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Politician: Azerbaijan Has The Habit To Hide Own Victims

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  • Politician: Azerbaijan Has The Habit To Hide Own Victims


    "Any danger for Armenia is a danger for the CSTO and any military
    action towards Armenia means that the organization is a conflicting
    side as well." Politician Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan announced about this
    during the press-conference at "Armat" press-club today referring to
    the announcement by CSTO Secretary General Nicolay Bordzyuzha about
    the support to Armenia. Bordzyuzha announced yesterday during the TV
    bridge that if Armenia is endangered so the CSTO will support it as
    Armenia is a complete member of the organization.

    According to the politician this announcement and the CSTO military
    trainings in Armenia are alert for Azerbaijan which shows that
    "Armenia is under CSTO consideration and the member countries are
    resolute to protect its ally's interests".

    The speaker noted that Azerbaijan and Turkey are trying now to change
    the format of the NK issue negotiations as OSCE MG is a unique forum
    where the grant countries have got agreement about the political
    future of the region.

    "Turkey tries to be included in this format. They offered to launch
    peace platform in Caucasus then Armenian-Turkish relations, but all
    these initiatives were failed".

    Speaking about Armenian punitive actions towards Azerbaijani Army
    the politician said: "Every time when Armenian side announces about
    the punitive actions towards the Azerbaijani Armed Forces first they
    deny the fact and when announce that Azerbaijani soldier is dead a s
    result of the mine blast, during the educational trainings and so on".

    According to H. Melik-Shahnazaryan Azerbaijan realizes that it is
    impossible to cover the information about losses but they try to keep
    Azerbaijani society away from dissatisfactions.

    According to the speaker Azerbaijan has this habit to hide own victims.

    "We have held a research recently which is called "Brotherhood
    cemeteries of Heidar Aliyev". Azerbaijani Army had great losses during
    the Artsakh war and they did not make a list of the victims. They
    just buried them in the same place and announced that these people
    are lost and no on knows where they are", the politician informed
    and added that they have marked 15 places. The research is going on.

    According to H. Melik-Shahnazaryan Azerbaijanis also try to make
    provocation and hope that Armenians will not answer as the world is
    concentrated on Azerbaijan because of the "Eurovision 2012" song
    contest. But the politician is sure that Baku is mistaken in its
    calculations and the last developments prove it.
