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Karabakh peace settlement formula

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  • Karabakh peace settlement formula

    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    May 28 2012

    Karabakh peace settlement formula

    By Alexei Vlasov, exclusively to VK

    Experts participating in the discussion on the possible ways to settle
    the Nagorno-Karabakh have recently returned to the formula `territory
    in exchange for access to the regional energy and infrastructure
    projects'. The conflict resolving potential of this formula is being

    There is no doubt that the formula could be used as one of the
    components of the negotiation process: in this case each party gets a
    certain compensation for the inevitable concessions. So this pragmatic
    formula could help all the participants of the negotiation to `save
    face', and it is important mostly for the Armenian side, as any
    territorial concessions would mean a revision of the Karabakh war
    results for Yerevan.

    According to the Russian and EU experts, there is a certain progress
    in the Armenia-Karabakh-Azerbaijan dialog, even though not on the
    official level. However, in the recent year and a half the experts who
    suggest possible ways of the conflict resolution have achieved a
    certain progress.

    However, today's level of trust is still insufficient to implement
    these new initiatives. And it might take quite a while before the
    experts' ideas would be taken up by the governments. And of course, a
    long and careful preparation of the public opinion to these new
    decisive steps should take place first.

    Of course, the home politics context is of great importance. Any
    compromise in the matters of the Azeri-Armenian elections could weaken
    Serge Sarksyan's authority. And there's yet another issue: the topics
    of Nagorno-Karabakh and of Armenian genocide are sort of cementing
    ideas for the world's Armenian diaspora. And if official Yerevan
    renounces at least one of these components, it could cause serious
    difficulties in its relations between the Armenian political elite and
    the diaspora.

    And there's the third thing: how will the reconciliation process (if
    it was to start) influence Armenia's relations with Russia? For today,
    the answer to this question is vague at best. So the experts should
    also pay more attention to this topic, and any of the Russian or the
    EU expert public forums could be used for that. The information
    background of the conflict in general should also be changes, and the
    first issue here is the issue of trust. Of course, the presence of
    economic stimulus is not enough to bring the positions of the two
    parties closer together, but with time and with improvement of the
    information background the realization of the experts' ideas id quite
