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Yerevan Press Club Weekly Newsletter - 05/10/2012

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  • Yerevan Press Club Weekly Newsletter - 05/10/2012


    MAY 4-10, 2012







    On May 7 at Urbat Club Yerevan Press Club presented the Report on Monitoring
    of Armenian Broadcast Media Coverage of May 6, 2012 Elections to RA National
    Assembly. Assistance to the YPC research was provided by OSCE Office in
    Yerevan within the framework of the project "Support to Two Electoral Cycles
    in Armenia", financed by the European Union. The monitoring was conducted
    within two stages: the first stage covered the period of March 1-31, 2012
    (ahead of pre-election promotion); the second stage covered the period of
    April 8 - May 4, 2012 (pre-election promotion).

    Current report sums up the outcomes of monitoring the period of pre-election
    promotion (8 April - May 4, 2012), as well as the previous months, November
    16 to December 15, 2011 (during this period YPC conducted monitoring upon
    its own initiative and at the expense of its own resources), and March 1-31,

    THE MONITORING included 7 national TV channels - First Channel of the Public
    Television of Armenia (h1), "Shoghakat" (which is also a part of Public TV
    and Radio Company), "Armenia", "Yerkir Media", "Kentron", Second Armenian TV
    Channel (h2), "Shant"; 1 Yerevan TV channel - "ArmNews" (the only
    broadcaster in Armenia that has a specific license of a news channel); as
    well as Public Radio of Armenia. During the pre-election promotion, the
    study included all programs aired at 18.00-01.00 on the above-mentioned TV
    and radio channels, with the exception of political (i.e. pre-election
    promotion materials), commercial and social advertisement. During other
    stages of the monitoring, main editions of news programs and main current
    affairs/discussion programs broadcast during the same time interval were

    Object of monitoring consisted of TV/radio pieces that included references
    to: during the pre-election promotion - to 8 parties and 1 party bloc,
    registered by the RA Central Electoral Commission (CEC) for participation in
    the parliamentary elections by proportional electoral system; during the
    previous stages - to the political forces which either had expressed their
    intention to participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections, or held an
    active position in the political life of the country. The airtime, allocated
    to the parties/bloc, frequency and connotations of references to them by the
    monitored media were recorded. (See the monitoring methodology during the
    pre-election promotion in YPC Report, Chapter "General Information on
    Monitoring", at

    THE CHOICE OF VARIOUS TIME PERIODS was conditioned by the fact that in
    Armenia traditionally the non-official election campaign starts much earlier
    than the month before the elections, which is allocated for pre-election
    promotion. And within various periods the behavior of the media, especially
    the ones with the most massive audience, i.e. TV channels, to a large extent
    determines the attitudes of the electorate. Such studies allow to define the
    role of Armenian TV and radio broadcasters in political processes, as well
    as the problems that exist in the field of broadcast media regulation. (See
    the detailed analysis of the coverage of the electoral campaign preceding
    the period of official pre-election promotion at

    broadcasters offered various equal conditions to political forces for
    introducing their programs and views to the electorate. Naturally, the
    voters did not receive equal amount of information about all election
    participants, however this was a result of the capacity and willingness of
    the political forces to conduct an election campaign. In that respect,
    Armenian broadcasters demonstrated indisputable progress compared to
    previous national elections. At the same time, quantitative data of the
    monitoring suggests that certain channels, especially during the last days
    of pre-election promotion, were not making the necessary effort for
    complying with the principle of balanced coverage of the election campaign.

    While the studied broadcasters made a step forward, compared with the
    previous national elections, as well as with the months, preceding the
    four-week period of pre-election promotion, it is impossible to say that
    similar progress took place with regard to politicians. The latter ones, as
    it has been done before, did not always inform the media about their
    pre-election campaign events, sometimes refrained from taking part in
    political debates and other discussion programs. Certain confusion remained
    with regard to events that directly represent a part of the electoral
    campaign, and those ones, in which the leaders of political forces appeared
    not as party leaders, but in their official capacity - as high rank
    statesmen. This, without doubt, created certain obstacles for the voters to
    make an informed and conscious choice.

