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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 05/10/2012

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 05/10/2012

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 686-0710
    Fax: (212) 779-3558
    Email: [email protected]

    11, 2012

    110th Diocesan Assembly
    The 110th Diocesan Assembly was hosted by St. Mark Church of
    Springfield, MA.

    110th Diocesan Assembly Held Last Week

    Clergy and lay delegates from across the Eastern Diocese gathered in
    Windsor, CT, last week for the 110th Diocesan Assembly, hosted by St.
    Mark Church of Springfield, MA. The Assembly continued the Diocese's
    focus on lay ministry-the `Ministry of the Faithful'-with special
    emphasis on parish efforts to encourage lay participation in the life
    of the church.

    In addition to reviewing organizational reports, delegates had the
    opportunity to share how they make the presence of Jesus essential in
    their lives. They brainstormed ways to help others draw closer to
    Christ through parish activities.

    Also last week, the Women's Guild hosted its annual assembly concurrent
    with the Diocesan Assembly. On Saturday, May 5, the Women's Guild held
    its annual `Woman of Wonder Luncheon' honoring Julie Ashekian of St.
    George Church of Hartford, CT. Mrs. Ashekian was recognized for her
    dedication to the Armenian Church and for her work in helping the
    children of Armenia through the CASP and Mer Doon programs.

    In the days prior to the 110th Assembly, clergy gathered in West
    Hartford, CT, to share advice and review the year's focus on lay
    ministry during the annual Clergy Conference. Clergy of the Eastern
    Diocese welcomed a guest from the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the
    Rev. Fr. Markos Mangasaryan, and discussed the Divine Liturgy,
    education, and youth programs as representing the heart of the church's

    Click the links to read about this year's [4]Diocesan Assembly, and its
    session-long [5]discussion of lay ministry, and to view photo galleries
    of the proceedings.

    And log onto the [6]Diocese's website throughout the coming week for
    continuing coverage of the 110th Diocesan Assembly, including articles,
    videos, and photo galleries.

    St. Mary Church, Washington D.C.

    Primate to Visit St. Mary Church of Washington, DC

    On Sunday, May 13, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, will
    visit St. Mary Church of Washington, DC, where he will ordain altar
    servers and bless the church's new khatchkar.

    During the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, the Primate will ordain
    10 acolytes and one sub-deacon. Following services, Archbishop
    Barsamian will present the `St. Nersess Shnorhali' medal and pontifical
    encyclical to parishioner Arsen Sayan, founder and conductor of the
    church's Ani choir.

    The Primate will lead a procession to the newly-installed khatchkar on
    church grounds. The khatchkar was carved and donated by Armenian artist
    Ruben Nalbandian, who is currently visiting St. Mary Church. The
    khatchkar will be dedicated to the memory of the deceased parishioners
    of the community.

    A lunch and musical program will conclude the afternoon.

    Scripture of the Week

    Acts 23:12-25
    1 Jn 5:13-21
    Jn 12:12-23

    Prayer of the Week

    Christ, living Fire, inflame my soul with the fire of your love, which
    you sent forth upon the earth, that it may consume the impurities of my
    soul, cleanse my conscience, purge the sins of my body, and kindle in
    my heart the light of your knowledge. Have mercy upon your creatures,
    and upon me, a great sinner. Amen.

    Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    17 May: Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    20 May: Second Palm Sunday


    Nagorno Karabagh
    The monument symbolizing the independent spirit of Karabagh (Artsakh).

    Shushi-20 Years After Liberation

    Earlier this week His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and
    Catholicos of All Armenians, and a delegation of bishops, including
    Diocesan Primate Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, took part in the
    celebration of the 20th anniversary of the liberation of Shushi in

    In his message His Holiness said, `Glory to God that today Artsakh is
    blossoming and is filled with a fruitful, happy life. With our people's
    support, new churches are built and old churches are renovated, and the
    spiritual life of the people of Artsakh is infused with vitality.'

    The celebration included a military parade on Wednesday, May 9.
    Nagorno-Karabagh President Bako Sahakian and Armenia's President Serge
    Sargsyan were in attendance. A day earlier, Archbishop Barkev
    Martirossian, Primate of the Artsakh Diocese, celebrated the Divine
    Liturgy at Shushi's Sourp Amenaprgich Kazanchetsots cathedral, where
    the faithful gathered to offer prayers of thanksgiving.


    110th Assembly Banquet
    The Diocesan Assembly's annual banquet was held at the Basketball Hall
    of Fame in Springfield, MA, on May 4.

    Distinguished Honorees at Assembly Banquet

    Clergy, delegates, and community members gathered at the Basketball
    Hall of Fame in Springfield, MA, on Friday evening, May 4, to honor two
    distinguished individuals for their support of the Armenian Church and
    contributions to the greater Armenian community. The Grand Banquet of
    the 110th Diocesan Assembly was hosted by Springfield's St. Mark

    The award for `Armenian Church Member of the Year' was bestowed on
    [7]Dr. Gregory Adamian, the long-serving president of Bentley
    University and a much-admired Armenian community leader, who has served
    on the boards of the National Association for Armenian Studies and
    Research and the Armenian General Benevolent Union, and as a Diocesan
    Assembly delegate from St. James Church of Watertown, Mass.

