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Arif Yunusov: Few People In Azerbaijan Believe That The West Will Su

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  • Arif Yunusov: Few People In Azerbaijan Believe That The West Will Su

    by David Stepanyan

    Wednesday, May 16, 18:24

    Interview of Arif Yunusov, Head of the Conflict Studies and Migration
    Department of the Institute for Peace and Democracy, with ArmInfo
    news agency

    On 1 May 2012 the non-permanent member of the UN Security Council
    Azerbaijan took chairmanship in this structure. The first speech of
    President Aliyev, in which he blamed Armenia for terrorism against
    Azerbaijan and directly linked terror with the Karabakh conflict,
    has demonstrated his intention to use the platform of the Security
    Council like a means for pushing his position on the Nagornyy Karabakh
    conflict bypassing Minsk Group co-chairmen. What are the prospects
    of such a position?

    Today the Azeri and Armenian authorities do not trust each other
    and are waging an open information war. They are trying to use any
    tribune and opportunity for gaining the upper hand.

    Therefore, Azerbaijan's non-permanent membership and now chairmanship
    in the UN Security Council was good news for the Azeris and bad news
    for the Armenians - for both sides perfectly knew that this would be
    used in their information war.

    Had Armenia been in Azerbaijan's place, President Sargsyan would have
    also tried to use that tribune for accusing Azerbaijan and Turkey. So,
    to me Aliyev's speech is normal. The question is how effective it
    was and what it will give Azerbaijan. Of course, all this information
    war is creating new obstacles to the settlement. If the Armenian and
    Azeri presidents trusted each other, everything would be different,
    but this, alas, is not so. I am a realist and perfectly understand
    that Azerbaijan will use the Security Council's tribune for propaganda
    only and will not be able to push its resolution bypassing the OSCE MG.

    Should there be such an attempt, it will be cut short by the MG

    What is today's specifics of relations between the West and official
    Baku? Does Baku continue selling oil and gas on privilege prices with
    a hope to be supported in the matter of Nagornyy Karabakh conflict

    First, Azerbaijan was conducting its oil policy thinking that in an
    exchange for favorable terms in delivery of energy resources, the
    West and first of all the USA will support to resolve the Karabakh
    conflict. But time showed that these illusions are still illusions.

    Having got its share in the energy resources, the West was not eager
    to help Azerbaijan in the Karabakh settlement. However, this does not
    hinder the authorities of Azerbaijan to believe that such a policy
    will give, or in other words, should give its fruits sooner or later.

    Today, another geo-political factor has been added to the issue
    of energy resources - the role of Russia with its
    and the problem of Iran, which undoubtedly raises the role of
    Azerbaijan in the region for the western countries. The countries
    of the European Union have recently started drawing more attention
    at the relations with Azerbaijan, as it is very much important for
    them to find alternative to the Russian gas. As for the USA, it may
    let itself not to be concerned much about the "gas policy" of Russia,
    as the role of Azerbaijan in the matter of Iran is more important for
    the USA. As a result, all this together has led to the situation, that
    on the one hand, in Azerbaijan the authorities still believe they have
    an opportunity for using the energy resources factor and the factor
    of its role in the region for the Karabakh issue settlement. And on
    the other hand, the western countries especially the European ones
    have started developing the relations with Azerbaijan more actively
    and showing special attention to the energy problems. However, the
    situation in the public opinion of Azerbaijan has changed much. In
    the middle of the 90s Azerbaijan had romantic views about the role
    and potential of the West in the matter of Karabakh returning and
    life improvement in Azerbaijan, including the aid for democratizing

    of the country. But these illusions disappeared quickly especially
    during Ilham Aliyev's tenure. And the anti-American and anti-western
    mood has started growing quickly in Azerbaijan, especially along
    with growing of the islamist factor influence in the society. And
    representatives of the western countries, including diplomats, have
    started taking this moment into consideration.

    I think that for this reason the western diplomats have been trying
    to persuade the Azerbaijani society that the countries represented
    by them in Azerbaijan are concerned not so much about the energy
    resources, as about the democracy problems. But the more they say
    about it, the less the society trusts in them, as there is a widely
    spread viewpoint in the Azerbaijani society, according to which,
    actually the West needed only the energy resources in Azerbaijan.

