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US prepares for civil war and WW III

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  • US prepares for civil war and WW III

    The Nation (AsiaNet)
    May 25, 2012 Friday

    US prepares for civil war and WW III

    by Mujahid Kamran - Email: [email protected]
    Vol. XXVI No. 95

    The cabal of international banking families that controls the US and
    the UK by controlling their money-line through privately owned central
    banks, the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System, and by
    utilising the subversive services of secret and overt societies and
    bodies established and funded by them, is rapidly taking mankind to
    the third, and presumably the final, world war. Their objective is the
    establishment of a global dictatorship under their iron control and
    they are not willing to back off one inch from the target set by them
    over a couple of centuries ago.

    In order to achieve their target, they have passed laws that have done
    away with civil liberties and freedom of speech in the Western
    countries. Simultaneously, they are destroying the middle class of the
    US and other advanced countries because it is the middle class that
    fight for values of freedom of speech and expression. Religious faith
    has been on their hit list for decades because religion makes people
    strong and gives them the ability to resist dictators. Ironically, it
    is the middle class that has been, through its creativity, the source
    of most power that is now in the hands of this elite.

    The middle class can, from now on, be dispensed with. It must either
    submit, or face ruthless suppression, or, in another mode of
    disappearance, become cannon fodder for war along with the poor masses
    with which it is increasingly being merged by design. Domestic spying
    through gadgets and inventions produced dominantly by the middle
    class, is now used to continually monitor everyone. Every email, every
    scrap of correspondence, every phone call, and every form of
    communication between people is now monitored and intercepted
    "legally" as well as illegally. The most horrific domestic spying laws
    have been passed in the US on the pretext of providing "security"
    against a managed "terrorism".

    In the US, over eight million homes have been foreclosed since 2007,
    driving tens of millions out into tent cities or streets, leading
    vagabond lives. The number of foreclosed homes is expected to rise to
    10 million by the end of 2012. This tragedy in which tens of millions
    have been rendered homeless and hungry by design is unreported by the
    mainstream media. The great propaganda organs of the elite, like New
    York Times and Fox News, are silent! The editors and reporters know
    who owns them and pays them. They can concoct, distort and merge fact
    and fiction without batting an eyelid! In this propagation of
    falsehood, they have the guidance of the most sophisticated scientific
    institutes. All they want to do is to frighten people and raise war
    hysteria, so that the agenda for dictatorship at home and war abroad
    can be pursued.

    Instead of telling the truth about its own society, the US media is
    shamelessly concerned with propaganda about "atrocities" in countries
    that are to be, or have just been, destroyed by the US and allied
    forces at the command of the elite. Many of these so-called atrocities
    have been manipulated by the US and British proxies, and many have not
    taken place. The US media that does not fail to report the slightest
    stir, real or concocted, in Syria or Iran, that sang songs of the
    manipulated Arab Spring, has generally blacked out the news of Occupy
    Wall Street protests. Any reporting, if at all, of this "Wall Street
    Spring" has been in the form of ridicule, scorn and contempt.

    It has been reported that recently the Department of Homeland Security
    (DHS) of the USA has placed an order for 450 million bullets, enough
    for a seven-year war! These bullets, purchased at the expense of US
    taxpayers, will be used to quell hungry and rioting masses. Some of
    the riots will be incited by the agencies. This will be done under the
    command of the banking cabal so as to unleash repressive measures
    after confusing the public. The bullets ordered are "hollow point"
    bullets that offer "optimum penetration for terminal procedures."

    The US Ambassador to Israel has recently stated that the plans to
    attack Iran had been completed. The Congress is considering
    legislation that has a clause, whereby the US may attack Iran if it
    achieves nuclear "capability". The word "capability" is vague and once
    the legislation is passed, the road to attack in Iran will be open -
    regardless of whether or not it becomes a nuclear power. It has also
    been reported that Russia anticipates an attack on Iran during the
    current year and has drawn plans to move its troops to Iran through
    Georgia to Armenia. The former Russian Ambassador to Nato, Dmitry
    Rogozin, has clearly stated that an attack on Iran "is a direct threat
    to our security." China has already said that it might have to wage
    war to save Iran.
    On May 7, 2012, it was reported that President Dmitry Medvedev had
    stated that Russia will retaliate militarily if does not arrive at any
    agreement with the US and Nato on the Missile Defence Shield being
    erected near its borders. General Nikolai Makarov, the Russian Chief
    of General Staff, was quoted as having stated: "A decision to use
    destructive force pre-emptively will be taken if the situation

    On May 14, 2012, it was reported that Mr Putin has cancelled a
    scheduled meeting with Obama and has announced that he will not attend
    the G-8 Summit. The announcement was made after Obama security aide
    told Putin that the "the world may be about to end." This is,
    obviously, a veiled threat of a world war. In a tit for tat, it was
    announced that Obama would not attend the annual Asia-Pacific Summit
    being held in Vladivostok in September 2012.

    It is clear that the controllers of the US are determined to attack
    Iran come what may and this will mean the inevitable involvement of
    Russia and China in the conflict. This conflict is not likely to end
    quickly, nor will anyone be able to control the outcome. Russia and
    China cannot sit idly by and let the 'controllers' capture every major
    energy resource and cripple them.

    The writer is the vice chancellor of the University of the Punjab.
