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Agbu Trip To Karabagh Marks Beginning Of 87th General Assembly Week

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  • Agbu Trip To Karabagh Marks Beginning Of 87th General Assembly Week

    News | November 1, 2012 10:14 am

    AGBU delegates gather in front of the iconic Armenian monument "We
    Are Our Mountains" during a three-day trip to the Republic of Nagorno
    Karabagh that kicked off the organization's biennial General Assembly.

    STEPANAKERT - On Sunday, October 14, Armenian General Benevolent Union
    (AGBU) delegates and guests, under the leadership of AGBU President
    Berge Setrakian, departed for a three-day trip to the Republic of
    Nagorno Karabagh (NKR or Artsakh). There, they became acquainted
    with NKR's social-economic situation and local AGBU projects, met
    with public figures, and visited Shushi and Gandzasar.

    The highlight of the trip was a meeting with President Bako Sahakyan
    and members of the NKR government held the next day. Sahakyan welcomed
    the AGBU delegates, expressed his gratitude for the organization's
    work in NKR and provided a thorough status update on the economy,
    focusing on areas such as agriculture, hydro-electricity, mining
    and tourism. In turn, Setrakian thanked him for the briefing, his
    leadership and his focus on building the economy and improving the
    educational infrastructure.

    Both past and future projects were discussed, including a new
    AGBU complex, composed of 30,000 square feet of land, located in
    the center of Stepanakert, which is being spearheaded by AGBU in
    partnership with the American University of Armenia (AUA) and the
    TUMO Center for Creative Technologies. Through the AUA Extension
    Program, NKR students will have the opportunity to attend specialized
    courses at the center that focus on English language improvement and
    preparation for university entrance exams, specifically the GRE/GMAT
    and TOEFL. The program will also offer courses in management, tourism
    development, media technologies and more. The TUMO Center will also
    play an important role, offering educational experiences to NKR youth
    interested in creative and broadcast technologies. Additionally,
    the center will be home to both a chess club and an academy for young
    musicians. As Setrakian noted, the project will create an attractive
    environment for Karabagh's youth to enjoy the opportunities of
    developing their talents while remaining in their homeland.

    The visit culminated on Monday evening by a concert by the Karabagh
    Chamber Orchestra, the highly talented group which the AGBU founded
    in 2004 and has supported ever since.
