23.05.2012 18:15
Armenia ranks 59th among 132 countries in the Global Enabling Trade
Report 2012 published by the World Economic Forum. Armenia is ahead
of most CIS countries - Moldova (76th), Azerbaijan (88th), Ukraine
(86th), Kazakhstan (105th), Tajikistan (110th), Kyrgyzstan (111th)
and Russia (112th).
The World Economic Forum's Global Enabling Trade Report series focuses
on measuring whether economies have in place the necessary attributes
for enabling trade and where improvements are most needed.
A widely used reference, the report helps countries in their efforts
to integrate global value chains and companies with their investment
decisions. It is intended to be used as a motivator for change and
a foundation for dialogue.
Under the theme "Reducing Supply Chain Barriers", The Global Enabling
Trade Report 2012 explores how the globalization of value chains
impacts measurement of trade and overall trade policies, as well as
addresses logistics investments, customs administration and state of
the merchant fleet.
Through the methodological framework of the Enabling Trade Index,
this year's report measures the extent to which 132 economies have
in place the institutions, policies and services to facilitate the
free flow of goods over borders and to destination.
Singapore topped the index, followed by Hong Kong SAR. Denmark and
Sweden, placing third and fourth, respectively, showed excellent
performance based on their strong business environments, efficient
border administrations and highly developed infrastructures.
From: A. Papazian
23.05.2012 18:15
Armenia ranks 59th among 132 countries in the Global Enabling Trade
Report 2012 published by the World Economic Forum. Armenia is ahead
of most CIS countries - Moldova (76th), Azerbaijan (88th), Ukraine
(86th), Kazakhstan (105th), Tajikistan (110th), Kyrgyzstan (111th)
and Russia (112th).
The World Economic Forum's Global Enabling Trade Report series focuses
on measuring whether economies have in place the necessary attributes
for enabling trade and where improvements are most needed.
A widely used reference, the report helps countries in their efforts
to integrate global value chains and companies with their investment
decisions. It is intended to be used as a motivator for change and
a foundation for dialogue.
Under the theme "Reducing Supply Chain Barriers", The Global Enabling
Trade Report 2012 explores how the globalization of value chains
impacts measurement of trade and overall trade policies, as well as
addresses logistics investments, customs administration and state of
the merchant fleet.
Through the methodological framework of the Enabling Trade Index,
this year's report measures the extent to which 132 economies have
in place the institutions, policies and services to facilitate the
free flow of goods over borders and to destination.
Singapore topped the index, followed by Hong Kong SAR. Denmark and
Sweden, placing third and fourth, respectively, showed excellent
performance based on their strong business environments, efficient
border administrations and highly developed infrastructures.
From: A. Papazian