    SEVERAL PROBLEMS IN ELECTIONS COVERAGE are directly connected to legislation
    shortcomings. During the period, preceding the pre-election promotion,
    certain materials, devoted to charity actions, initiatives related to social
    issues and pre-election meetings of the parties "Prosperous Armenia" and
    less frequently "Orinats Yerkir" contained indirect attributes of political
    advertisement. The same or almost the same reports (both in terms of images
    and texts) were aired on more than one channels, mostly on "Kentron" and
    Second Armenian TV Channel, and in certain cases on "Yerkir Media",
    "Armenia" and "Shant". These attributes allow to suggest that the
    above-mentioned reports did not represent editorial coverage of events, but
    hidden political promotion, which was carried out contrary to RA
    legislation. And even if the performance of the media during the period of
    the official pre-election promotion would have been ideal, this would not
    always be enough for compensating the imbalance, which had been formed
    during the previous periods. This circumstance is forcing to once again
    raise the issues of deliberate unequal opportunities for political parties
    and the necessity of clear normative-legal regulation and monitoring not
    only for the short period of pre-election promotion, but also for the period
    preceding it.

    Particularly, the "video-press-release" pieces, which are provided by
    parties to various broadcasters, in the opinion of YPC monitoring group,
    should be interpreted as political advertisement, in case they are not going
    through proper editorial processing. Broadcasting these pieces in their
    initial versions cannot be presented as coverage on the part of the media,
    since the audience has the right to know, whether it is receiving a
    journalistic piece or a direct message from the politicians.

    Clear understanding of the limitations in the work of the media during the
    elections was also hindered by discrepancies in the legal provisions
    regarding coverage of sociological polls. On the one hand, the prohibition
    of covering pre-election sociological polls during the last seven days
    before voting was removed from the RA Electoral Code in the run-up to
    parliamentary elections of 2012; but on the other hand, fines for such
    coverage are still envisaged by the RA Code on Administrative Offences.
    Hence, certain media, including broadcast media, continued to cover
    sociological polls during the last week before May 6.

    An unacceptable system of licensing and regulation of broadcast media in
    Armenia (see Expert Analysis of the Broadcast Licensing Competition Results
    of December 2010 [in Armenian and English] at, has led to an unacceptable level
    of the dependence of TV companies from political circles, first of all
    pro-government forces. This conditioned imbalanced coverage of all previous
    election campaigns, as well as, during the period preceding the official
    pre-election promotion, of the current parliamentary elections. There are
    serious reasons to believe that the significant progress, which has been
    recorded during the period of pre-election promotion, was not a result of
    the changing media landscape of Armenia, but rather a consequence of a
    decision taken on the highest political level to provide equal opportunities
    for access to TV air to the parties participating in the elections. But even
    in these conditions, the political partisanship of the TV channels was felt
    to a certain extent. Thus, before the pre-election promotion period, on the
    whole, on the air of the studied broadcasters the tendency of providing
    positive coverage of the ruling coalition parties (Republican Party of
    Armenia, "Orinats Yerkir" and "Prosperous Armenia") and negative coverage of
    the opposition Armenian National Congress (ANC) was observed. As for the
    pre-election promotion period per se, in spite of a relatively balanced
    coverage on the majority of broadcasters, "Kentron" and "Yerkir Media"
    channels displayed a pronounced negative attitude to Republican Party of
    Armenia (RPA), and a pronounced positive attitude to "Prosperous Armenia"
    and ARF-Dashnaktsutyun, respectively. It is worth noting that such coverage
    of "Prosperous Armenia" was characteristic for "Kentron" also before the
    pre-election promotion period.

