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Crossroads E-Newsletter - May 10, 2012

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  • Crossroads E-Newsletter - May 10, 2012

    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
    H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
    Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168

    May 10, 2012


    The National Representative Assembly (NRA) of the Eastern Prelacy of
    the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, convened this
    morning. Hosting the Assembly is Sts. Vartanantz Church of Providence,
    Rhode Island. The meetings are taking place at the Crowne Plaza in
    Warwick, Rhode Island. The Clergy Conference met yesterday and today
    the clergy joined the full Assembly. The Assembly will continue
    through noon on Saturday, May 12.

    The Assembly officially opened this morning at 11 am with an opening
    prayer by His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate. The first
    session included reports from the credential committee, election of
    nominating committee, election of the Assemblys co-chairs and
    secretaries, and welcoming remarks by Rev. Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian,
    pastor of the host parish and Mark E. Phillips, chairman of the board
    of trustees of Sts. Vartanantz Church. Archbishop Oshagan will deliver
    his keynote address tomorrow (Friday) morning.

    The second session, which began after the lunch break, featured a
    video message to the NRA from His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the
    Holy See of Cilicia. To view His Holiness message click here.

    Pontifical Visit: A presentation about the upcoming Pontifical Visit
    of His Holiness to the Eastern Prelacy in October was given by the
    co-chairs of the National Steering Committee, Jack Mardoian and Karen
    Jehanian during the second session this afternoon. During the month of
    October His Holiness will visit every parish community in the Eastern
    Prelacy. The co-chairs presented an overview of the itinerary as well
    as the theme of the visit, the seminars, conferences, speeches,
    Pontifical Liturgies, and banquets, and parish activities, national
    and local communications program, and publications.

    Tomorrow the co-chairs of the Pontifical Visit Steering Committee will
    meet individually with the delegations of each region to go over
    Vehapars local schedule and provide guidance to the parish

    Theme of Pontifical Visit: Witness and Renewal: Taking the Church to
    the People, has been selected with the Catholicoss participation and
    guidance, as the theme of the pontifical visit. His Holiness has
    requested that most of the activities being planned be with the people
    in informal and intimate settings, rather than many formal
    banquets. The theme will play a central role throughout the Pontifical
    Visit with the aim of reaching specific goals before, during and after
    the visit.


    Catholicos Aram I, recently offered the following statement about the
    theme of his visit to the Eastern Prelacy, October 431, 2012:

    I warmly welcome the Prelacys decision to make Witness and Renewal the
    theme of my forthcoming pontifical visit to the parishes within the
    jurisdiction of the Eastern Prelacy of the United States of America.

    Witness and renewal are, indeed, at the heart of the churchs very
    being as a community of faith and missionary reality. The church is a
    witnessing community. It fulfills itself in time and space by
    witnessing to the Gospel of Christ. At the end of His earthly
    ministry, Jesus commissioned His disciples to take the Gospel to all
    corners of the world. Hence, witness to Gods saving act in Jesus
    constitutes the essence and the raison dtre of the church.

    Renewal is a vital dimension of being church. The church is not a
    static reality; it is in dynamic process of community building. It is
    called to give substance, quality and vision to renewal through
    critical self-assessment and in response to its environment. Any
    effort of renewal related to the churchs liturgical, pastoral,
    spiritual, missionary and institutional aspects, must generate inner
    vitality and make the church relevant and credible. Otherwise renewal
    will lose its very meaning and purpose.

    Witness and renewal are interwoven; they must be taken as one whole
    encompassing all features, dimensions and manifestations of the
    church. Focusing on this holistic understanding, I would like to share
    with you succinctly a few reflections concerning the Armenian Church.

    1) From the very inception of our church, witness and renewal have
    been taken very seriously. The missionary engagement, evangelistic
    outreach, diakonal action and cultural activity have been the core of
    our witness and renewal. The church has played a pivotal role in the
    life of the Armenian people by responding to their needs and concerns
    in constantly changing circumstances. The radically and rapidly
    changing world and the growing impact of globalization on the life of
    modern societies challenge the Armenian Church to consider most
    seriously and in broader perspective the imperatives and implications
    of witness and renewal within the context of its God-given vocation.

    2) Because the church is a local reality, special attention must be
    given to the parish. The parish is the full expression of the holy,
    universal and apostolic church. In order to ensure an effective
    witness and renewal for our church, we must reorganize parish life in
    its various aspects and manifestations, reactivate pastoral and
    diakonal functions, and revitalize its evangelistic outreach. In these
    efforts we must consider the specificities of the environment in which
    a parish is located. Further, as an integral part of the churchs
    pastoral care the concerns and expectations of the parishioners need
    to be properly addressed.

    3) Spirituality is an essential feature of the churchs life and
    witness as a praying, witnessing, confessing and serving
    community. Spirituality must embrace all spheres of the churchs
    life. Constant effort should be made to make the rich spirituality of
    our church, which is deeply rooted in centuries-old traditions and
    values, more relevant and responsive to modern times and
    challenges. Our spirituality must both preserve and enhance our
    distinctive Armenian-Christian identity and promote creative
    interaction between the church and the youth.

    4) Christ conveyed His message to the people by addressing the issues
    and challenges of His time. Sustained by the power of the Gospel and
    driven by the vision of the kingdom of God, the church should do the
    same. As a witnessing community to the values, truths and principles
    of the Gospel, the church cannot remain indifferent in the face of
    moral, ethical and social issues that steer the life of modern
    societies. Although the complex problems faced by our community and
    the compelling questions being raised by our youth resist easy
    solutions or answers, the church is called to consider these problems
    and questions as an essential dimension of its pastoral vocation and
    to provide spiritual and moral guidance.

    How can we take the church to the people by making it a serving and
    caring reality in the life of the community? How can we make the
    people active members of the community of faith? These challenges
    should become the driving force and purpose of the churchs witness and
    renewal. It is my expectation that due consideration will be given to
    these observations as you prepare the pontifical visitation program.

    May God bless you all.

    ARAM I



    A four-part Bible study on St. Pauls Letter to the Philippians will be
    presented at St. Illuminators Armenian Cathedral on four consecutive
    Thursdays, May 17, 24, 31 and June 7, 2012, by Dn. Shant Kazanjian,
    Director of the Armenian Religious Education Council (AREC). The
    sessions will begin at 7:15 pm with a presentation (45 minutes)
    followed by Q&A and discussion (45 minutes). The program is free and
    open to the public, but registration is required. The Church is
    located at 221 East 27th Street (New York City).

    For further information and registration, please contact the Cathedral
    office at 212-689-5880 or the Prelacy office at 212-689-7810 or at
    [email protected].


    The new board of trustees for St. Gregory Church, North Andover,
    Massachusetts, with their pastor, Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian,
    following services. Front row, from left: John Dagdigian (alternate),
    Karen Aznoian, Sylvia Mahlebjian, Christine Kourkounian, Nancy
    Vartabedian, and Alex Movsessian. Rear, from left: Joseph Almasian,
    Vartkes Hovsepian, Der Karekin Bedourian, Dr. John Saryan, and Richard
    Shahtanian. (photo by Tom Vartabedian)


    The 43rd annual competition of Armenian Saturday and Day Schools in
    New York/New Jersey took place on Saturday, May 5, at St. Illuminator
    School in Woodside, New York. The competition is organized by the
    literary committee of Hamazkayin of New York. Rev. Fr. Mesrob
    Lakissian, pastor of St. Illuminators Cathedral, guided the

    Participating schools included: Holy Martyrs Day and Saturday schools;
    St. Illuminators Day School; St. Sarkis Saturday School (Douglaston);
    and Nareg Saturday School (New Jersey).

    Certificates and gifts were given to all participants and additional
    gifts were presented to those students who answered all questions


    Archbishop Oshagan, Prelate, and Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, pastor of
    St. Illuminators Cathedral in New York City, are surrounded by the
    cast of The Way We Were Ensemble who performed their new musical
    offering, The Hye LegionThe Gamavor last Sunday at the Cathedral.

    Rev. Fr. Mesrob presents a plaque to Hourig Papazian-Sahagian,
    director of the group, on behalf of the Cathedral, in appreciation of
    her artistic accomplishments.


    Playwright Herand Markarians latest creation, Silence in a Circular
    Rainbow has been receiving high praise from theatre-goers at the
    sold-out premiere performance on May 4. Performances will continue
    until May 20, at the Shell Theater (Times Square Arts Building). Many
    of the performances are sold out. To purchase tickets ($18) go to or 212-868-4444.


    Note: Beginning on the Sunday after Easter and continuing until
    Pentecost (May 27), in addition to other readings, portions of the
    four Gospels are read each day. Luke is read in the morning; John is
    read at mid-day; Matthew is read at the beginning of the evening hour;
    and Mark is read at the end of the evening hour.

    Bible readings for Sunday, May 13, Fifth Sunday after Easter, are:
    Acts 20:17-38; 1 John 3:2-6; John 9:39-10:10; (1) Luke 14:25-15:32;
    (2) Acts 20:17-38; 1 John 3:2-6; John 9:39-10:10; (3) Matthew
    16:13-17:13; (4) Mark 8:27-9:13.

    Beloved, we are Gods children now; what we will be has not yet been
    revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be
    like him, for we will see him as he is. And all who have this hope in
    him purify themselves, just as he is pure.

    Everyone who commits sin is guilty of lawlessness; sin is
    lawlessness. You know that he was revealed to take away sins, and in
    him there is no sin. No one who abides in him sins; no one who sins
    has either seen him or known him. (1 John 3:2-6)

    For a listing of the coming weeks Bible readings click here.


    His Holiness Aram I presided over the Holy Liturgy on May 4, at the
    Greek Orthodox Church in Abu Dhabi temporarily offered to the Armenian
    community. After the liturgy, His Holiness went to the location where
    the first Armenian Church in Abu Dhabi will be built. Accompanying him
    were Bishop Shahe Panossian, Catholicosal Vicar of the Diocese of
    Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates; the Ambassador of Armenia to the
    Gulf Region; the Honorary Ambassador of Armenia to Deir Zor, and
    representatives of the Armenian communities in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and

    Following the tradition of the Armenian Church, Catholicos Aram
    blessed the 16 stones of the 16 columns of the churchs foundation that
    were carried by 16 benefactors and witnesses. His Holiness named the
    church The Church of the Holy Martyrs in commemoration of the 100th
    anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. His Holiness thanked the Emir of
    Abu Dhabi, the benefactors of the new church, and the members of the



    May 11Mothers Day Celebration, sponsored by the ARS Mayr Chapter of
    New York, at the Armenian Center, 69-23 47th Avenue, Woodside, New
    York, 8 pm. Music by DJ Tunes. Admission (includes full dinner): $40,
    adults; $15, children under 12. For reservations: Anais 718-392-6982
    or Anahid 718-263-9325.

    May 9-12National Representative Assembly of Eastern Prelacy, hosted by
    Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, Rhode Island. Clergy conference on
    May 9; full delegation May 10 to 12. Accommodations at Crowne Plaza
    Hotel, Warwick, Rhode Island. Check Prelacy web page
    ( for details

    May 11-12National Association of Ladies Guilds (NALG), 30th
    anniversary celebration and annual conference in conjunction with the
    National Representative Assembly, Crowne Plaza, Warwick, Rhode
    Island. For information: Mary Derderian 781-762-4253.

    May 19Cultural Evening organized by Hamazkayin Eastern USA with the
    New Jersey and New York chapters, at St. Leon Church (Function Hall),
    12-61 Saddle River Road, Fairlawn, New Jersey, reception and dinner;
    Keynote address by Khatchig Mouradian, editor of the Armenian Weekly;
    performances by the New Jersey Arekag Chorus and Nayiri Dance
    Ensemble; presentation of awards; presentation of future
    plans. Tickets: $50. Contact: Ms. Arous Isakhanian, 201-739-9557.

    May 4 thru May 24Sixteen performances in May (including matinee
    performances on Saturdays and Sundays) of Herand M. Markarians new
    play commissioned by the New York State Theater Institute,
    Silence. With award-winning actress Lorraine Serabian. This story of
    love, loss, and relentless search by a women for her son after the
    Armenian genocide of 1915, is directed by Kevin Thomson. Performances
    at the Shell Theater in the Times Square Arts Building, 300 West 43rd
    Street, New York City. Reserve tickets now ($18): or
    212-868-4444. For information: [email protected].

    June 7Avak luncheon at noon, St. Gregory Church, 158 Main Street,
    North Andover, Massachusetts. Speakers: Dr. Ara & Milka Jeknavorian,
    Reconnecting with Armenia after 38 Years, travelogue includes scenes
    from Armenia, Moscow, and Dubai. Public invited.

    June 14St. Gregory Church of Merrimack Valley, North Andover, Mens
    Club 3rd Annual Cigar Night & Dinner, in Blessed Memory of Fr. Vartan
    Kassabian. Surf & Turf dinner, Open Bar, Cigars, Live & Silent
    Auctions, Raffles. Tickets must be purchased in advance by sending a
    check for $125 payable to St. Gregory Mens Club, 158 Main Street,
    North Andover, Massachusetts 01845, or contact Greg Minasian at
    [email protected] or 978-470-3075.

    June 18Holy Trinity Church, Worcester, Massachusetts, 9th Annual Golf
    Outing at Sterling National Country Club, Sterling,
    Massachusetts. Continental breakfast, golf, dinner, prizes and
    gift. $140 per golfer. For information: Kap Kaprielian at
    [email protected] or church office 508-852-2414.

    June 24St. Hagop Church, Racine, Wisconsin, annual Madagh Picnic at
    Jonsons Park, Racine.

    July 14Sts. Vartanantz Church Ladies Guild and ARS Ani Chapter,
    Providence, Rhode Island, A Hye Summer Night VI dance, featuring
    Hachig Kazarian, Richard Hagopian, Kenneth Kalajian, Jason Naroian, 8
    pm to 1 am; $35 adults; $15 children 16 and under. At the Annunciation
    Greek Orthodox Church, 175 Oaklawn Avenue, Cranston, Rhode
    Island. Mezza will be served. Limited seating. For tickets and
    information: 401-434-4467 (Joyce Bagdasarian); 401-354-8770 (Joyce

    Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacys web

    To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
    add [email protected] to your address book.

    Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
    credit Crossroads as the source.

    Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
    their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
    [email protected]

    From: A. Papazian