May 24, 2012 - 11:54 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - According to Hraparak paper, Armenian Foreign
Minister Edward Nalbandian was outraged by his spokesman Tigran
Balayan's conduct.
Mr. Balayan has regularly published messages on his career
advancements. For instance, a few months ago he disseminated
information on his becoming a member of parliament. Moreover, he
has recently spread messages on the prospect of his being appointed
Armenian ambassador to Belgium, the daily says.
This made Minister Nalbandian scold the spokesman, urging him to
abandon his current post if he is not pleased with it, instead of
spreading false information, the daily says.
May 24, 2012 - 11:54 AMT
PanARMENIAN.Net - According to Hraparak paper, Armenian Foreign
Minister Edward Nalbandian was outraged by his spokesman Tigran
Balayan's conduct.
Mr. Balayan has regularly published messages on his career
advancements. For instance, a few months ago he disseminated
information on his becoming a member of parliament. Moreover, he
has recently spread messages on the prospect of his being appointed
Armenian ambassador to Belgium, the daily says.
This made Minister Nalbandian scold the spokesman, urging him to
abandon his current post if he is not pleased with it, instead of
spreading false information, the daily says.