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NKR: The Un Straitjacket Turned To Be Ragged Baku Is Cynically Discr

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  • NKR: The Un Straitjacket Turned To Be Ragged Baku Is Cynically Discr

    THE UN STRAITJACKET TURNED TO BE RAGGED BAKU IS CYNICALLY DISCREDITING INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS he-un-straitjacket-turned-to-be-ragged-baku-is-cynically-discrediting-international-organizations&catid=3:all&Itemid=4
    Wednesday, 16 May 2012 13:04

    As you know, in the period of 2012-2013 Azerbaijan became a
    non-permanent member of UN Security Council, and in early May, it
    assumed the chairmanship at this international structure. Yet in last
    October, when a resolution on electing Azerbaijan a non-permanent
    member of the UN Security Council was underway, we pointed out
    that a new stage would actually start in the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    confrontation, as the official Baku, having got the high international
    rank, would not fail to use it to promote its own interests on the
    Karabakh issue.

    Actually, this scenario was very easy to suppose, given the previous
    experience of the Azerbaijani leadership on the use of the tribunes of
    various international organizations for misinforming the international
    community on the essence of the Karabakh conflict and for getting
    political dividends.

    As the subsequent events showed, nothing unexpected has happened. What
    happened was supposed to happen. Yet at the May 4 meeting of the
    Security Council, in his obviously anti-Armenian speech, President
    Aliyev practically defined the vector of Azerbaijan's activity
    within this organization for the next two years. Once again riding
    the two favorite horses of Baku propaganda about the "20 percent
    of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan" and "one million of
    Azerbaijani refugees," Aliyev accused Armenia of all the mortal sins,
    including terrorism, especially that the topic of the Security Council
    meeting was the struggle against international terrorism. The next
    anti-Armenian action of the Azerbaijani party was its attempt to
    deprive the Armenian representative at the UN, Karen Nazaryan, of a
    speech at the May 10 meeting of the Security Council Counter-Terrorism
    Committee, which was chaired by Azerbaijan. However, thanks to the
    support of the Security Council member-states, the Armenian Ambassador
    made his revelatory speech.

    Let me remind that similar, if one may say diplomatic activities
    of Azerbaijan have been conducted for a long time. Having lost
    its faith in the readiness of the OSCE Minsk Group to resolve the
    Karabakh problem in its own way, Azerbaijan has tried for many years
    to transfer the settlement of the conflict to other international
    structures, and above all - the to the UN. The reason, as often
    mentioned, is pretty simple. First, the majority of the members
    of this organization do not have a sufficient idea of the problem,
    and hence it is easy to mislead them, capitalizing on the notorious
    principle of territorial integrity, which is a kind of "sacred cow"
    for many countries. Second, Azerbaijan can hope for the support by
    Islamic countries, which in terms of religious solidarity will not
    be burdened with at least an elementary analysis of the historical
    and legal grounds of the Karabakh conflict.

    I must say that in all this history with the election of Azerbaijan
    a non-permanent member of the Security Council is seen as a kind
    of mockery of both the UN itself and its declared principles. How
    could a state that is responsible for the pogroms and killings of
    the Armenian population, for the outbreak of a monstrous war against
    self-determined Karabakh, during which weapons of mass destruction
    prohibited by international law and thousands of foreign mercenaries
    were used, including the Afghan mojahedins connected with the sadly
    known terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, generally become a member of
    the UN, not to mention its Security Council? Indeed, in accordance
    with the UN Charter, one of the main goals of this organization is
    to ensure international peace and security.

    Isn't it a paradox or rather a grimace of the present international
    community that international peace and security must be ensured by
    a state that represents a direct threat to regional peace and security?

    Aliyev's speech at the United Nations took place against a background
    of intensive violation of the ceasefire in the conflict zone by
    Azerbaijan, which acquired a mass and extremely threatening character
    long ago. It is hardly worth considering that the relevant structures
    of such a serious organization as the UN have no idea of the real
    situation in the region and the destructive role that is played
    here by Azerbaijan. Or they thought that the election of Azerbaijan
    a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council would serve as a
    kind of straitjacket for a completely high-handed aggressor, which
    has long been ignoring the calls of the authoritative international
    organizations, including the UN itself, to stop threatening with
    a new war? If so, judging from the behavior of Azerbaijan at the
    last meeting of the Security Council, they were badly mistaken. The
    straitjacket turned to be ragged. Azerbaijan needs the high tribune of
    the UN Security Council not for ephemeral, on the understanding of the
    Baku authorities, "maintenance of international peace and security",
    but for a quite specific goal - to use the opportunities at the UN to
    intensify its diplomacy and to resolve the Karabakh issue in its own
    favor. The sooner it is understood at the UN, the better - for the
    reputation of the organization itself, which Azerbaijan is actually
    discrediting, and for the peoples of our region, which have become,
    in fact, hostages of the adventurous policy of the Baku authorities
    and of the criminal unscrupulousness of international organizations.

    Leonid Martirossian

    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper
