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PAP Not To Join The Coalition Government

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  • PAP Not To Join The Coalition Government


    24 May, 2012

    YEREVAN, MAY 24, ARMENPRESS: Prosperous Armenia Party chairman Gagik
    Tsarukyan issued a statement on the political decision of the party;
    PAP will not to come forth in the coalition Government. PAP press
    service informed Armenpress, the statement runs as follows:

    "Dear compatriots,

    Sisters, brothers,

    '~R Prosperous Armenia" party's 6th congress 'cornerstone issues were
    aimed at the establishment of the idea to make significant changes
    in the lives of the nation.

    Throughout pre-election campaign the party held the same stance. At
    the meetings PAP presented the citizens the party's comprehensive
    program. I have always stated in my speeches that I am not seeking
    personal benefit; moreover I noted I am ready to have certain losses
    in order to maintain the confidence of the people.

    During May 6 Parliamentary Elections PAP has gained about half a
    million of votes. The electorate casting their ballots in favor
    of PAP party trusts us and wants tangible changes in country's
    socio-economic life.

    The election results did not guarantee a constitutional right to PAP
    to form the Government. I officially declare that the Prosperous
    Armenia Party does not consider appropriate to participate in the
    formation of a coalition government.

    PAP will continue to have a significant role in the political life
    of our country. We are scheduling to have a very constructive and
    balanced role in the social and political life of the country.

    In the fifth convocation of the Parliamentary Assembly PAP faction
    will be active and operative. I promise that PAP MPs will always voice
    the alarms of the citizens, protect the rights and the interests of
    our compatriots.

    I wish all the success and productive work to the new formed Government
    for the welfare of our country and the people'~R.
