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Foreign Aid Panel Proposes More Than Doubling Aid To Karabakh

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  • Foreign Aid Panel Proposes More Than Doubling Aid To Karabakh


    Armenian Weekly
    May 16, 2012

    WASHINGTON-The U.S. House panel responsible for foreign aid this week
    adopted a number of provisions promoting U.S. interests and American
    values in the Caucasus, proposing sharply increasing aid to Nagorno
    Karabakh from $2 to $5 million and rejecting the Obama Administration's
    proposed $7.2 million cut in aid to Armenia, reported the Armenian
    National Committee of America (ANCA).

    The House Appropriations Subcommittee on State-Foreign Operations, led
    by Chairwoman Kay Granger (R-Texas) and Ranking Democrat Nita Lowey
    (D-N.Y.), also maintained military aid parity between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan, and called upon the Administration to formulate a strategy
    for targeted aid to the Armenian-populated Javakhk region of Georgia.

    These provisions were included in the Committee's Fiscal Year 2013
    version of the foreign aid bill, which is set to be voted on tomorrow
    by the full House Appropriations Committee.

    "Armenian Americans from California and across America thank
    Congressman Adam Schiff-who aggressively spearheaded the adoption of
    these vital foreign aid priorities-for his principled, pro-active,
    and persistent leadership," said Aram Hamparian, Executive Director
    of the ANCA. "We would also like to express our warm appreciation
    to our great friend and champion Congressman Steve Rothman, as
    well as to Ranking Member Nita Lowey, Congressmen Frank Wolf and
    Jesse Jackson, and, of course, to the leader of the Subcommittee,
    Chairwoman Kay Granger. The aid levels proposed for both Armenia
    and Nagorno Karabakh are particularly meaningful in the context of
    overall reductions in foreign aid spending," said Aram Hamparian,
    Executive Director of the ANCA. The key provisions of concern to
    Armenian Americans in this measure include:

    -Nagorno Karabakh: Against the backdrop of multi-billion dollar cuts
    to overall foreign aid spending, the panel proposed more than doubling
    aid to Nagorno Karabakh, from the traditional expenditure level over
    the past several years of $2 million to an FY13 level of $5 million,
    expliciting expanding the mandate of this assistance program to
    include both humanitarian and development assistance.

    -Armenia: The Subcommittee also set aid to Armenia at no less than
    $40 million, rejecting the Obama Administration's proposal to reduce
    FY13 economic aid to Armenia to $32.5 million, roughly $7.5 million
    less than the $40 million appropriated by Congress for FY12.

    -Javakhk: In a move that underscored the panel's interest in the
    welfare of the Armenian-populated Javakhk region of Georgia, they
    directed "the Coordinator of United States Assistance to Europe and
    Eurasia at the Department of State, in consultation with the Chief
    Executive Officer of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, to report
    to the Committees on Appropriations describing the effects of United
    States assistance from fiscal years 2005-2012 of programs conducted
    in Samstskhe-Javakheti and a strategy for future development of
    this region."

    -Military Aid Parity: The Subcommittee maintained parity in Foreign
    Military Financing ($2.7 million) and International Military Education
    and Training ($600,000) between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    Earlier this year, in an intiative supported by the ANCA, a bipartisan
    group of legislators, led by Armenian Caucus Co-Chairman Frank Pallone
    (D-N.J.), sent a letter to Reps. Granger and Lowey making the case
    for supporting "the U.S.-Armenia strategic relationship through
    economic development and security assistance." The letter called
    for at least $5 million in U.S. aid to Nagorno Karabakh, increased
    aid to Armenia, targeted assistance to Javakhk, and military aid
    parity, among other priorities. For a copy of the letter, visit:

    The Senate Appropriations Committee may consider the foreign aid bill
    as early as next week.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress