliyev during a
    cabinet meeting - that Azerbaijan would never allow its territory to
    be used against its neighbors.

    However, while Azerbaijan is eminently suited to Israeli interests,
    the costs of a potential Iranian backlash toward Baku are unbearable
    for three key reasons.
