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Armenia: Parliamentary And Presidential Elections Without Any Choice

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  • Armenia: Parliamentary And Presidential Elections Without Any Choice


    Vestnik Kavkaza
    May 16 2012

    David Stepanyan, Yerevan. Exclusively to VK

    The results of the parliamentary elections in Armenia surprised
    nobody in Armenia. The election campaign created an atmosphere in
    which administrative resources were working actively and accompanied
    encouragements and threats. Citizens were forced to participate in
    demonstrations in favor of the ruling party in order to listen to
    election slogans of Republican Party of Armenia voiced by President
    Serge Sargsyan.

    People were forced to come, but nobody could resist the process,
    including three parties' United Election Headquarters, that stated
    their political will and readiness to resist falsifications. Only
    words - no action, while the process was rather open. On election day
    citizens and observers saw how people were taken to polling stations
    in the same way they were forced to take part in demonstrations.

    Republicans showed their special love for disabled people, whom they
    carried to ballot stations in expensive cars. So the result of the
    elections was predetermined due to administrative resource, rather
    than money. The coalition party Prosperous Armenia loudly stated
    in the United Headquarters about its resolution to resist bribery,
    but right after the session the headquarters went to regions and gave
    bribes to citizens. The results of the elections were determined by
    two forces which formed a similarly apolitical atmosphere.

    Due to their work, the RPA won the elections with 44.02% of the votes,
    with second place taken by Prosperous Armenia (30.12%) and the Armenian
    National Congress gaining 7.08%. As the Republicans have an absolute
    majority in the parliament, they don't need to form a new coalition
    to compose the government. However, in February 2013 the presidential
    elections will take place, and Serge Sargsyan needs the support of
    PA at least. That is why the intrigue of the future government is
    still fresh.

    The other forces who entered the parliament face only one problem -
    to accept or to reject their mandates. If they accept their mandates,
    they will have to end their political careers and show society that
    they are anti-constitutional unities similar to the pro-government
    parties. Rejection of the election results is the only way to justify
    their participation in power games. But that is ridiculous. The point
    is not whether international observers will recognize the elections as
    legitimate or not. The West will recognize them as legitimate if the
    Armenian parties do so. If the Armenian parties reject their mandates,
    international observers won't recognize the elections as legitimate.

    However, there is no hope these parties will reject their mandates. At
    the moment only the leader of the ANC, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, and the
    leader of the party Republic, Aram Sarkisyan, have done so, because
    Ter-Petrosyan intends to participate in the presidential elections
    in 2013, while Sarkisyan wants to leave the ANC coalition and join PA.

    In general, the results of the elections show that the Armenian society
    hasn't come to any conclusions and hasn't learned anything from the
    events of recent years, especially March 1st 2008. The problem is not
    in society itself, but in its orientation towards political forces. Six
    parties got into the parliament, but society cannot rely on them. In
    Armenia political parties do not solve any fundamental problems.

    The only relief in the current situation are the 53 thousand ballots
    declared invalid and purposely spoiled. These 53 thousand citizens
    still hope for sobriety in Armenian society. These 53 thousand voters
    saw that they are being cheated. And it makes us hope for changes in
    the social mentality and changes in the country.

    From: Baghdasarian