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Deacon Ordained at Holy Martyrs Church

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  • Deacon Ordained at Holy Martyrs Church

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
    E-mail: [email protected]

    May 22, 2012

    Deacon Ordained at Holy Martyrs Church

    On Sunday, April 29, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of
    the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), celebrated the Divine Liturgy at
    the Church of the Holy Martyrs of Bayside, N.Y., where he ordained Krikor
    Ghazarian to the diaconate.

    The ordination to the diaconate was the first such service to take place at
    the parish in 35 years, and the entire community gathered to congratulate
    the young altar server. The Rev. Fr. Abraham Malkhasyan assisted the Primate
    in the ordination.

    A banquet in honor of the newly-ordained deacon took place in the church's
    Kalustyan Hall following services. A special program went forward under the
    direction of Dr. Lynn Cetin. After some heartfelt personal remarks and a
    thank you to Dn. Krikor's parents, Hrair and Margaret Ghazarian, Dr. Cetin
    introduced a video highlighting the young man's path to the diaconate.

    A congratulatory toast was offered by parish council chair Bruce Ashbahian.
    Nune Melikyan and Filip Petkov offered performances on the violin and piano.
    Yn. Karine Malkhasyan, accompanied by Armine Vardanyan on the piano, sang
    Ambeetz Gorar.

    Congratulatory remarks by Arek Nisanyan on behalf of the Holy Martyrs
    Armenian Day School board followed. Dn. Krikor, a 2005 alumnus of the
    school, was presented with a special certificate in honor of his continuing
    and exemplary service to the Armenian community.

    Four young altar servers-Ara Arsenian, Armen Arsenian, Nicholas Calikyan,
    and Vahe Gemdzian-approached the podium and spoke about their "big brother"
    Krikor. In Armenian and English, they thanked him for being a mentor to

    Senior Deacon Garbis Martayan spoke about Dn. Krikor and his service to the
    church. He added that the Holy Martyrs community is grateful to all the
    clergy, altar servers, and choir members who have been instrumental in Dn.
    Krikor's preparation for the diaconate.

    Karine Kocharyan, a family friend and producer of the "Voice of Armenia"
    television program, recited a poem in honor of Dn. Krikor. Hasmik
    Meikhanedjian, soprano, accompanied by Janet Marcarian on the piano, sang a
    selection of songs. Members of the Shnorhali Choir also performed, as did
    Samvel Nersisyan and Armine Vardanyan.

    A letter of congratulations was read from Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian, the
    Primate of the Armenian Church of Great Britain and Ireland and the former
    pastor of Holy Martyrs Church. Dn. Krikor was then presented with special
    gifts from the parish council.

    In addition to thanking his grandmother and parents, Dn. Krikor spoke about
    the "brotherhood" of altar servers at the church and reflected on his new
    role as deacon. "As a newly ordained deacon, I have the honor and
    responsibility to serve not only God, but the people of our church," Dn.
    Krikor said. "I embrace this responsibility and I look forward to assuming
    the new role with humility."

    The program concluded with remarks from Archbishop Barsamian, who
    congratulated Dn. Krikor and presented him with a wooden cross. He spoke
    about lay ministry and encouraged the younger altar servers to continue
    their training.


    Photo attached: Archbishop Khajag Barsamian ordains Krikor Ghazarian to the

    From: Baghdasarian