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The Official Unveiling Of The Genocide Monument In South Australia

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  • The Official Unveiling Of The Genocide Monument In South Australia


    Assyria Times
    May 24 2012

    On Sunday, May 20, 2012 in the city of Adelaide in South Australia,
    a special ceremony was organised to commemorate the unveiling of
    a monument dedicated to the victims of the Armenian, Assyrian and
    Pontian Greeks genocide committed by Turkey's Ottoman government during
    World War I, 1914-1923. The genocide perpetrated against the Christian
    population of Anatolia, a shameful act by the Ottoman Empire in its
    final years, claimed the lives of one and a half million Armenians,
    half a million Pontian Greeks and 750,000 Assyrians.

    Erecting the South Australian genocide monument was the result of
    great efforts made by three brotherly organizations: the Pontian
    Brotherhood of South Australia, the Armenian Cultural Association of
    South Australia, and the Assyrian Universal Alliance-Australia Chapter.

    The commemoration began with a mass held at St. Dimitrios Greek
    Orthodox Church of Salisbury in memory of the victims of the said
    genocide. It was conducted by His Grace Bishop Nikandros of Doryleon
    and Rev. Fathers Christos Tsoraklidis and Silouan Fotineas, and
    was attended by more than 20 representatives from local, state and
    federal government.

    After the mass, all the guests gathered at the mausoleum of the
    Holy Family reception in a friendly atmosphere, where the Master
    of Ceremonies, Ms. Anna Volis, started the program by welcoming the
    guests and calling upon them to deliver their speeches. Among those
    present were:

    Dr. Joseph Masika, member of the South Australian Multicultural and
    Ethnic Affairs Commission, representing Mr. Hieu Van Le, Lieutenant
    Governor of SA, H.G. Bishop Nikandros of Doryleon and Rev. Fathers
    Christos Tsoraklidis and Silouan Fotineas, Her Worship Ms Gillian
    Aldridge, the Mayor of the City of Salisbury, the Honourable Jack
    Snelling MP, Treasurer of South Australia, the Honourable Jennifer
    Rankine MP, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, the Honourable Tom
    Koutsantonis MP, Minister for Manufacturing, Innovation and Trade, Ms.

    Isobel Redmond MP, Leader of the Opposition, the Honourable Michael
    Atkinson MP, Member for Croydon, Ms. Leesa Vlahos MP, Member for
    Taylor, Ms. Vickie Chapman MP, Member for Bragg, the Honourable
    Jing Lee MLC, Parliamentary Secretary to the Shadow Minister
    for Multicultural Affairs, Mr. Tony Zappia MP, Federal Member for
    Makin, Mr. Nick Champion MP, Federal Member Wakefield, Mr. Christos
    Maniakis-Grivas, Consul-General of Greece in South Australia, Cr.

    Donna Proleta who is representing Cr. Chad Buchanan, Cr. Shiralee
    Reardon JP, Aunty Josie Agius, Mr. John Kiosoglous, Chairman,
    Ethnic Schools Board, Mr. Nick Chryssostomidis, President of Pontian
    Federation of Australia, Ms. Anna Volis, President of the Pontian
    Brotherhood of South Australia, Ms. Elena Harrison, President of the
    Armenian Cultural Association of South Australia, Mr. David David,
    President of Assyrian Australian National Federation, Mr. Paul Azzo,
    Adviser to the Assyrian Universal Alliance of Australia, Mr. Ben
    Jabro, Executive Board member of the Assyrian Universal Alliance
    of Australia, Mr. Hermiz Shahen, Deputy Secretary General of the
    Assyrian Universal Alliance, Mr. Hovig Melkonian, Representative of
    Armenian National Committee of Australia, Peter Louca, Chairman of
    the Justice of the Cyprus Coordinating Committee, Mr. Chris Ioannou,
    President of Cyprian Association, Mr. Andrew Steiner, sculptor and
    holocaust survivor, Mr. Louis Kalogiannidis, architect of the monument.

    Upon completion of the speeches all guests moved to the vicinity
    of the genocide monument to start the unveiling ceremony. After
    a blessing prayer by the Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church the
    formal proceedings began with the singing of the Australian, Greek,
    Armenian and Assyrian National Anthems. Then, the monument was
    unveiled with pride by representatives of the three organizations
    that had participated in the creation of this memorial.

    This great event has left a deep imprint in the memory and hearts of
    all those present who blessed this high convergence between the three
    nations in order to unify their call for justice and their efforts
    to obtain international recognition of the genocide committed against
    their people by the Ottoman Turks during World War I.

    During his speech, Mr. Hermiz Shahen thanked members of the Monument
    Project Committee, who worked diligently to bring this project
    to reality, particularly Ms. Anna Volis, President of the Pontian
    Brotherhood of South Australia and Ms. Elena Harrison, President
    of the Armenian Cultural Association of South Australia for their
    leadership and commitment to bring this project to fruition.

    Mr. Shahen Said, "Today's unveiling of this extraordinary monument,
    which honours the victims of the Greeks, Assyrian and Armenian
    genocide, is a significant event in the life of the three nations
    and our communities in Australia and abroad; communities that have
    been established as a direct result of the continuous assaults on
    their nations."

    For the Assyrians this memorial monument brings memories of one
    of the worst policies of systematic annihilation of human beings
    conducted against the Assyrian nation; a heartless campaign that
    almost eliminated our presence in Southeast Turkey. By 1918, nearly
    three quarters of a million Assyrians of different denominations had
    fallen victim to this mass murder conducted by the Ottoman Turks.

    Mr. Shahen urged the Australian Federal Government, as well as
    other countries, to condemn these heinous acts committed against the
    Christian citizens of Anatolia and to pressure Turkey to acknowledge
    and apologise for the atrocities that its Ottoman leaders committed
    against their Assyrian, Armenian and Pontic Greek citizens during
    World War I. "Let us recognize and condemn these acts for what they
    are: genocide" Mr. Shahen said.

    Ms. Anna Volis, thanked all government departments, institutions and
    volunteers who contributed to the success of this project. She blessed
    the convergence that delivered this remarkable achievement, which
    was the result of the ongoing work between the three communities of
    the Armenians, Pontian Greeks and Assyrians. She strongly encouraged
    our institutions worldwide follow the lead in unifying our voices
    in demanding the recognition of the genocide that was perpetrated
    against all Christian peoples in Anatolia by the Ottoman Turkey.

    In her address, Ms. Elena Harrison made reference to the dramatic
    story behind the construction of the Genocide Memorial in Yerevan,
    Armenia, when Kremlin finally agreed to allow a genocide memorial to
    be built. The former Soviet Union allowed only half the finance and
    a short time to build such a large memorial. Armenians feared that
    Moscow would cancel the project any minute. But a miracle happened.

    Without invitation or demand, people came in busloads from different
    regions and cities of Armenia in order to lend a hand. Most of them
    were descendants of Armenians who had lived in different regions of
    Turkish Western Armenia. Whatever work they did, they did it with
    pleasure and when they had nothing to do they sang patriotic songs.

    They used the same indomitable spirit that helped us survive through
    the dark pages of our history. And, I can proudly say that this spirit
    is still alive today not just in the Armenian community here in South
    Australia, but with my Pontian Greek and Assyrian brothers and sisters.

    Ms. Elena ended her words by saying, "my hope is that this monument
    in Salisbury, South Australia, will become a shrine for our three
    nations to remember our fallen ancestors."

    PO Box 34, Fairfield NSW 1860 Australia E-mail:
    [email protected]
