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A Big Deposit To Be Exploited In Nagorno Karabakh Republic

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  • A Big Deposit To Be Exploited In Nagorno Karabakh Republic


    Thursday, November 1, 16:49

    Active preparations are underway in the area of Kashen (Tsakhkashen)
    deposit in Martakert region, NKR, to launch ore recovery within the
    coming two years. ArmInfo's correspondent to Stepanakert reports that
    in March 2012 the NKR Government and Vallex Group signed an agreement
    to organize ore mining activity on the Kashen deposit covering an area
    of 820 ha. Base Metals Company, part of Vallex Group, will exploit
    the deposits. Since 2002 the company has been exploiting also Drmbon
    gold mine in the same region.

    Base Metals Director General Arthur Mkrtumyn told NKR TV and Radio
    Company that the company will be experiencing certain difficulties due
    to the decreasing reserves in the Drmbon mine within 2013. However,
    with the production on the Kashen deposit, the company will show an
    industrial growth. "A big ore mining enterprise will be established
    in Kashen, which will become the leading industrial enterprise for
    decades," Mkrtumyan said. Vallex Group Company plans nearly 80 million
    dollars investments in development of the mine for 10 years.

    Specialists say that the Kashen deposit is not as rich in gold as
    the Drmbon deposit, but its copper and molybdenum reserves will
    allow launching large-scale production. Drmbon combine produces up
    to 350,000 tons of ore annually, while the Kashen enterprises will
    process nearly 1 million 600,000 tons of ore annually by preliminary
    calculations. Within 10 years nearly 17 million tons of ore with over
    20% copper concentrate will be processed. Ore reserves are estimated
    at several dozens of millions of tons. With the development of the new
    mine, many local residents will get jobs. A total of 1200 jobs will
    be created. Ore mining industry in NKR has been developed since 2002.

    Base Metals Company is the biggest taxpayer in NKR. Its share in
    total industrial produce is 40% and in exports - over 70%.