    One more traditional problem that still remains urgent, which demands if not
    legal, but at least informal regulation, is the coverage of the party
    leaders' activities not connected to the election campaign. In the course of
    the current parliamentary elections, this issue concerned mostly the
    Republican Party, in whose party list the first and third positions are held
    by the RA President Serzh Sargsyan and RA Prime-Minister Tigran Sargsyan. On
    various channels the coverage of their non-party activities during the
    pre-election promotion period made on average 25% of total airtime allocated
    to RPA. It means that on average they were receiving about 3 minutes of the
    evening airtime on each channel. This volume could have been considered
    acceptable, if these activities represented public events that could not
    have been delayed. However, not all public events with the participation of
    the two leaders of the country can be considered mandatory during the period
    of an election campaign, in which they are also taking part as candidates.
    While participation in internal and international events, with dates that
    are fixed independently of their will, such as the celebration of the Holly
    Easter, government meetings, etc., is quite legitimate, visits to various
    companies, institutions, ceremonies, etc. do not always appear as something
    which could not have been planned for a period outside of the election
    campaign. Especially, since there exists an unwritten rule: to ensure
    outmost equal conditions for holding pre-election promotion, leaders of the
    state, who take part in the election campaign, should reduce their public
    appearances, which are unconnected to the campaign, rather than increase
    their frequency.

    Of course, the broadcasters traditionally cover each public event with the
    participation of the President and Prime-Minister, and, as a matter of fact,
    the advantage of the RPA before its competitors in terms of airtime and
    references frequency has been formed mostly at the expense of these
    activities in the capacity of state officials. First of all, this refers to
    Public Radio and "Shant" TV channel, where coverage of the events with
    participation of the RA President and RA Prime-Minister, not directly
    connected with the elections, comprised 41.7% of the total airtime allocated
    to RPA by each of these channels, and thus can be characterized as

    In terms of coverage of non-party activities of the leaders of political
    forces, "Kentron" distinguished itself with its attitude to Gagik Tsarukyan,
    the first number of the electoral list of "Prosperous Armenia" and the
    President of the National Olympic Committee of Armenia. During the period of
    pre-election promotion, only his activities in the capacity of the Head of
    the NOC received almost as much of attention on the evening airtime of
    "Kentron", as it was allocated to the "United Armenians" party in general on
    this channel.

    THE HIGHEST DEGREE OF INTEREST to political forces, taking part in the
    elections, during the period of pre-election promotion was displayed by
    "ArmNews" TV channel (hereafter see the quantitative results of the
    monitoring from April 8 to May 4, 2012 at On May 3, 2012 "ArmNews"
    established "an absolute record" of the current election campaign in terms
    of frequency and volume of coverage of political forces: 295 references to
    parties/bloc and 9,424 seconds, allocated to them in the evening airtime.
    The second and third in terms of volume of coverage were "Kentron" and
    "Yerkir Media", with a significant gap, as compared to the leader. And while
    these two TV channels had been active on all stages of the monitoring,
    "ArmNews" was gradually becoming the leader in terms of frequency and volume
    of coverage of the electoral process, increasing its attention to it step by
    step. Its passivity before the period of pre-election promotion was
    difficult to explain, especially taking into account that it is the only
    broadcaster in Armenia that has a specific license of a news channel.

    Less than other studied channels the internal political situation during the
    period of pre-election promotion was covered by PTA First Channel, "Armenia"
    and "Shant". The above-mentioned "record" of "ArmNews" was equal to
    four-five days standard coverage of the pre-election situation by these
    channels. On the previous stages of the monitoring the same broadcasters
    displayed the lowest degree of activity. First of all, this refers to
    "Shant", which, having the same type of license, as for example "Kentron"
    (i.e. TV channel of general profile), allocated almost five times less
    airtime to pre-election processes during the period of March 1-31, 2012.

    However, if on the previous stages the lack of attention to electoral
    process could have influenced the degree of awareness of the audience,
    beginning from April 8 the potential voters were receiving the necessary
    minimum of news and opinions. In the news editions of 8 out of 9 studied
    broadcasters, reports about pre-election rallies and other events of all 9
    parties/bloc were aired, politicians were frequent guests in discussion
    programs. Besides, the broadcasters aired paid pre-election promotion slots
    (while on PTA First Channel and Public Radio also free pre-election
    promotion slots).

