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South Caucasus Railways puts new computerized track measurement labo

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  • South Caucasus Railways puts new computerized track measurement labo

    South Caucasus Railways puts new computerized track measurement
    laboratory car into operation

    YEREVAN, May 11. /ARKA/. The South Caucasus Railways put new KVL-P2.1
    computerized track measurement laboratory car into operation today.

    The laboratory was produced by Russia's INFOTRANS, scientific and
    industrial center for information and transport systems.
    The car has been acquired as part of the company's investment program
    for overseeing rails' state and upgrading safety of railway traffic.
    It was brought to Armenia a few days ago.

    `The car makes it possible to map the rail track's general geometrical
    parameters,' Andrey Yelizarov, chief of South Caucasus Railways'
    center Diagnostika, told journalists today. `There are also additional
    parameters, such as dimension structures. This parameter is especially
    necessary to us, since there are many artificial structures on the
    South Caucasus Railways.'

    He said that the car is designed for automated monitoring and
    evaluation of rail track in teal time at speeds up to 120 km/h
    ensuring high accuracy. The automated system can carry out measurement
    in any weather, and fully automated system makes it possible to decode
    data without human interference.

    `The car can survey up to 500 kilometers a day, and that's enough for
    Armenia's volumes,' Yelizarov said.

    The laboratory reflects the data of the previous survey in real time
    regime, comparing them with the results of the current measurement.

    It also provides automated processing of all the monitored parameters
    with all records.

    Season monitoring is regularly conducted on the railways. An
    infrastructure modernization program is now being implemented here.
    Some 160 kilometers of railway track have been repaired since the
    railway was handed over to the company in 2008.

    About 20 kilometers are planned to be substantial repaired this year.
    The company plans to partially repair also 147.
    The south Caucasus Railways CJSC has invested more than AMD 72.1
    billion in the railway infrastructure for three years of its
    concession management.

    In 2011 alone, the company's investments totaled AMD 13 billion 460
    million, of which AMD 12 billion 147 million was invested in
    modernization of the infrastructure, and AMD 313 million was spent for
    upgrading the rolling stock.

    The South Caucasus Railways' total investments will amount to 1
    billion 150.49 million Russian rubles in 2012.

    South Caucasus Railways, a 100-percent subsidiary of Russian Railways,
    runs Armenian Railway.

    Armenian Railways was handed over to the South Caucasus Railways on
    February 13, 2008 for 30-year concession management with a right to
    prolong the management term for other 10 years. ($1-AMD 393.07).-0-