    Few people in Azerbaijan believe that the West will support in the
    matter of Nagornyy Karabakh conflict resolving.

    President Obama has recently appointed " oil expert" Richard
    Morningstar a new ambassador of the USA to Azerbaijan. Is such an
    appointment evidence of the priorities of the USA in Azerbaijan?

    By appointing another oil expert Richard Morningstar as its ambassador
    to Azerbaijan the United States has proved the continuity of its
    policy in the country and the region. The problem N1 for the Obama
    Administration for the moment is Iran, the problems N2 and N3 being
    energy resources and Russia. These are the three priorities of
    the United States' policy in the Caucasus and Azerbaijan. The last
    question is not being mentioned in public, but everybody understands
    that despite declared partnership, the United States and Russia are
    strongly confronting each other in the region. Despite assurances
    that human rights and democracy are

    also a priority, the Americans keep closing their eyes on human rights
    violations in Azerbaijan and are focused exclusively on their geo-
    political and energy ambitions.

    The authorities of Azerbaijan have taken great efforts and spending
    big funds for creation of the Azerbaijani lobbyist organizations in
    the USA and Europe. They do that as a counterbalance to the Armenian
    lobbyist organizations functioning for many years. How successful
    is their activity? And is it stemming from the interests of the
    Azerbaijani people?

    Over the last years the Azerbaijani authorities invested much for
    creation or enhancing of the Diaspora Azerbaijani organizations
    acting in the western countries. Actually, they do that as a counter
    to the Armenian Diaspora organizations. It could not be in another
    way, as the Karabakh conflict has not been settled yet. The Armenian
    Diaspora organizations have been doing the same, but in their activity
    they first of all mean Turkey and then Azerbaijan. That is to say,
    they have been acting against the countries, which they have got a
    conflict or a serious unsettled problem with. This is stemming from
    the interests of the Azerbaijani people as much as the activity of
    the Armenian Diaspora organizations is stemming from the interests of
    the people of Armenia. All this is a mirror reflection of the conflict.

    Much will change after settlement of the conflict. However, we still
    have what we should have in the conditions of the unsettled conflict.

    The same has been taking place in the sniper and sabotage war at the
    Armenian-Azerbaijani line of contact, as a result of which people
    fall every week. As a result, the feeling of hatred raises among
    Armenians and Azerbaijanis to those who have been regularly breaking
    the ceasefire regime and killing civilians for the last 18 years. For
    this reason, in the Azerbaijani society the facts of people's death
    cause negative reaction against the enemy, i.e. the Armenians. We
    see the same attitude in the Armenian society to the Azerbaijanis.

    The mass collisions between the people and police have recently taken
    place in the regions of Azerbaijan populated by the Lezgins and the
    Talishes. What are their reasons?

    I have not heard of any clashes with the police in the southern region
    densely populated with the Talishes. Someone outside Azerbaijan has
    hastily presented the situation as such.

    There is a social factor in those clashes. The social factor was big
    also before. The situation in the provinces is deteriorating year by
    year, first of all, because of the bureaucratic outrage and high level
    of corruption. Therefore, in various regions of Azerbaijan such clashes
    with the police and public unrest have become quite frequent over the
    last years. Last year there were especially serious clashes with the
    police in the Sabirabad and Saatli regions, for instance. All this is
    not news for us. There is unrest in the north of Azerbaijan, in the
    town of Guba, in the current year that evoked wide response both in
    Azerbaijan and outside it. It was after the unrest in Guba that those
    fantastic versions of clashes with ethnic overtones originated. There
    were reports on the unrest among the Lezgin population, Jews, Tats and
    other national minorities. However, there was no ethnic factor in those
    clashes, for most of the activists were Azerbaijanis by nationality.

    The residents of Guba were protesting against activity of the head
    of the local administration whose tyranny has led the people to the
    'boiling point'. In fact, there was social outbreak. Afterwards,
    in other regions of Azerbaijan the population also woke up and the
    authorities had nothing to do but dismiss the especially odious
    officials to avoid repetition of the incidents in Guba.