    One of the 9 studied broadcasters, "Shoghakat", as during the previous
    stages of the monitoring, remained loyal to its profile - a TV channel of
    spiritual and cultural orientation. There were only 23 references to
    political parties/bloc within its programs included in the monitoring. 18 of
    these and 124 seconds of airtime were devoted to RPA, and in all these cases
    it was coverage of the activities of the RA President and RA Prime-Minister,
    unrelated to the election campaign. Accordingly, the analysis and
    comparisons made within the current report do not refer to this broadcaster.

    MOST EQUALLY THE ATTENTION to political forces was distributed on "ArmNews"
    and Public Radio. The largest divergence in terms of airtime, allocated to
    parties/bloc, was recorded on "Kentron", where "Prosperous Armenia" party,
    as on previous stages of the monitoring, had overwhelming advantage over
    competitors in terms of coverage volume. In terms of references frequency
    the largest divergence was recorded on "Shant".

    According to cumulative indicators of all studied broadcasters, RPA was the
    leader both in terms of references frequency and airtime allocation.
    According to the first indicator this party was also ahead of all others on
    every channel, and according to volume of coverage - on 5 out of 8 studied
    channels. As it was mentioned, in terms of this indicator on "Kentron"
    "Prosperous Armenia" was beyond competition, on "Yerkir Media"
    ARF-Dashnaktsutyun was the first, and on "Armenia" ANC was ahead of
    everyone. According to cumulative data of all studied channels "Prosperous
    Armenia" and ARF-Dashnaktsutyun together with RPA were the three leading
    parties in terms of both indicators of the attention level - frequency of
    references and airtime allocation. The advantage of "Prosperous Armenia" and
    ARF-Dashnaktsutyun as compared to ANC, which was fourth, had been formed at
    the expense of the special attention they were receiving from "Kentron" and
    "Yerkir Media", accordingly. Other political forces of the "big six" (beside
    the already mentioned four, also "Orinats Yerkir" and "Heritage") were
    covered quite intensively, both during the period of pre-election promotion
    and before it. Democratic Party of Armenia and Communist Party of Armenia
    led their campaigns more passively, which, according to monitoring results,
    also influenced their indicators. A special case were "United Armenians".
    Coverage of this party was not a subject of the initial stages of
    monitoring, since previously the party had not demonstrated any public
    activity and before mid-March 2012 had not voiced its intention to take part
    in the parliamentary elections by a proportional system. This circumstance,
    as well as the relatively passive conduct of the election campaign had its
    impact on the media attention toward this party.

    THE SHARE OF CONNOTATION REFERENCES to political forces in the period of
    pre-election promotion comprised 3.5% of the aggregate number of references
    on all studied channels. In spite of fact that the criticism and praise
    towards the parties, both from the parties themselves and society at large,
    was becoming more common as the voting day was getting closer, during the
    period of pre-election promotion this indicator decreased as compared to
    November-December 2011 (9.6%) and March 2012 (3.8%). This is a sign of
    predominance of neutral coverage on the part of TV and radio journalists.

    The highest share of connotation references was recorded on "Kentron" (7.1%
    of the total number of references on that channel). The lowest share was
    recorded on "ArmNews" (1.4%) and Public Radio (1.5%). Between them were
    "Shant" (2.4%), PTA First Channel (3.4%), Second Armenian TV Channel (4.3%),
    "Armenia" (5.5%) and "Yerkir Media" (6%).

    At the same time, during the period of pre-election promotion "polarized"
    attitude to certain political forces was recorded on a number of
    broadcasters. On "Kentron" "Prosperous Armenia" received 65 positive and no
    negative references, while RPA received no positive and 20 negative
    references. On "Yerkir-Media" ARF-Dashnaktsutyun received 29 positive and no
    negative references, "Prosperous Armenia" - 23 positive and 5 negative
    references, while RPA received no positive and 17 negative references. In
    terms of "polarization" these channels are followed by "ArmNews" with a
    large gap: 12 positive versus 5 negative references in case of RPA and no
    positive versus 12 negative references in case of ANC. It was at the expense
    of "Kentron" and "Yerkir Media" that "Prosperous Armenia" and
    ARF-Dashanktsutyun have the most favorable aggregate balance (on all
    studied channels) of positive and negative references: 102-26 ("Prosperous
    Armenia") and 31-1 (ARF-Dashanktsutyun), while RPA, unlike the previous
    stages of the monitoring, has a negative balance - 43-64. It is also
    necessary to note that the 22 negative references that received RPA,
    "Prosperous Armenia" and "Orinats Yerkir", each, were addressed to the
    whole ruling coalition. Of all parties/bloc, participating in the elections,
    ANC has the least favorable balance (1-23), mostly at the expense of
    "ArmNews" (0-12) and "Armenia" (0-7). At the same time, it is difficult to
    name a broadcaster, which would have a relatively equal distribution of
    connotation references between parties/bloc.

    As one of the causes of the "polarized" coverage one can mention the
    increase in mutual criticism between political forces and predominance of
    opinions and evaluations voiced by representatives of specific parties/bloc,
    during the period of pre-election promotion. Particularly, negative balance
    of connotation references to RPA, ANC and "Orinats Yerkir" to some extent is
    conditioned by their certain refusals to take part in discussion programs.
    As a consequence, on the air of a number of channels the opinions expressed
    about them by political opponents were prevailing. Another cause is the
    existence of various approaches of broadcasters to coverage of pre-election
    events. In the case of some parties the journalists were taking
    blitz-interviews with participants of these events, thus giving the whole
    story a positive character, in other case such interviews were not
    practiced. In some cases the stories were characterized by upbeat mood and
    enthusiastic rhetoric (often coming from the authors of the pieces), in
    other cases a neutral attitude was maintained, and in some cases one could
    detect a hint of irony. And though this did not always represent a
    sufficient basis for recording connotation references, the absence of a
    common approach of broadcasters to the coverage of pre-election campaign
    events of all political forces led to a certain lack of balance.

    AS A SEPARATE COMPONENT OF THE MONITORING the participants of all the
    evening programs of "guest-in-the-studio" format on the studied channels
    were recorded. During the period preceding the pre-election promotion, the
    choice of guests signified a quite limited interest of the majority of the
    broadcasters towards internal political struggle in the run-up to the
    elections. Probably, the only exception was "Yerkir Media", where in
    discussion programs politicians representing various political forces
    regularly appeared. This format was used in a very limited way by PTA First
    Channel: in March 2012 representatives of political parties became its
    guests only 4 times. Instead, representatives of arts and culture were often
    invited. Such an approach can hardly be considered justified, given the fact
    that the country was facing elections, that First Channel has a general
    profile, and that there is a specialized spiritual and cultural channel,
    "Shoghakat", in the system of Public TV and Radio Company.

    During the period of pre-election promotion the interest to representatives
    of political forces rose on all channels studied, which was reflected also
    in the programs of "guest-in-the-studio" format. The only exception was
    Public Radio, which did not have programs, presuming participation of
    politicians as guests. The widest reach of political forces was provided by
    PTA First Channel, "Yerkir Media" and Second Armenian TV Channel, whose
    guests were representatives of all 9 parties/bloc participating in the
    elections. Only in programs of these channels representatives of the "United
    Armenians" party were invited. The lowest number of representatives of
    political forces, six, became guests on "Shant".

    MONITORING OUTCOMES suggest that, in spite of in general diligent work of
    the broadcasters during the period of pre-election campaign, there remains a
    lot of potential for more professional coverage of the election campaign.
    There is also need for improvement of the RA legislation, regulating the
    coverage of the elections. And, most importantly, the readiness of political
    forces to use the opportunities provided by the media for waging a
    meaningful election campaign remains on a low level.

    YEREVAN PRESS CLUB would like to thank management and staff of broadcast
    media, who cooperated in an engaged and efficient way with the YPC
    monitoring group in the course of this study.

    The full YPC Report on Monitoring of Armenian Broadcast Media Coverage of
    May 6, 2012 Elections to RA National Assembly, as well as reports for
    previous stages of monitoring are available at


    On May 8 another program of "E-Club" weekly cycle went on the online
    broadcast of "A1+" TV company ( The "E-Club" is produced by
    Yerevan Press Club in cooperation with "A1+" TV under "Alternative Resources
    in Media" project, supported by USAID.

