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Parliamentary Seats, Serzh's Pasture

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  • Parliamentary Seats, Serzh's Pasture

    Parliamentary Seats, Serzh's Pasture

    Haik Aramyan

    Story from News:

    Published: 15:44:08 - 13/05/2012

    Commenting on Aram Sargsyan's decision to resign from parliament and
    leave the Congress, the leader of the ANC Levon Ter-Petrosyan told the
    Haykakan Zhamanak: `Now it is difficult to tell anything. But if it
    turns out that he chose the right way, I will only be happy.'

    The political progress of Levon Ter-Petrosyan and the ANC had a sad,
    as well as a miserable end. In fact, the `forecast' of the
    representatives of the `kleptocracy' dating back to 2007 that
    Ter-Petrosyan's intention is to clear himself of the past and taking
    his aides to parliament came true.

    Unfortunately, it is true. The Congress transformed from a popular
    movement to an ordinary political party, and Ter-Petrosyan ended up as
    an `ordinary oppositionist', as Robert Kocharyan had predicted.

    The peak was running in the parliamentary election and the Congress
    entered parliament with 0.1% by government's mercy. The government
    assessed the Congress this much, while people assessed it at
    5,000-10,000 drams. This was the appraisal of the Congress' policy
    which acted as the doorkeeper of first the RPA, then the PA, and was
    unable to achieve success in implementing its goals and was satisfied
    with a 0.1% mercy - a few parliamentary seats.

    The Congress will accept the seats - no more political, civil and
    moral `checks and balances' are left not to take this step. They will
    accept and humbly walk into the parliament `elected by mass fraud' to
    `anger the government', as they refer to it. `Those who voted for
    Serzh Sargsyan are transforming Armenia to a pasture for Turks,' the
    leader of the Congress said. Now they will accept the mandate and go
    to work in that `pasture'.

    Those who will resign and leave the Congress will be alleged of
    betrayal and venality. The only thing the Congress' apologists are
    good at is allegations and excuses.
