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Identity Of Azerbaijani Elite

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  • Identity Of Azerbaijani Elite

    Igor Muradyan

    Story from News:
    Published: 18:03:04 - 15/05/2012

    No doubt the anti-Iranian actions in Azerbaijan are motivated
    by silliness but silliness, if it is consistent, also leads to
    forming concepts not only in foreign policy making but also public

    Azerbaijan is obviously in a state of fragmentation of public goals
    and priorities which may lead to decay of state but first it will
    question the consistency of the ruling regime with the ethnic identity
    of the population living in this territory.

    To be more specific, the people of this territory will face the
    question whether the ruling regime belongs to the given ethnicity. The
    government is on the quest for ethnic identity and alongside it the
    corresponding society is seeking the same. This search will continue
    for a long time along with the fragmentation of what is referred to
    as the Azerbaijani Republic.

    It turned out that the anti-Armenian sentiment and action is not
    enough for self-consciousness. The anti-Armenian sentiment is just an
    external motive for efforts for solidarity. However, the anti-Armenian
    sentiment cannot form a nation whereas anti-Iranian sentiment will do.

    The authorities of the Azerbaijani Republic are not thinking about
    an Iranian Azerbaijan, most probably they fear even certain contacts
    since the goals are different. The ruling elite consisting of 90
    families pursue wealth and comfortable existence. Even intensive
    procurement of air defense systems is caused by fear and the wish to
    protect themselves and their families.

    The anti-Iranian sentiment of the elite and the public is aimed at
    extending distance with Iran and indigenous ethnicities, not defense
    of their non-existent fellow tribesmen in Iran. Baku hides behind
    the anti-Iranian sentiment from the powerful surge of the Islamic
    movement which will sooner or later devour the society which is in
    a state of deep profanation.

    Alongside these goals new myths are required as well which are born
    on the basis of unchecked falsification. The fruits of systemic
    falsification partook of Azerbaijan and Georgia and they have not
    learned any lesson from the mistakes of the former and present

    It should be noted that there is not a single interested state
    except for Israel which wishes separation of Iran which will lead
    to a geopolitical catastrophe that will be beyond the United States,
    Turkey, the UK, Russia, Saudi, Pakistan and other countries. All the
    U.S. plans presuppose preservation of the integrity of the Iranian
    state, even in the initiatives of the "friends of Israel" which count
    many among policy makers.

    In a certain sense, Israel fears cataclysms in Iran, especially
    among young and intellectual politicians and not only. Azerbaijan
    still has not received a significant signal of a "positive" outcome
    of developments in Iran and the region. Cooperation with Israel was
    a game with Azerbaijan but Israel views Azerbaijan as a polygon for
    provocations to Iran, not as a partner.

    Cooperation with Israel has deepened the isolation of Azerbaijan,
    first of all in the Arab and Islamic world. It is possible that after
    disappointment with those of "common faith" Azerbaijan has remembered
    about the Tat-Jewish origin of their elite, as well as the society
    in general, if it is allowed in this case to distinguish the society
    and the people.

    It is difficult to tell because Baku's incentives are rational and
    meaningful or everything is more primitive, and Azerbaijan, caught
    in a deadlock, is trying to squeeze use from the implementation of
    the order of the United States and its partners. What is better for
    Azerbaijan? A meaningful policy or or an intuitive policy? Perhaps
    the irrational behavior is a means of continuation of the fight for
    national ideals, which is the best way out of this political deadlock.
