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Haigazian University: The 500th Anniversary of Armenian Printing

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  • Haigazian University: The 500th Anniversary of Armenian Printing

    Mira Yardemian
    Public Relations Director
    Beirut - Lebanon
    Email: [email protected]

    On Saturday, May 5, 2012, Haigazian University launched the first of a
    series of fine events dedicated to the 500th Anniversary of Armenian
    Printing (1512 - 2012), which coincides with the 100th Anniversary of
    Armenian Press in Lebanon (1912 - 2012).

    This kick-off event started with a delegation from the university,
    headed by University President Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian and media
    editors, at Martyr's Square in Downtown, Beirut, coinciding with the
    commemoration of May 6, the Lebanese Press Martyrs' Day. The
    delegation adorned the monument to the martyrs with a wreath of
    flowers and Rev. Megrdich Karagoezian, president of the Union of the
    Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East, offered a prayer.

    The event then continued at Haigazian University, where various media
    personnel, including editors, columnists, copy-editors, photographers
    and others, were invited from 25 different published media outlets to
    honor the workforce of the Armenian print media in Lebanon, including
    newspapers, magazines and journals.

    The program started with the welcoming word of University Librarian,
    Ms. Sonia Sislian, in the name of the 500th Anniversary Committee. She
    announced the series of events that will take place throughout the
    year in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Armenian press in
    Lebanon, and thanked all the Armenian media outlets for consistently
    providing the library with their issues, thus enriching the
    university's collection of resources for many decades.

    This was followed by the guest speaker, renowned journalist
    Dr. Barouyr Aghbashian, who tackled the importance of Armenian media
    in the Armenian community here in Lebanon, focusing on the media's
    role in preserving the Armenian identity and its raison d'être. In
    his speech, President Haidostian noted that the success of the
    Armenian community has depended on the establishment of its
    well-organized institutions, in the cultural, social, educational,
    political and religious spheres, as well as, certainly, the media.

    The event also included the performance of a string trio, featuring 2
    pieces by the famous Armenian composer Komidas.

    Towards the end of the program, the media personnel were honored with
    tokens of gratitude. Each Editor-in-Chief received a plaque on behalf
    of their institution as well as letters of appreciation for their
    designated staff members.

    It is worth noting that Mr. Garo Aprahamian, faithful member of the
    Haigazian University Derian Library Friends, received a special token
    of appreciation for his wholehearted services in providing issues of
    magazines and newspapers to the library for decades, thus playing a
    significant role in enriching its collection.

    From: Baghdasarian