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Interfaith Service Against Genocide

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  • Interfaith Service Against Genocide


    Armenian Weekly
    May 22, 2012

    CHELMSFORD, Mass.-A display of 11.9 million grains of rice,
    representing the lives of the various ethnic groups lost in the Great
    Holocaust during World War II, was one of the moving artworks displayed
    at the second annual Interfaith Service Against Genocide, co-hosted by
    Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Church in Chelmsford and the Greater Lowell
    Interfaith Leadership Alliance (GLILA). Muslims, Jews, Orthodox
    Christians, Catholics, Protestants, non-denominational Christians,
    and Buddhists were all invited to hold a handful of rice in their palm,
    pause, reflect, and stand together against genocide in all forms. The
    rice, weighing 525 pounds, was later donated to the Pine Street Inn,
    a homeless shelter serving the Greater Boston Community.

    Participants gather at the Genocides Memorial on the plaza at Sts.
    Vartanantz Church for final prayer in remembrance of all genocide

    Prior to the service, approximately 80 people viewed a documentary on
    the Armenian Genocide, which detailed the horrific story of the mass
    murder of 1.5 million Armenian men, women, and children during World
    War I by the Young Turk government. The one-hour film was at times
    difficult to watch, as many present were in disbelief of the misery
    and suffering experienced during the genocide. "I never realized that
    an event with such devastation ever befell the Armenian population
    in Turkey," remarked Dr. Stephen Fisher, a spiritual psychologist
    and member of GLILA sub-committee responsible for planning the event.

    Deacon Ara Jeknavorian of Sts. Vartanantz Church began the Interfaith
    Service by noting that the joint commemoration of genocides and
    tragic events with a massive loss of lives began last year with
    a vision by Rabbi Dawn Rose of the Temple Emmanuel in Lowell, who
    wished to expand the annual Holocaust Remembrance Day to include all
    ethnic groups that have suffered some form of genocide. Jeknavorian
    remarked that this extension to other ethnic groups was to emphasize
    the understanding that man's inhumanity to man has no geographic or
    historical boundaries. Furthermore, the healing within our own ethnic
    experiences can be complimented through better understanding of each
    other's genocide experience and its aftermath.

    Welcoming remarks were offered by Farook Taufik, co-president of GLILA
    and representing the Islamic Society of Greater Lowell, and Rev. Fr.
    Khachatur Kesablyan, the pastor of Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Church.
    Father Khachatur expressed his heartfelt appreciation to GLILA for
    the opportunity to host this second annual commemorative event, as
    well as the opportunity to allow the Armenian community to share
    firsthand the continued pain caused by the Armenian Genocide. He
    further commented on how this commemorative event has brought the
    general community together to pray for healing and initiate a call
    for action against future genocides.

    The interfaith service then proceeded with five presentations from
    various victim groups. Representing a relatively unknown American
    Indian group, the Miknak tribe of Vermont, was "grandma" Judy, a
    tribal elder who described forced sterilization of the female tribe
    members in order to eliminate indigenous native populations during
    the 20th century.

    A remembrance of the Cambodian Genocide was expressed by Niem Nay-Kret,
    a bilingual, bi-cultural behavioral field specialist specializing
    in healing for genocide survivors; Ven. Sao Khon, president of the
    Lowell Community of Khmer Buddhist Monks; and Brandon W. Eang, a
    graphic design teacher at Westford Academy, who provided an eyewitness
    account of the mass murder of innocent Cambodian citizens.

    Prayers were also for victims of the Cambodian Genocide.

    Rabbi Dawn Rose, along with congregants from the Temple Emanuel of
    Lowell, offered prayers and the chant "Ani Maamin" ("I believe")
    in remembrance of the Jewish Holocaust. Some 70 labor concentration
    camps were cited, where over 4.3 million Jews and other ethnic groups
    were murdered.

    Ryuoh Faulconer, Shonin, Nichiren Buddhist Sangha of Greater New
    England, Ryusho Jeffus, Shonin, Myosho Temple, North Carolina, and
    Kairen Warren chanted prayers for the tragic deaths resulting from
    the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Deacon Jeknavorian began the presentation on the Armenian Genocide by
    highlighting that the absence of recognition and justice has been a
    contributing factor for subsequent genocides. ACYOA member Sam Balian,
    a member of the church's youth group, offered a reflection on the
    responsibility of today's youth to honor the memory of the Armenian
    martyrs by taking on the responsibility of demanding recognition from
    Turkey. Father Khachatur, deacons, and the choir then conducted a
    Requiem Service praying for the souls of all victims of genocide.

    The entire congregation sang a verse of "Der Voghormya" ("Lord Have
    Mercy") chant following each presentation as a unified expression of
    healing for each victim group.

    The inter-faith program concluded with a prayer and the laying of
    carnations by the Armenian Genocide Memorial on the church's plaza. A
    reception followed in the Kazanjian Pavilion, where numerous brochures
    and information tables were available for those seeking further
    information about genocide issues.

    From: A. Papazian