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St. Mark Church Hosts 110th Diocesan Assembly

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  • St. Mark Church Hosts 110th Diocesan Assembly

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
    E-mail: [email protected]

    May 21, 2012

    St. Mark Church Hosts 110th Diocesan Assembly

    The 110th Diocesan Assembly, hosted by the St. Mark Church of
    Springfield, Mass., from May 3 to 5, continued the Eastern Diocese's
    focus on lay ministry and highlighted parish efforts to encourage lay
    participation in the life of the Armenian Church.

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian
    Church of America (Eastern), presided over the meeting of 143 clergy and
    lay delegates, representing parishes from across the Eastern Diocese.

    The Assembly opened on Thursday, May 3, with a reading of the message of
    His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All

    "As spiritual and lay servants working in our communities, you have,
    with consistent dedication, seen many accomplishments in your parish and
    diocesan life," His Holiness wrote.

    The Assembly was chaired by Raffi Balian, of St. Mary Church of
    Washington, D.C., with Thomas Garabedian, of Holy Translators Church of
    Framingham, Mass., serving as vice chair.

    Delegates heard reports from the Diocesan organizations, including the
    Legate's Committee, Armenian Church Endowment Fund, Fund for Armenian
    Relief, Ararat Center, St. Nersess Armenian Seminary, and the Diocesan
    Council. They also held elections for various Diocesan boards.

    A far-reaching mission

    Diocesan Legate Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Director of Ecumenical
    Relations at the Eastern Diocese, and Legate's Committee member Antranig
    Garibian spoke about efforts to raise awareness about the Armenian
    Church among ecumenical and interfaith groups and to advocate for the
    Armenian community at various levels of government.

    In the past year, Archbishop Aykazian met with officials in President
    Obama's administration, as well as Senate and House leaders to discuss
    the situation of Christians in the Middle East. The region continues to
    be a concern, Archbishop Aykazian said, as the Christian population
    declines in the face of ongoing threats.

    In addition to extensive global travel, he visited parishes across the
    Diocese throughout the year to inform them about the Diocese's
    ecumenical efforts, and to encourage them to participate in ecumenical
    activities on a local level.

    ACEF Board members Bruce Ballard, Tom Garabedian, and Roseann Manoogian
    Attar presented the report of the Armenian Church Endowment Fund. They
    stressed that despite economic difficulties, ACEF returns have
    outperformed the market and the organization's own benchmark since 2000.

    ACEF had $74.4 million in assets, with a total of 1,745 endowed funds at
    the end of 2011. A total of $3.1 million was distributed to
    beneficiaries in March 2011.

    Randy Sapah-Gulian, chair of the Board of Directors of the Fund for
    Armenian Relief, spoke about the organization's accomplishments in its
    three areas of focus: protecting Armenia's vulnerable population,
    supporting education and research, and promoting business development.

    In the past two decades, FAR has allocated $290 million in humanitarian
    assistance and developed more than 220 programs in Armenia, including
    the Children's Center in Yerevan, Vanadzor Old Age Home, Gyumri IT
    Center, Continuing Medical Education program, scholarships, and soup
    kitchens, among other initiatives. Last year, the organization was able
    to raise $3.5 million to fund its programs.

    Mr. Sapah-Gulian also spoke about the success of the tribute held in
    honor of Charles Aznavour last year, where more than 600 guests gathered
    in New York City. This year, a banquet at the Diocesan Center in New
    York on May 18 benefitted the FAR Children's Center in Yerevan.

    Ararat Center board member Aram Hintian gave a presentation highlighting
    the eight-year history of the 65-acre camping, retreat, and conference
    facility, and encouraging parishes to make use of the Ararat Center for
    retreats and meetings.

    He noted that the Ararat Center plans to renovate its pool in 2012, and
    hopes to raise funds for the project in the coming months.

    A report from St. Nersess Armenian Seminary was given by its dean, the
    Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan, and board member Michael Haratunian. Fr.
    Findikyan spoke about the seminary's rich online resources, including
    its Music Lab and online lectures.

    Mr. Haratunian gave an overview of plans to relocate the seminary to a
    new location on Armonk, N.Y. The new complex would include dormitories,
    a chapel, library, classrooms, offices, and other facilities.

    He stressed that the new complex would broaden the reach of the seminary
    while preserving its popular youth and deacon training programs.

    Thursday evening's session concluded with small-group discussions on
    ministries for parish revitalization. Delegates attended presentations
    on personal prayer, vocations, generational mentoring, and the use of
    social media in the Armenian Church. The presentations encouraged
    delegates to think about their role in parish life, and prepared them
    for Friday's focus on the Diocesan theme of "Vocations: The Call to
    Serve-Ministry of the Faithful."

