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Will Raffi And Aram Join In The Street

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  • Will Raffi And Aram Join In The Street


    Story from News:
    Published: 13:39:55 - 15/05/2012

    Raffi Hovannisian made a statement which, besides from a fair
    assessment of the electoral process of May 6, does not answer the
    key question: will the Heritage leader enter parliament or not?

    Raffi Hovannisian had doubts still in the previous parliament. Once
    he even resigned from parliament but changed his mind and withdrew
    his resignation.

    Now Hovannisian is one of the possible candidates of the presidential
    election. In 2013 he will at last be eligible for the presidential
    election since in the previous election he did not have 10 years of
    citizenship, which was a Constitutional requirement.

    Raffi Hovannisian will take a try of his eligibility. Entering a
    parliament elected through rigged elections would be a hindrance to his
    attempt. In political terms, not in legal terms, of course, because if
    you accept the mandate you are allowed to take, very few will believe
    your determination to resist the system in the presidential election.

    Raffi Hovannisian needs to make a choice between accepting the
    mandate and forming moral and political premises for running in the
    presidential election.

    Levon Ter-Petrosyan announced that the level of parliamentary
    activities is not appropriate for an ex-president.

    Perhaps it is worthwhile to add that the level of parliamentary
    activities is inappropriate not only for ex-presidents but also
    people with presidential ambitions who want to enter this office with
    the honest wish and aspiration to bring modernization and freedom
    to Armenia.

    Hovannisian's place is the communities, villages, streets, backyards
    of Armenia if he intends to create moral and political premises for
    running in the presidential election. Running in the presidential
    election without this will be more useless than the parliamentary
    election because in the parliamentary elections at least you get
    seats for 5% while in the presidential election you get nothing.

    In order to make a so-called social application for the presidential
    election one needs to stay in the street for at least the upcoming
    6 or 7 months. It is not a matter of revolution or sit-in. It is a
    continuous conversation, discussion with the society, influence on
    public moods and environment.

    The leader of the Republic Party Aram Zaven Sargsyan who resigned
    from parliament hinted at such a tactics.

    It is hard to tell whether he is going to run in the presidential
    election. He has made no relevant statements but he hinted that another
    election is coming in 6-7 months and the opposition needs to review
    its activities and adjust it to the society.

    However, all through his political biography Aram Zaven Sargsyan
    has displayed ability to cede his private position for the common
    position. For instance in the presidential election 2003 he was the
    first to withdraw from the race to support Stepan Demirchyan though
    he had a significant electorate.

    Aram Zaven Sargsyan left aside his ambitions during the process of
    forming the list of the Armenian National Congress, thus facilitating
    Levon Ter-Petrosyan's task of untying the knot of ambitions.

    Aram Sargsyan stated to join 90% of the opposition electorate which was
    left outside in the street in the result of the parliamentary election.

    Aram Sargsyan and Raffi Hovannisian can join in the street, trying
    to change the public environment and moods ahead of the presidential

    If they succeed in the upcoming months, it would be meaningful to run
    in the presidential election. However, the purpose of these street
    activities should not be the presidential election or any other
    national election.

    In Armenia any key act of reform will be predetermined by the
    efficiency of work in the street, in the backyard, in the family.

    And if they are not successful in inspiring the society for the
    election 2013, they should at least be inspired to skip that election.

    If Serzh Sargsyan is to be reelected, he should do it alone, without
    his legitimization by 5-6 other forces, which will be limited to
    allegations and excuses that everyone is venal and serves Serzh
    Sargsyan in the morning of the next day of the election, while at night
    they will try to reach an agreement with Serzh Sargsyan, something like
    "Ostap Ibrahimovish, when will we divide the money?"
