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Political Triangle: Yerevan Believes In Hollande's Strategic Maturit

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  • Political Triangle: Yerevan Believes In Hollande's Strategic Maturit

    By Siranuysh Gevorgyan



    Political analysts in Armenia are not too concerned about the newly
    elected French president Francois Hollande's intentions to improve
    the relations between France and Turkey, hoping that the new president
    will lead a balanced policy in the Armenia-Turkey issue.

    Prior to the May 6 elections, socialist leader Hollande had promised
    to recover the good relations between France and Turkey that had
    deteriorated because of the bill criminalizing the denial of the
    Armenian genocide (the Senate passed the draft law which was later
    declared anti-constitutional; Turkey temporarily called back its
    ambassador from France, and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan stated that Turkey was terminating cooperation with France
    in a number of spheres.)

    At the same time Hollande assured the large Armenian community of
    France that he would support the bill and has assumed the obligation
    to submit the respective governmental bill in the beginning of his
    tenure in order to make its ratification possible. Moreover, as Giro
    Manoyan, leading the ARF Dashnaktsutyun's Bureau for Political Affairs
    and the Armenian Cause, says yet a decade ago it was through the
    socialists that the Armenian Cause office in France was able to start
    the process of having France adopt a bill criminalizing the Armenian
    genocide denial. It is this circumstance that inspires optimism to
    Manoyan and belief that Hollande will have the bill ratified during
    his tenure. Manoyan told ArmeniaNow that the difference between
    Hollande and Sarkozy is about the way they build relations with
    Turkey rather than about "the Armenian bill": as opposed to Sarkozy,
    Hollande doesn't seem to mind Turkey's potential EU membership.

    Erdogan in a phone conversation with president-elect Hollande said
    he hoped "a new era" would start in the bilateral relations between
    their countries void of any "artificial issues" affecting them.

    Expert in Turkish studies Artak Shakaryan, however, believes that
    Hollande will not bring about tangible changes in the French foreign
    affairs agenda.

    "Although France is a country with strong presidential apparatus,
    a change of one person will not introduce any essential change in
    the foreign policy. Turkey's EU membership is strategically not
    in France's interests. Regardless of the fact that Hollande will
    definitely lead a more reasonable policy with Turkey, he is someone who
    has always supported Armenian initiatives, has visited the Armenian
    Genocide memorial, is in close relations with the ARF Armenian Cause
    office in France, has promised not to suspend the genocide denial
    criminalization bill. Rumor has it he has even agreed to allocate
    state means for arranging large-scale events in 2015, commemorating
    the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide. Hollande is known
    for his more moderate approach to Turkey's potential EU membership,
    however he said he didn't believe it would happen during his term in
    the office," Shakaryan told ArmeniaNow, adding that "since the next
    presidential elections in France are not expected until five years
    from now, he will not adopt a pro-Armenian policy since he won't need
    their votes for the time being. We'll see to what extend the Armenian
    issue matches France's strategic interests."

    Expert in Turkish studies Ruben Safrastyan believes that Hollande
    will not break his vow and will act upon the promise to back the
    "Armenian bill", but "that won't happen right away."

    "There is information that they are planning to reformulate the bill
    so that it doesn't contradict the Constitution. I think the amended
    text will have some kind of formulations that would cushion Turkey's
    reaction," says Safrastyan.

    From: A. Papazian