    On Friday, following the theme session on lay ministry, delegates heard
    from James Kalustian and Lisa Esayian, who presented an update on the
    "Guidelines for Diocesan Bylaws of the Armenian Church"-a
    proposed constitutional framework for all Armenian Church dioceses,
    worked out during meetings of a five-member committee at Holy

    Mr. Kalustian served on the five-member committee and offered a
    comparison of the guidelines to the bylaws of the Eastern Diocese, which
    was completed by a second committee appointed by the Diocesan Council
    and Primate four years ago at the request of the Diocesan Assembly.

    Following a discussion, delegates voted to approve a statement asserting
    the conviction of the Diocesan Assembly that the existing Diocesan
    Bylaws conform to the spirit of the proposed Guidelines and enumerating
    several provisions which might require further study.

    Called to be disciples

    On Saturday, the Rev. Fr. Hratch Sargsyan gave an inspirational sermon
    on the importance of participation in Christ's ministry. "Everyone here
    is called to be a disciple of Christ," he said. "In Christianity there
    is no passive role. There are no bystanders."

    Organization reports continued with a presentation by Danny Mantis,
    chair of the ACYOA Central Council. He spoke about the four focus areas
    of the youth organization, including faith-based programming,
    strengthening local chapters, building an alumni association, and
    offering Christian education opportunities to young people. Mr. Mantis
    added that the ACYOA plans to work with the Women's Guild and other
    Diocesan organizations to develop new programming in the coming year.

    Dn. Rubik Mailian, chair of the Sacred Music Council, outlined the
    organization's workshops, publications, and scholarship programs. He
    also encouraged parishes to nominate young people for participation in
    the Boyajian Youth Choir Directors Program this summer.

    Charlotte Sevazlian, chair of the Women's Guild Central Council,
    highlighted the successes of last year's programming and spoke about the
    council's efforts to increase membership in parish guilds, to strengthen
    fundraising efforts, and to boost electronic communications.

    The Rev. Fr. Tateos Abdalian, the Diocese's director of Mission
    Parishes, profiled two mission parish communities in Atlanta, Ga., and
    Jacksonville, Fla. He spoke about a leadership training seminar
    organized for parish leaders in Atlanta, and the recent purchase of a
    community center in Jacksonville, adding that in both cases the Diocese
    has been working with the communities to help develop them into
    full-fledged parishes.

    Oscar Tatosian, Diocesan Council chair, presented a report on behalf of
    Diocesan departments. He highlighted the work of the Diocese's in the
    past year, and showed a brief video summarizing the activities and
    programs of 2011.

    Delegates heard from Papken Megerian, treasurer of the Diocesan Council,
    about the Diocese's financials, and approved revisions to the 2012
    budget and a new 2013 budget. Echoing last year's message, Mr. Megerian
    emphasized that the Diocese would continue a very disciplined financial

    Dr. Sam Mikaelian, coordinator of development at the Diocese, spoke
    about the success of the 2011 Annual Appeal: the Diocese raised $915,946
    and attracted a sizeable number of new donors. Dr. Mikaelian announced
    that in 2012 the Annual Appeal would be dedicated to the 65th
    anniversary of the ACYOA.

    Turning to new business items, delegates adopted two proposals to amend
    the Diocesan bylaws (both will have to be approved again at next year's
    assembly to go into effect). The first proposal would reduce annual
    parish dues for college-age members. The second proposal would clarify a
    bylaw concerning quorums at parish assemblies. Delegates also voted to
    devote special attention at next year's Diocesan Assembly to the task of
    increasing dues-paying membership.

    Before adjourning, Archbishop Barsamian thanked Assembly chair Raffi
    Balian and vice chair Thomas Garabedian, as well as Mona Karoghlanian,
    of St. Gregory of Narek Church of Cleveland, Ohio, who served as English
    secretary. He also expressed appreciation to the Springfield parish for
    hosting the Assembly, including parish council chair Anna Garabedian;
    Assembly organizing committee chair David Jermakian; and interim pastor,
    the Rev. Fr. Sahak Kaishian.

    Next year, the Diocesan Assembly will be hosted by St. David Church of
    Boca Raton, Fla.

    Below are the names of individuals elected to Diocesan boards and
    positions during the 110th Diocesan Assembly.

    Board of Trustees
    Thomas Garabedian

    Auditing Committee
    Melanie Kevorkian Brown

    Nominating Committee
    Rev. Fr. Tavit Boyajian=80¨
    Dr. Lynn Cetin
    Charles Guleserian
    Aram Hintilian
    Steven Megrdichian

    Proposal Committee
    Rev. Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian =80¨
    Rev. Fr. Hratch Sargsyan=80¨
    Jacqueline El Chemmas=80¨
    Van Krikorian=80¨
    Richard Norsigian


    Photos attached.
    Photo 1: Diocesan Council members listen to a presentation during the
    110th Diocesan Assembly.
    Photo 2: A total of 143 clergy and lay delegates, representing parishes
    from across the Eastern Diocese, took part in the Diocesan Assembly
    earlier this month.

    From: Baghdasarian