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Why Sargsyan Didn't Attend

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  • Why Sargsyan Didn't Attend


    Story from News:
    Published: 12:12:27 - 21/05/2012

    Serzh Sargsyan did not go to Chicago and did not attend the NATO
    summit on May 21. He had also skipped the summit of 2012 in Lisbon. At
    that time there were opinions that Sargsyan's refusal to participate
    was due to his prejudices because the summits in this capital had a
    negative precedent for Armenia, in particular in 1996 the OSCE summit
    made a decision which Armenia vetoed.

    Serzh Sargsyan explained his refusal to leave for Lisbon by the
    statement on territorial integrity in the concluding document where
    self-determination was not mentioned at all. Certainly, the concluding
    document of the NATO summit is more declarative in nature than the
    OSCE's, especially that the alliance does not and is reluctant to
    participate directly in the process of Karabakh, announcing that it
    fully supports the OSCE Minsk Group efforts.

    In regard to the decision of Serzh Sargsyan not to attend Lisbon,
    NATO officials repeated that his decision is strange because Armenia
    can come and present its position at the level of president.

    Official Yerevan has not explained why Serzh Sargsyan did not attend
    Chicago. Is the reason the same, that is the absence of the principle
    of self-determination in the concluding document or are there other

    Apparently, there are other reasons because not attending it would
    be strange, especially after the reaction of NATO member ambassadors
    to Armenia on Lisbon.

    It is not ruled out that Chicago was going to discuss something
    unpleasant for Russia, namely the European missile defense system. In
    the press conference during the summit in Chicago the secretary general
    Anders Fogh Rasmussen stated that NATO member states agreed to deploy
    the missile defense system.

    Putin, the new president of Russia, did not leave for Chicago
    explaining by forming government. Instead, he sent Medvedev to Chicago.

    Most probably, Putin tried to express his contempt for the summit.

    Medvedev is the prime minister appointed by Putin. If the president
    cannot attend because of forming a government, then it is strange that
    the prime minister does not skip the summit for the same reason. After
    all, he will be the head of the government that is being formed.

    Hence, Putin once against displays that Medvedev is just a marionette
    in the Russian policy and at the same time he sends him to Chicago
    to indicate his attitude to the decisions to be made there. Perhaps
    Putin is aware that he will be unable to change or prevent anything
    in NATO summit resolutions hence there is no need to have a serious
    diplomatic representation to the summit.

    Most probably, Serzh Sargsyan was reluctant to attend the summit which
    would make an unpleasant resolution for Russia. Serzh Sargsyan would
    not be among those who adopt the resolution but his participation, his
    presence would be an unpleasant gesture for Russia. Apparently, Serzh
    Sargsyan decided not to do it, especially considering the scenario,
    logic and result of the Armenian parliamentary election that was
    so unpleasant to Russia, and in response Putin did not meet with
    Sargsyan visiting Moscow for the CSTO and CIS summits. Only Prime
    Minister Medvedev met with him.

    Most probably Serzh Sargsyan thought that the parliamentary election
    was enough for Russia, and there is no need to go too far in teasing
    Russia in such a short period of time. Most probably, the West also
    thought so. After all, NATO did not even invite Serzh Sargsyan, unlike
    the previous summit when Robert Simons, the special envoy of NATO
    Secretary General to the South Caucasus, visiting Yerevan, invited him.

    Although it is not ruled out that NATO did not invite Sargsyan this
    time for refusing the invitation last time.