    The Rev. Dr. Olav Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of
    Churches, was the recipient of the Diocese's 2012 "Friend of the
    Armenian Award." Dr. Tveit traveled to Armenia last year, where he met
    with His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of
    All Armenians, and visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial at
    Dzidzernagapert in Yerevan.

    [8]Click here to read more about the banquet and its honorees. To view
    a clip of Dr. Tveit's address to the Assembly delegates, [9]click here.

    High-tech research labs in Armenia prosper thanks to ANSEF.

    ANSEF Prevents `Brain Drain' in Armenia

    For the past 12 years, the Armenian National Science and Education Fund
    (ANSEF), sponsored by the Fund for Armenian Relief, has enabled
    Armenia's scientists to pursue cutting-edge research without having to
    leave their native country. This support has contributed to innovation
    and advancement in Armenia.

    A recent article by Florence Avakian in The Armenian Mirror-Spectator
    highlights the importance of the ANSEF program through interviews with
    one of its founders, Cornell University professor Dr. Yervant Terzian.
    [10]Click here to read the article.

    A forum will be held at the Academy of Sciences in Yerevan on September
    24, 2012, to celebrate ANSEF's success.

    Pilgrimage to Historic Armenia

    Diocesan Pilgrimage to Historic Armenia

    The Eastern Diocese is sponsoring a pilgrimage to historic Armenia,
    from September 5 to 19.

    Participants will have the opportunity to take part in the celebration
    of the Divine Liturgy at Holy Cross Church on the island of Aghtamar,
    and in prayer services at the recently consecrated St. Giragos Armenian
    Church of Dikranagert and the St. Gregory Church in Kayseri.

    The pilgrimage also includes visits to Armenia's magnificent former
    capital of Ani and tours of other parts of historic Armenia-Arapkir,
    Kars, Antep, and Malatya, among other cities and villages. The journey
    will include a stop in Istanbul, where pilgrims will visit the Armenian

    [11]Click here to view a flyer for more information.
    11. iocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=5d1a07e6a8-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email


    Deacon ordained at Holy Martyrs Church
    Krikor Ghazarian is ordained as a deacon in Bayside.

    Primate Ordains Deacon at Bayside

    On Sunday, April 29, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian visited the Church of
    the Holy Martyrs in Bayside, NY, where he ordained Krikor Ghazarian to
    the diaconate.

    Following services, a luncheon was held to celebrate Dn. Krikor's
    achievements. Krikor is a graduate of the Holy Martyrs Armenian Day
    School and is currently studying at St. John's University in Queens,

    A brief video highlighted Dn. Krikor's dedication to the Armenian
    Church. Remarks were made by parish council chair Bruce Ashbahian and
    other parishioners. The afternoon also featured a program of
    recitations and musical performances.

    `As a newly ordained deacon, I have the honor and responsibility to
    serve not only God, but the people of our church,' Dn. Krikor said. `I
    embrace this responsibility and I look forward to assuming the new role
    with humility.'

    To view a photo gallery of the day, [12]click here.

    Vicar visits Armenians in Louisville
    Fr. Odabashian leads the Armenian community of Louisville, KY, in

    Diocesan Vicar visits Armenians of Louisville

    Diocesan Vicar the Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian visited the
    Armenians of Louisville, KY, on April 29, for a one-day visit marked by
    three home blessings, the celebration of the Jashou (Midday) office,
    and two baptisms. Over 40 Armenians and friends gathered for the
    festivities held at Beechmont Presbyterian Church.

    While the local Armenians gather socially to observe Armenian
    Christmas, Easter, and family milestones, this marked the first time
    (with the exception of a wedding last fall) that a religious service
    was conducted in the city according to the traditions of the Armenian
    Church. The fellowship hour that followed included spontaneous singing
    and recitations, and expressions of warm hospitality to Fr. Odabashian
    from the Louisville Armenians, most of whom hail from Iran, Armenia,
    Karabagh, Baku, and Istanbul. Eliza Minasyan coordinated the Vicar's

    To view a photo gallery, [13]click here.

    St. Kevork Armenian Church, Houston, TX
    Participants in a seminar for Armenian School teachers in Houston, TX.

    Armenian School Teacher-Training in Houston

    On Saturday, April 28, Gilda Buchakjian, the Diocese's Armenian Studies
    Coordinator, visited the Armenian School of St. Kevork Church of
    Houston, TX. Ms. Buchakjian led a training seminar for teachers and
    school board members.

