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Azerbaijan: autocracy in an oil paradise

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  • Azerbaijan: autocracy in an oil paradise

    Deutsche Welle, Germany
    May 19, 2012 Saturday 11:17 AM EST

    Azerbaijan: autocracy in an oil paradise

    Oil is central to Azerbaijan. The former Soviet Republic, in which the
    Eurovision Song Contest is due to take place at the end of May, is one
    of the richest countries in the region - but it is also an autocracy.

    If it takes a lot of money to put on a good show, then Azerbaijan is
    surely well-equipped. When the Azerbaijani duo Ell & Nikki triumphed
    at the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) in Düsseldorf in 2011, it meant
    this year's ESC final would take place in Baku on May 26. The event is
    a welcome PR exercise for the country, which up to now is probably
    best known for its oil reserves. It will be one of the most expensive
    shows in the history of the contest.

    Contracts with oil giants

    Oil production in Azerbaijan began over a century ago when the region
    was still part of the Russian czardom, and Azerbaijani oil reserves
    are estimated at 14 billion barrels. Since the country gained
    independence in 1991, western companies have profited massively from

    With the so-called "Century Contract" agreed in 1994, Azerbaijan
    allowed dozens of oil companies, including giants such as BP and
    Exxon, to exploit the oil fields in the Caspian Sea. According to
    official figures, around $20 billion (15.7 billion euros) were
    invested in Azerbaijan in 2011 alone.

    "The contract was first and foremost about political aims and
    attracting western firms to Azerbaijan, which was then heavily
    influenced by Russia," said Alexej Vlasov, editor-in-chief of the
    Moscow new agency Vestnik Kavkasa. New oil and gas pipelines would
    have allowed Azerbaijan to practice independent politics in the
    post-Soviet region, explained the expert.

    No nostalgia

    The wealth of the country, just a little larger than Austria in size,
    can be seen everywhere in the capital Baku, where construction work
    seems to be in progress at every street corner. The two million
    residents of the city are themselves astounded at the pace of
    development of its streets, bridges and new buildings.

    But the lion's share of oil profits is pumped directly back into the
    oil industry. In contrast, other economic sectors remain
    underdeveloped, said Farhad Medijev from the Azerbaijani Caucasus
    University in Baku. "We have money, but we're missing humanitarian
    capital," he said.

    Those in the nine-million-strong Azerbaijani population who have a job
    in the oil industry can count themselves lucky. Their monthly salaries
    are comparable to those in western European countries between 900 and
    1,800 euros a month net ($1,100 - $2,200). But average wages in
    Azerbaijan are much lower around 75 euros ($95) a month.

    Young people such as Valerija see the country's development as a
    positive change. The 27-year-old works as a manager for a US project
    in Baku. She says that with a good education you can find a good job
    and she does not want to see a return to Soviet times. Meanwhile, the
    52-year-old Marat doesn't want to see Azerbaijan enter a confederation
    in the post-Soviet region. "I always hated the socialist system," he

    But Marat is still critical of contemporary life in Azerbaijan. "Our
    potential is similar to Kuwait, but our standards of living are ten
    times worse," he said, blaming the political system that has dominated
    Azerbaijan for decades.

    Inherited autocracy

    In a democracy index produced in 2011 by a number of experts from a
    British publishing group, Azerbaijan came in at number 140 on a list
    of 167, and was classed as an "authoritarian regime."

    Azerbaijanhas been ruled by the Aliyev family for almost 20 years.
    Former Soviet KGB boss Geydar Aliyev was president of the country
    between 1993 and 2003. When he became sick, his son Ilham took his
    place, prompting critics call to it an "inherited autocracy." Human
    rights organizations such as Amnesty International have reported the
    imprisonment of several opposition politicians and journalists.

    In 2011 alone, 136 people were estimated to have been harassed by the
    state for their political views, and three of these were murdered.
    That was revealed at the end of March, when the Green Party made an
    official information request to the German parliament. Meanwhile,
    human rights activists want to use the Eurovision Song Contest to draw
    attention to the lack of democracy in the country.

    Unresolved conflict

    A further important issue will be raised in conjunction with the ESC
    in Azerbaijan: Nagorno-Karabakh. The small enclave in the South
    Caucasus in which the majority of the population is Armenian broke
    free from Azerbaijan in the early 1990s. Around 25,000 people died in
    the bloody war between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    The current ceasefire is fractured, and the border to the
    self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh is continually under
    fire. Every attempt to find a solution to the conflict has so far
    failed. At the beginning of March, Armenia said it would not be
    participating in the ESC, because they see Azerbaijanis as an enemy.

    Author: Roman Goncharenko / hw
    Editor: Ben Knight
