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Australian MP formally acknowledges the Armenian Genocide

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  • Australian MP formally acknowledges the Armenian Genocide

    Australian MP formally acknowledges the Armenian Genocide
    12.05.2012 15:13

    The Honourable John Ajaka formally acknowledged the historical reality
    of the Armenian Genocide in a speech on the floor of the NSW
    parliament this week and declared that Armenians had been forced out
    of Western Armenia, the Armenian National Committee of Australia

    Parliamentary Secretary for Transport and Roads, Ajaka rose in the
    Legislative Council to place on public record his condemnation of the
    wholesale massacre and permanent displacement of Armenians from their
    historical homeland.

    "It is recognized that the tragedy began when 250 Armenian leaders and
    intellectuals were arrested, deported and killed by the then Ottoman
    Government,' said Ajaka.

    "By the tragedy's end an estimated 1.5 million Armenians had been
    killed. The Armenian population was also permanently displaced from
    the lands of Western Armenia.'

    `This genocide is a true example of the detrimental effects of
    discrimination,' concluded Ajaka

    Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC Australia) Executive
    Director Varant Meguerditchian applauded the legislator for
    highlighting the forced removal of the Armenian people from their
    historic homeland in Western Armenia during the genocide.

    "While Turkey continues to deny the events of the past and continues
    to destroy culturally and historically valuable monuments in Western
    Armenia, a resolution to the Armenian Genocide remains unlikely,' he

    "We thank Mr Ajaka for applying pressure on Turkey so that it may
    bring about an end to its harmful policies and to instead build a
    relationship with the Armenian people, based on true understanding and

    From: Baghdasarian