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Will Disputes Within Two Strongest Parties Nix New Armenian Coalitio

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  • Will Disputes Within Two Strongest Parties Nix New Armenian Coalitio


    Radio Free Europe
    May 21, 2012

    Two weeks after the May 6 parliamentary elections, it remains unclear
    whether President Serzh Sarkisian's Republican Party of Armenia (HHK)
    will again seek to form a coalition government as it did in 1999,
    2004, and 2007. The HHK garnered 69 of the 131 parliament mandates.

    Its two partners in the outgoing government, Bargavach Hayastan
    (Prosperous Armenia, BHK) and Orinats Yerkir (Rule of Law, OY),
    received 37 and six mandates, respectively.

    President Sarkisian met on May 16 with BHK Chairman Gagik Tsarukian
    to discuss a new power-sharing agreement, but the outcome of those
    talks remains unclear. The pro-opposition daily "Haykakan zhamanak"
    predicted on May 17 that the new prime minister and parliament speaker
    would be named at a meeting later that day of the HHK executive
    committee, but no such announcements were forthcoming. HHK spokesman
    Eduard Sharmazanov told reporters after that meeting that neither
    the possibility of a new coalition nor personnel appointments were

    Sharmazanov did disclose, however, that the HHK has approached other
    parties too to discuss forming a coalition. The daily "Zhoghovurd"
    quoted OY leader Artur Baghdasarian as saying his party will have two
    portfolios (agriculture and emergency situations) in the new cabinet.

    There are several possible reasons for the ongoing stalemate. The first
    is the increasingly strained relations over the past year between
    the HHK and the BHK resulting from Tsarukian's clear reluctance
    either to back Sarkisian's candidacy in the presidential ballot due
    in February 2013 or to form an electoral alliance with the HHK for
    the parliamentary elections. In early April, the BHK aligned with the
    opposition Armenian National Congress and the Armenian Revolutionary
    Federation -- Dashnaktsutiun (HHD) to form an Inter-Party Center for
    Public Oversight of the Elections with the aim of preventing fraud
    and vote-rigging where possible and publicizing those procedural
    violations it was unable to prevent. It was largely because Tsarukian
    demonstratively distanced himself from the coalition that his party
    came to be seen as a viable alternative to the HHK, garnering almost
    twice as many votes as in the 2007 election.

    The second is the lack of cohesion within the HHK, which one
    Armenian commentator recently characterized as "a cartel political
    structure comprising various factions ranging from conservatives to
    neo-liberals." For that reason, it is conceivable that its leadership
    is split over whether it is expedient to form a coalition with the
    BHK. True, the HHK's 69 mandates give it an overall majority in
    parliament. But OY's additional six mandates add up to a total of
    only 75, less than the 2/3 majority (88 mandates) needed to push
    through changes to the legislative code.

    There is also reportedly intense jockeying under way within the HHK
    for the posts of prime minister, deputy prime minister, and parliament
    speaker. Former parliament speaker Hovik Abrahamian, who stepped down
    from that post late last year to manage the HHK election campaign,
    is reportedly angling for the post of prime minister, while President
    Sarkisian wants current Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian (to whom he is
    not related) to remain in that post until the presidential elections
    due in February 2013.

    Third, there is a similar lack of unanimity within the BHK ranks
    over whether to form a coalition with the HHK. Some core members are
    reportedly reluctant to risk the loss of influence and privileges that
    discontinuing cooperation with the ruling party would entail. Others
    argue that continuing that cooperation would be a betrayal of those
    voters who sought a viable political alternative, especially in light
    of the HHK's perceived responsibility for the numerous procedural
    violations that cast doubt over the fairness of the ballot and the
    accuracy of the officially promulgated results.

    The BHK and its partners in the Inter-Party Center for Public Oversight
    of the Elections issued a statement on May 11 alleging widespread
    voter list manipulation and multiple fraudulent voting.

    "Violating legal provisions, the Central Election Commission (CEC)
    failed to ensure the proper application of passport stamps, the most
    important tool for preventing multiple voting," the statement read.

    "The voter lists used in the elections and the officially announced
    number of voters who took part in the elections are also extremely
    dubious," it continued, adding that the newly elected National Assembly
    "does not therefore reflect the real picture of popular support for
    political forces."

    In a May 8 statement, BHK Chairman Tsarukian thanked all those who
    cast their ballots for his party and assured them that "my further
    political decisions will be made after discussions with my team."

    Tsarukian did not specify whether he considers the CEC results, which
    put his party in second place, to be credible. Nor did he say if he
    will leave the governing coalition or strike a new power-sharing deal
    with Sarkisian.

    Senior BHK parliamentarian Naira Zohrabian, for her part, issued a
    statement on May 16 that did little to clarify the situation. "I
    want to emphasize once again that no coalition can be an end in
    itself for us," she said. "Having or not having several more or
    fewer ministers does not matter to the BHK. Our objective is more
    global: the formation of a government, whether a coalition one or
    not, that would swiftly address the serious challenges facing the
    country, improve the socioeconomic plight of the people, and change
    the business environment and economic atmosphere in the country,"
    read the statement. Zohrabian added vaguely that the BHK will take
    no steps that would "undermine the people's faith and trust in us."

    Zohrabian has separately declined to comment on a report in the daily
    "Yerkir" that she is in line for the post of deputy parliament speaker.

    Former Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian, who was second on the list of
    BH candidates elected under the proportional system, said on May 11
    that Tsarukian was "simply listening to various opinions." Oskanian
    himself has consistently argued forcefully that BH should not enter
    a coalition that is not a genuine one.

    Two other prominent political figures elected on the BH party list,
    Association of Politologists head Hmayak Hovannisian and United
    Labor Party Chairman and businessman Gurgen Arsenian, reportedly also
    oppose BH's participation in the new government. Some observers have
    speculated that they might voluntarily surrender their mandates in
    the event that BH does agree to enter a coalition. It has also been
    suggested that Tsarukian might order them to do so. Hovannisian has
    implicitly confirmed that possibility, saying the final decision on
    whether or not he enters parliament lies with Tsarukian.

    A further factor Tsarukian must take into consideration is that
    the HHK is likely to make any invitation to join the new government
    contingent on the BHK backing incumbent President Sarkisian in next
    year's presidential election. Whether Tsarukian might counter by
    setting conditions of his own is unclear. The president is reputedly an
    experienced and successful gambler, but Tsarukian may have an ace up
    his sleeve: according to the Russian news agency Regnum, if the BHK
    were to renounce all its parliament mandates, a new election would
    have to be held.

    The first session of the newly elected parliament is scheduled for
    May 31, after which the HHK has 50 days to form a government.
