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Accidental War Waiting To Happen On Europe's Periphery

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  • Accidental War Waiting To Happen On Europe's Periphery

    May 21, 2012

    View of Mount Ararat in Turkey from Yerevan, the capital of Armenia,
    November 18, 2004 (Scott LaPierre)

    View of Mount Ararat in Turkey from Yerevan, the capital of Armenia,
    November 18, 2004 (Scott LaPierre)

    A minor incident could cause the frozen Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to
    turn hot, threatening European oil supplies, the regional balance in
    the Caucasus and Anatolia as well as increasing the European Union's
    dependence on Russia.

    The border dispute over Nagorno-Karabakh conflict could flare up
    again, as recently demonstrated by an alleged ambush of Armenian
    troops by Azerbaijani forces. The incident, taking in place in Armenia
    proper, not the contested area of Nagorno-Karabakh, is viewed as an
    escalation of tensions. Conflict is now more likely due to Azerbaijan's
    petrofueled growth of its military capabilities.

    A small incident could spiral into a full blown conflict. While a
    conflict would threaten European interests-i.e., threaten oil supplies
    and increase Europe's dependance on Russian energy-the European Union
    is expected to do little under such circumstances except condemn
    Azerbaijan and continue to offer free trade and visas to Armenia.


    The military solution is not in the interest of either country.

    Armenia is feeling its military weaknesses and aware that it would
    need Russia to come and help it.

    The price to pay for a military conflict could be a further loss of
    independence for both countries, including political and military

    Azerbaijan does not want to have Russia any closer to its borders
    and will never undertake substantial action without a green light
    from Turkey.

    The costs of war, for the economy and state budgets, will not be
    a positive factor. For both countries, though, a conflict would
    galvanize and unite the people beyond the current leadership.

    Turkey would likely try to herald a deal between the parties in
    order to promote its role as a stabilizing power in its neighborhood
    vis-a-vis Europe and the United States. Brokering a deal with Armenia
    might solve the national dispute between the two countries but it
    could also upset Azerbaijan, which shares the same people, culture
    and language with Turkey.

    Russia would end up with a greater say in Caucasus affairs and after
    having established military posts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia,
    it might do the same in the contested regions.

    Oil and gas flows would be only partially affected as there are no
    major pipelines crossing through the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    For now, a total war between the two countries is to be excluded as
    Azerbaijan will try to make all it can to keep a constant and regular
    income for its development programs and investments. Price will rise
    in the short term but the shock would be easily absorbed.

    Wikistrat Bottom Lines


    Turkey and its Western allies can test Russian assertiveness against
    one of its former republics. Any player will be better able to monitor
    the situation in Iran via the information flux from the Caucasus.


    The creation of a new state with limited authority and severe problems
    in terms of economic development and autonomy is possible.

    Although the conflict may not escalate, the violence will create
    necessary tensions which can easily protract or even escalate it.


    National political agendas and diverging priorities for elites and
    political parties in Armenia and Azerbaijan can cause internal and
    external conflict in the countries.

    Turkey might abandon its "zero problems with neighborhood" policy in
    favor of a more proactive one.

    Marinko Bobic, Finn Maigaard, Graham O'Brien and Miguel Nunes Silva
    contributed to this analysis.