    The program was devoted to educational online resources. Particularly,
    "E-Club" presented the University of People (,
    world's first tuition-free online university, established 3 years ago;
    practical tips by British Council for learning English; Hyperscore music
    program of "Luys" educational foundation and, website of French
    University in Armenia. The news bloc of "E-Club" informed about the decrease
    of Internet speed worldwide, about the results of the Best of Blogs
    competition (, and the attack by Turkish
    cyberactivist group RedHack on the websites of companies, which provide milk
    that had poisoned children at schools. The ratings of online sources and
    headlines of last week were presented by Harutiun Mansurian, producer of
    Internews Media Support NGO. The web sources' top list was headed by Google,
    while the most popular topic was the explosion of balloons at the Republic
    Square in Yerevan on May 4, 2012.

    The next "E-Club" will be aired on "A1+" on Tuesday, May 15 at 15.50 (rerun
    - on Thursday, May 17 at 18.20).


    On May 7 the international observers, involving the OSCE/ODIHR, the OSCE
    Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
    and the European Parliament released the statement of preliminary findings
    and conclusions on RA National Assembly elections. The international
    observers characterized the 6 May 2012 parliamentary elections in Armenia as
    "a competitive, vibrant and largely peaceful campaign". At the same time,
    the international observers were concerned with "an unequal playing field
    due to violations of campaign provisions and cases of pressure on voters, as
    well as deficiencies in the complaints and appeals process".

    One of the sections of the statement deals with the media activities. It
    particularly states: "Despite limited content diversity, during the official
    campaign period, which started on 8 April, broadcasters guaranteed access to
    all major political parties, thus enabling voters to be informed of their
    political positions. This appears to be an improvement over the period prior
    to the official campaign." Based on the results of monitoring, conducted by
    OSCE/ODHIR Election Observation Mission and covering 6 national media (First
    Channel of the Public Television of Armenia, Second Armenian TV Channel,
    "Armenia", "Shant", "Yerkir Media", "Kentron"), two radio stations (Public
    Radio of Armenia, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty) and one official
    newspaper ("Hayastani Hanrapetutiun"), the international observers
    emphasize: "In several cases TV channels, instead of relying on their own
    material, broadcast in their news the same campaign material which was also
    used in paid political advertisement. Such practices damage the credibility
    of media reporting and undermine the autonomy of the media from the
    political sphere, and may have been misleading for viewers."

    See the full statement of international observers on May 6, 2012 RA National
    Assembly elections at (in English)
    and (in Armenian).


    On the ballot day of RA National Assembly elections, May 6, at about 11.00
    at 12/33 precinct of Erebuni electoral district of Yerevan a young man
    impeded the professional duties of Elina Chilingarian, correspondent of
    Armenian Service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. As Elina Chilingarian
    informed YPC, she was shooting the crowds gathered at the precinct, when a
    man approached her, hit her hand and tried to take the videocamera. The
    journalist addressed to Erebuni Police of Yerevan. According to Elina
    Chilingarian, on May 8 the Erebuni Police informed her that it has
    identified the attacker and criminal proceedings are instituted on charges
    of Article 164 of RA Criminal Code ("Impeding the legitimate professional
    activities of a journalist").

    As, news portal of "Aravot" daily reports, on May 6, at about
    10.00 at 5/11 precinct of Davidashen electoral district of Yerevan a young
    man obstructed Nelly Babayan, correspondent of "Aravot", while she was
    taking photos with her cell phone. The incident was settled when after a
    while the mobile was returned to the journalist.

    When reprinting or using the information above, reference to the Yerevan
    Press Club is required.

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    [email protected]

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    Editor of YPC Newsletter - Elina POGHOSBEKIAN
    Yerevan Press Club
    9B, Ghazar Parpetsi str.
    0002, Yerevan, Armenia
    Tel.: (+ 374 10) 53 00 67; 53 35 41; 53 76 62
    Fax: (+374 10) 53 56 61
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Web Site:

    From: Baghdasarian