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"The Results Of The Elections Won'T Change The Situation In Armenia"

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  • "The Results Of The Elections Won'T Change The Situation In Armenia"


    Vestnik Kavkaza
    Nov 1 2012

    David Stepanyan, Yerevan. Exclusively to Vestnik Kavkaza

    The member of the administration of Armenian All-National Movement,
    the head of the parliamentary committee on international affairs of
    Armenia in 1995-1999, the expert of the European Business Association
    on Investment and Market Access Affairs, Ovanes Igityan, told Vestnik
    Kavkaza about peculiarities of the investment climate in Armenia
    ahead of the incoming presidential elections.

    - Armenia went up by 18 points in the rating of the World Bank Doing
    Business for 2013 - from 50th to 32nd place. Is this rather high
    place reflecting the real climate established by control bodies for
    doing business in Armenia?

    - Even the 32nd place in the Doing Business rating is not enough
    for changing the tendency of reduction of direct investments into
    Armenia. Only countries which managed to attract investments from
    abroad were able to cope with the crisis. Even the US which has
    always had the strategy of investment export, market penetration
    and increase of a political factor in other states and continents
    considers attraction of investments into American economy today. It
    means an importance of direct and indirect investments. The wave of
    patriotism covered Armenian Diaspora under Robert Kocharyan has gone. A
    contemporary businessman from Diaspora can be attracted only by certain
    rules of business, rather than by pressure on his patriotic feelings.

    We have to withdraw stereotypes. For example, it is thought that the
    Armenian market is too small and it is difficult to attract investors
    here. However, it is obvious that a lot of spheres are waiting for
    investments, for instance, tourism. The real problem is not the size of
    the market, but its underdevelopment. Our market is still not regulated
    enough. Our Association together with the European Commission tried
    to improve the business-climate of Armenia. But the government often
    acts as if investors need this more than Armenian economy.

    - So you see no governmental contribution to the promotion of the
    nvestment attraction of Armenia?

    - The Armenian government deals with accounting rather than with
    ideology and a strategy of economic development. There are a series
    of directions which have to be developed by the state in favor of
    better economy: IT, technoparks across the country. But it is not
    implemented. Moreover, many consider Armenian economy which is based
    on private transfers as a developed economic model. The banking system
    is working for transfers, transfers are spent for goods which provide
    the budged with taxes. The government doesn't mind about increase
    of transfers and, therefore, promotes export of labor forces through
    recruiting agencies. At the same time, they forget that the historic
    experience led to development of skills of Armenians and as the result
    Armenian communities in other countries, despite their paucity, have
    much more professional specialists and successful businessmen than
    other ethnic-groups. The state has to plan and divide robbery from
    development, avoiding robbery projects. Armenia has no lack of money
    which is confirmed by expenses by our politicians and tycoons abroad.

    - But here we can speak not only about expenses, but also

    - Many of them try to invest into foreign countries because they
    don't want to connect their future with Armenia. However, they often
    fail to invest abroad -they lack knowledge, including language. Their
    capitals are a dead-weight. At the same time, Kazakhstan which has
    much more resources is actively developing legislation on regulation
    of concessional projects and investment security. Few citizens of
    Kazakhstan invest into foreign economies and prefer investment into
    their own country. Despite huge volumes of energy resources, Kazakhstan
    implements the European system of electricity saving, which is much
    recommended for Armenia importing energy. This sphere is waiting for
    investments. There is only one obstacle - the Armenian business-climate
    is too far from European standards. Even the closed border with Turkey
    is not the point. We shouldn't encourage a foreign investor to the
    prejudice of an Armenian investor. Today business depends on whether a
    businessman has certain contacts, on a bureaucrat who interferes with
    your business. The role of a person is bigger that the role of the law.

    - Will the results of the presidential elections in February change
    the situation?

    - I don't think so, considering the way how Armenia conducts
    elections. If everything remains the same, we will have no elections
    in a European, civilized sense in 2013. The visual part of the
    presidential elections will be presented perfectly. But people will
    come, throw ballots into ballot-boxes for money or under pressure of
    the authorities. Today political forces are considered in Armenia as
    participants of the elections; people forget that the main participant
    is the society which is absolutely indifferent these days. It is easy
    to manipulate by a passive society, given presence of money and an
    administrative resource.

    There are a lot of factors which are able to wake the Armenian society
    up: beating soldiers, murders in army, the crime in Arsnakar, impudence
    of politicians appointing their children to state positions, weakness
    of laws. But the waking-up is not happening. As the result the power
    will get as much votes as it wants.
