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Philadelphia Holds 5th Annual Genocide Walk

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  • Philadelphia Holds 5th Annual Genocide Walk

    By Kim Yacoubian
    May 14, 2012

    Taner Akcam Featured as Keynote Speaker

    On Tues., April 24, the Philadelphia Armenian Inter-Communal Committee
    (PAICC) hosted its annual Armenian Genocide Commemoration at Holy
    Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church in Cheltenham, Pa. With over
    200 guests in attendance, the event began with a requiem service
    memorializing the souls of the 1.5 million Armenians lost 97 years ago
    during the genocide. The cultural program that followed featured songs
    and recitations by the students of the Armenian Sisters' Academy;
    a piano solo by Anahit Sakoian; a recitation by Anton Balasanian;
    and a video presentation by Ara Shakarjianof of the 2011 Genocide
    Commemoration at the Dzidzernagapert Memorial in Yerevan.

    250 members of the Philadelphia Armenian community took to the streets
    on April 28 as part of the 2012 Armenian Genocide Walk to educate
    the public on Turkish denial of the Armenian Genocide.

    In his closing address that evening, youth representative Vicken
    Bazarbashian emphasized the need for unity in the Armenian nation: "As
    we approach the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, we are reminded
    once again of the need to unite as one nation and one people in both
    our beloved motherland and throughout our diaspora. The need for unity
    is now stronger than ever and is a requirement for the preservation and
    advancement of our culture, heritage, and Armenian identity. Our future
    can be very bright but we must work together to fulfill this endeavor."

    Four days later, on Sat., April 28, the Philadelphia Armenian
    Genocide Walk-"Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk"-took place for the fifth
    consecutive year with Dr. Taner Akcam, serving as keynote speaker. An
    international expert on the Armenian Genocide, Akcam is a historian
    and professor of genocide studies at Clark University in Worcester,
    Mass. Autographed copies of Akcam latest book, The Young Turks'
    Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing
    in the Ottoman Empire, were available for purchase the day of the walk.

    The afternoon began with a two-mile commemorative walk from the
    Meher Statue at the Philadelphia Museum of Art to Christ Church in
    Old City, where the program took place. With the Scouts Troop of
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church leading the
    walk, 250 community members of all ages, including clergy and Akcam,
    gripped banners and signs, while waving American and Armenian flags
    to bring exposure to the cause. Emceed by Walk Committee co-chairs
    Vicken Bazarbashian and Kim Yacoubian, the program at Christ Church
    opened with a performance of Armenian music selections by Jampa Jazz,
    with talented lead singer Lori Panossian.

    Introduced by Rev. Nishan Bakalian of Armenian Martyrs' Congregational
    Church, Akcam captivated the audience with his address, which
    demonstrated a clear passion for his scholarship. Acknowledging the
    denial of the Armenian Genocide by the Turkish state, Akcam assured
    the audience that change is coming. "You can never really kill memory.

    You can suppress it, silence it for a long time, but when the moment
    is right, like a volcano, it will erupt. What you are witnessing
    now is the rebellion in Turkey against the suppressed silence and
    expression of narrative that was never openly discussed before."

    Keynote speaker and Armenian Genocide expert Dr. Taner Akcam delivering
    his address to the Philadelphia Armenian community during the program
    portion of the 2012 Armenian Genocide Walk.

    Instilling a sense of hope in the future, Akcam cited examples of
    articles on the genocide recently published in the media by Turkish
    scholars; national conferences in Turkey on the genocide; and the
    outpouring of support by the Turkish people after Hrant Dink's
    assassination. With Turkish civil society now representing a new
    locus of interest, Akcam underscored that, with political and social
    actors changing in Turkey, both sides have to change their way of
    talking about the Armenian Genocide. He concluded, "The history of
    Anatolia is the history of so much pain, mostly yours. I am ashamed
    and truly sorry not only as a Turk, but as a human being, of the great
    injustices that happened to you. I cannot bring back those you lost,
    but I want to share your pain and your sadness with you."

    After a brief question and answer period, Akcam was presented with
    a collage of bicentennial stamps donated by Robert Damerjian, Sr.,
    as a token of the community's appreciation. The program's final
    speaker, Dr. Ara Chalian, the chairman of the Armenian National
    Committee of Pennsylvania, urged the community to take political
    action by demanding the passage of House and Senate resolutions on
    the Armenian Genocide, and the restoration of Christian churches in
    Turkey. Closing the program, Lori Panossian returned with Jampa Jazz
    to perform a stunning a cappella rendition of the song "Giligia."

    With support from PAICC, the 2012 Philadelphia Armenian Genocide
    Walk provided an opportunity for the entire Philadelphia community
    to gather to commemorate the 97th anniversary of the genocide, while
    educating the public on Turkish denial of the atrocities committed
    against the Armenians by the Ottoman Empire. The Armenian Genocide
    Walk is organized annually on a volunteer basis by a cross-section of
    youth representatives from local area churches and organizations. This
    year's Walk Committee included Angela Aghajanian, Anto Arutunian, Rev.

    Bakalian, co-chair Vicken Bazarbashian, PAICC chairman Hrant Jilozian,
    Diana Lulejian, Sevag Shirozian, Nadia Silk, Paul Sookiasian, Krikor
    Yeremian, and co-chair Kim Yacoubian. For photos and videos of this
    year's Walk, visit
