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Herand Markarian's 'silence' Speaks Loud And Clear About Genocide

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  • Herand Markarian's 'silence' Speaks Loud And Clear About Genocide

    By George Maksian
    May 22, 2012

    Lorraine Serabian Excels in Powerful Off-Broadway Drama

    Over the past several decades, Herand Markarian has had such a wide
    and varied career as an actor, playwright, director, and poet. You
    name it, he has done it.

    I urge everyone to make every effort to see it. Hopefully, there will
    be a road tour after its New York run on May 24.

    It would be hard for me to select just one of his many works as my
    personal all-time favorite experience.

    That is, until Fri., May 4, when I attended the opening night
    performance of his latest play, "Silence," which is being presented
    at the Off-Broadway Shell Theater on West 43rd Street in Manhattan,
    as a Libra-6 production through the end of May.

    The play, commissioned by the New York State Theater Institute, is a
    powerful, well-produced and executed drama worthy of huge accolades and
    honors. It blew me away for its professionalism and expert performances
    by an outstanding cast of characters. The story itself is riveting.

    It is set in the ancestral Armenian city of Van in Turkey before,
    during, and after the Armenian Genocide in 1915, which resulted in the
    annihilation of more than 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Turks.

    Most of the action of the play takes place in the luxurious home of
    an Armenian family in that city (designed by Kyle Dixon). The home
    is eventually confiscated by the Turks.

    The play tells the heart-wrenching story of a relentless Armenian
    American woman's search for her long-lost son who was caught up in
    the genocide.

    The tour-de-force role of the mother is played by the Tony-nominated
    actress-singer Lorraine Serabian ("Zorba," "Maria Callas in Master
    Class," and so many other Broadway shows).

    Serabian plays the role with such skill and perfection, I can't
    imagine any other actress filling the role as well as she does. Brava.

    Her Armenian husband in the play, portrayed by David Farrington, is
    a doctor accused of treason and executed in Van on April 24, 1915,
    the start of the Turkish massacres.

    Her son, portrayed by Andrew Raia, along with 250 Armenian children,
    are slated to be burned inside a building, but a Turkish doctor-friend
    of the Armenian doctor saves some of the children, including possibly
    the missing boy.

    Being American by birth, the mother is able to escape the massacres
    and return to the States where she becomes an ophthalmologist. Several
    years later, she returns to her ancestral homeland in search of her
    son. She is helped in the search by the Turkish doctor, played ably
    by Todd Licea.

    Ironically, the doctor's father, played superbly by veteran stage actor
    Charles Karel (Met Opera, "Zorba," "Hello, Dolly," etc.), is seen as
    an evil Turkish Nazi-like Gestapo who hounds the Armenian family.

    He plays the role so well that after the show, I approached him and
    shouted, "I hate you!" And he shouted back, "That's what we villains
    like to hear."

    The two-hour-plus drama moves along very swiftly, thanks in large
    part to the excellent work by its director, Kevin Thompson. The
    background music by Josh Millican is hauntingly heard; the massacre
    scenes are extraordinarily seen behind a meshed screen curtain. Kudos
    to the costume designer, Christina Giannini, for wonderful wardrobe
    selections. The mother's outfits fit the period perfectly. Other
    production credits go to Iris Checkenian, dramaturge; John Eckert,
    lighting design; Aime Minassian, make-up; John Cooper, production
    manager; and Rebecca Perlman, stage manager.

    Congrats to one and all and especially to playwright Herand Markarian
    for a job so well done. I urge everyone to make every effort to see
    it. Hopefully, there will be a road tour after its New York run on
    May 24.

    All proceeds from the play go to aid the schools of Border Villages
    in Armenia.

    For ticket and other information, visit or call (212)

    George Maksian is a former TV columnist for the Daily News in New York.

    From: A. Papazian