    In a multi-media presentation, she outlined strategies for teaching
    Armenian to young people, and shared resources available from the
    Diocese to assist teachers. She ended the day's session with an
    `Overview of the Armenian Culture.'

    The day was organized by Christine Kolandjian, chair of the Armenian
    School board and the Rev. Fr. Martiros Hakobyan, parish pastor.

    Dr. Hovannisian speaks at St. Mary Church, Washington D.C.
    The distinguished Dr. Richard Hovannisian signs books after a lecture
    in Washington, DC.

    Prof. Hovannisian Lectures in Washington

    On Sunday, April 29, St. Mary Church of Washington, DC, hosted
    Professor Richard Hovannisian, who delivered a lecture titled `The
    Changing Landscape of Historic Western Armenia: Reflections on a
    Journey into the Past.'

    Dr. Hovannisian spoke about his recent trip to historic Armenian lands
    and discussed questions of Armenian identity, the Armenian heritage in
    present-day Turkey, and other topics.

    Parish Council member Mike Tashjian offered welcoming remarks, and Dean
    Shahinian introduced Dr. Hovannisian. Parish pastor, the Rev. Fr.
    Hovsep Karapetyan, presented Dr. Hovannisian with a commemorative
    plaque. More than 200 people attended the lecture.

    To view a photo gallery, [14]click here. (For details on a similar
    event in Fair Lawn, NJ, please see the [15]Upcoming Events section

    Mission Parishes conduct food drive
    Diocesan mission parishes organized food drives in March and April.

    Finding the `Mission' in Mission Parishes

    During the months of March and April, several mission parishes of the
    Eastern Diocese organized food drives to benefit children and to honor
    the victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide. Mission parishes collected
    baby food, diapers, baby bottles, and other items that were then
    donated to local homeless shelters.

    Participating mission parishes included communities in Austin, TX,
    where the drive was led by college student Perouza Parsamian;
    Tidewater, VA; and Baton Rouge, LA. The Rev. Fr. Tateos Abdalian, the
    Diocese's director of Mission Parishes, said he hopes the food drive
    will become an annual tradition for mission parish communities.

    To view a photo gallery, [16]click here.

    Upcoming Events

    Upcoming Parish Events

    St. Leon Church | Fair Lawn, NJ
    Professor Richard Hovannisian will give a lecture titled "The Changing
    Landscape of Historic Western Armenia: Reflections on a Journey Into
    the Past" at St. Leon Church of Fair Lawn, NJ, on Friday, May 11, at
    7:45 p.m.

    The illustrated presentation will feature a discussion on the imagined
    homeland vs. the existing landscape of Western Armenia. Dr. Hovannisian
    will speak about his travels to Trebizond, Samsun, Baiburt, Erzerum,
    Kemakh, Agn, Sebastia, Amasia, Kharpert, Mush, Diarbekir, Bitlis, Van,
    Kars, and Ani.

    The event is free and open to the public; it will be held in the church
    sanctuary. [17]Click here to view a flyer or call the church office at
    (201) 791-2862 for information.
    17. e+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=5d1a07e6a8-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email

    Holy Trinity Church | Cambridge, MA
    Holy Trinity Church of Greater Boston will celebrate its 50 years on
    Brattle Street with a Golden Jubilee Gala on Saturday, May 12, from 7
    to 11 p.m. The evening will feature gourmet food and Armenian and
    American music. [18]Click here for information.
    18. 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=5d1a07e6a8-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email

    St. Vartan Cathedral | New York, NY
    Please note that the Mother's Day luncheon and program previously
    scheduled for Sunday, May 13, has been cancelled.

    The cathedral will host an Ascension Day program on Thursday, May 17.
    The day will begin with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy at 11
    a.m. A luncheon will follow services.

    Holy Martyrs Church | Bayside, NY
    Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School will celebrate its 45th anniversary
    with a gala dinner-dance on Saturday, May 19, beginning at 7:30 p.m.
    The event will be held at the Garden City Country Club in Garden City,
    N.Y. [19]Click here to view a flyer, or call the school office at (718)

    Khrimian Lyceum | New York, NY
    The Diocese's Khrimian Lyceum will celebrate its 25th anniversary on
    Saturday, May 19, at the Diocesan Center in New York, beginning at 2
    p.m. For information, or to RSVP, contact Gilda Buchakjian at (212)
    686-0710, ext. 148.


    ACYOA Sprots Weekend

    Register for ACYOA Assembly/Sports Weekend Online

    Registration for the ACYOA General Assembly and Sports Weekend is open
    online. To register, visit [20] The
    deadline for registrants not booking a hotel room is Wednesday, May 16.
    20.`178c7542&e=3a a2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=5d1a07e6a8-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email

    The Assembly and Sports Weekend will be hosted by the ACYOA Seniors of
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Church of Chicago, IL, May 24-28.
    Participants will stay in Chicago, and enjoy a variety of spiritual,
    social, and athletic activities.

    [21]Click here to view a full schedule of events..

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress