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With Sarkozy Gone And Merkel Weakened, Turks Resume EU Entry Bid

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  • With Sarkozy Gone And Merkel Weakened, Turks Resume EU Entry Bid

    By Amiel Ungar

    Arutz Sheva
    May 18 2012

    With Sarkozy gone and Angela Merkel weakened, Turkey is counting on
    a more favorable reception in Brussels.

    The elections in France ousted from power one of the leading opponents
    of Turkish accession to the European Union- Nicolas Sarkozy.

    Although the new French President, Francois Hollande, ruled out the
    possibility of Turkey entering the European Union during his five-year
    term the Turks are optimistic enough to reopen their entry bid.

    There are three major reasons accounting for the renewed Turkish

    Turkey viewed Sarkozy as the main stumbling block, due to domestic
    political considerations, part of his desire to win over voters from
    the extreme right. Turkey's European affairs minister Egemen Bagis
    commented: It worked in 2007, he added, "but I think it did not work
    in the second election."

    Sarkozy also sought the Armenian vote by pushing through a law that
    would criminalize denial of the of the Armenian massacre by the Turks
    during the First World War. The law was overturned by the French
    constitutional court.

    Hollande was the beneficiary of Moslem votes during the election
    and appointed three Muslim ministers, including the government
    spokeswoman. The Socialist victory was celebrated at the Bastille
    square and at that celebration Moroccan and Algerian flags nearly
    outnumbered the French tricolor.

    For the Turks, this at least means that the new government will be
    more sensitive to Moslem voters and cannot give the appearance of
    excluding Turkey on these grounds.

    The Turks also see a weakening of German Chancellor Angela Merkel as
    a result of recent state elections in Germany. The main opposition
    party, the Social Democratic Party, is on record as favoring Turkish
    entry into the European Union. The most that Merkel would've granted
    the Turks is a privileged partnership, something the Turks reject as
    second rate status.

    Turkey would like the Social Democrats and the Greens to replace the
    current government, but even a grand coalition between the Christian
    Democrats and the Social Democrats could soften German opposition to
    Turkish entry.

    A third factor that is encouraging to the Turks is the deteriorating
    status of the traditional enemy - Greece - within the European Union.

    Particularly over the Cyprus issue, Greece and Cyprus have been
    blocking progress of negotiations between Turkey and the EU. As the
    Greeks are far from the flavor of the month, Ankara may conclude that
    Greek opposition could prove less influential.

    Obstacles would remain, with the most important one being the state of
    democracy within Turkey that has been recently in retreat. Perhaps the
    Turks are counting on sentiments such as that expressed in a recent
    op-ed in Bloomberg "without the active pull of the EU negotiations,
    Turkey's development as a free democracy has stalled".

    In other words, the EU has to restart negotiations even before
    Turkey has demonstrated its democratic bona fides in order to check
    anti-democratic trends.
