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BAKU: Milli Majlis Predicts Deterioration Of Iranian-Azerbaijani Tie

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  • BAKU: Milli Majlis Predicts Deterioration Of Iranian-Azerbaijani Tie


    Azerbaijan Business Center
    May 22 2012

    Baku, Fineko/ Deputies of the Parliament of Azerbaijan, holding
    now a regular plenary meeting, forecast further deterioration of
    Iranian-Azerbaijani relationships.

    Today in parliament deputy executive secretary of ruling party Yeni
    Azerbaijan Partiyasi (YAP) Mubariz Gurbanli has sated that Tehran
    authorities cause damage to Azerbaijani-Iranian links.

    "I condemn flatly those who organize and conduct anti-Azerbaijani
    rallies in Iran and give support to the Armenian lobby. Iran is a
    Muslim country and should not support Armenia which has occupied 20%
    of Azerbaijani territory. Instead of putting pressure on occupying
    Armenia, the government of Tehran damages Azerbaijani-Iranian
    relations. All this is beyond of the scope of interests of the Iranian
    people. The recall of Iran's ambassador to Tehran for consultations
    also harms Azerbaijani-Iranian ties," he thinks.

    According to MP Ganira Pashayeva, the Iranian media publish offensive
    materials against Azerbaijan. The Iranian newspapers are trying to
    present "Eurovision" as an event against Islam.

    "For some reason, speech is of the gay parade. Iran is a Muslim
    country, but this May we heard no one statement from the Iranian
    leadership concerning condemnation of Armenia's occupation of Shusha
    and Lachin (this May their occupation marks the 20th anniversary),"
    Pashayeva said.

    MP Azay Guliyev, in turn, said that it is a pity that instead of
    having to deal with its own problems Tehran is trying to carry out
    anti-Azerbaijani propaganda.

    "The Iranian regime is trying to use our brothers living in Tabriz
    against us. I urge the Azerbaijanis living in Iran not to become a
    tool in the struggle against Azerbaijan," he said.

    According to Guliyev, such a policy can bring benefit neither to
    Azerbaijan nor to Iran. He also criticized Azerbaijani opposition
    "Public Chamber" and urged the opposition to refrain from holding
    mass protests in the period of contest "Eurovision".
